The boss of Tesco has come out “fighting” for the union claiming that the earth will fall of its axis, a pox will fall upon us all and our children will all be eaten by mutant polar bears who have flown south for the summer if the SNP wins the Scottish Parliament elections on May 3rd.
Ok, I may have made up some of that but you get the gist.
Would it surprise you to learn that the boss of Tesco is an old friend of Tony Bliar and Scottish? No? Me either.
Telford is in the midlands and the main Tesco store here has a Scottish version of most of their own-brand products sitting next to “British” versions. Tesco have already admitted that anything with a British flag on is English but refuse to put the English flag on.
Even if the SNP don’t win control of the Scottish Parliament, as they say in Tesco – every little helps.
Just another reason to not shop at Tesco in my view.
Whilst being forced to go round Asda I noticed that they have an English flag on their cheese. I didn’t notice if there wehere anymore English f;ags on other products as I’d lost the will to live by then