The Labour Party has diligently ignored, abused and discriminated against England in order to curry favour with the North Britons since 1997. They have given them thousands of pounds per head every year in public spending over and above what your average English person receives. They have given them their own government, kept their country united (whilst dividing England in regions) and even allowed North British Law to extend into England in the case of the River Tweed. All this to secure North British vote and ensure that Labour gets the support it needs to continue its minority rule of England.
The YouGov poll commissioned by the Sunday Times and published today must therefore be slightly worrying for the architects of the British apartheid system. The poll shows that 44% of North Britons want independence with only 42% favouring the status-quo. In an ICM poll commissioned in 2000, only 23% wanted independence. The poll also shows the SNP neck-and-neck with Labour and the leader of the SNP, Alex Salmond, is more popular than the Labour First Minister, Jack McConnell.
Labour have made their beds and now they can sleep in them.
Its getting very bad, this Scots hatred of and all things English.
Last night whist watching Last night of the Proms, the connection/link
with Scotland from Glasgow was pulled before the singing of God Save the Queen.
You know what this means dont you, that the Scots are no longer prepared to sing the BRITISH national anthem. The BBC will probably say it was a technical fault because they are a bunch of bloody liars. To me it was no coincidence and it wasn’t a fault, it was deliberate.
I hope the SNP beats Liebour next may and solve this issue for good.
When they sang Jerusalem they did both London venues, Swansea and Manchester but not Glasgow or Belfast.
[…] Chairman Blair sucks up to the North Britons for votes even though the majority of them now want independence whilst a small number of them are threatening to poison England’s water supply. […]
But, um, aren’t you campaigning for English independence? Surely you should be pleased about this. And shouldn’t you be campaiging for your own anthems?
I’m not campaigning for independence, just equality,