
! This post hasn't been updated in over a year. A lot can change in a year including my opinion and the amount of naughty words I use. There's a good chance that there's something in what's written below that someone will find objectionable. That's fine, if I tried to please everybody all of the time then I'd be a Lib Dem (remember them?) and I'm certainly not one of those. The point is, I'm not the kind of person to try and alter history in case I said something in the past that someone can use against me in the future but just remember that the person I was then isn't the person I am now nor the person I'll be in a year's time.

A 4 year old girl was tortured to death by her mum and her mum’s boyfriend.  When the paramedics turned up they found her with over 100 injuries including fag burns, bruises and bites that had been inflicted over the period of a month.

What sort of punishment is suitable for the kind of people who can torture a young child like that?  Personally, I’d pulls out all the stops – public humiliation, corporal punishment and then I’d have them executed.  They tortured and then killed a 4 year old child, no punishment can reflect what they did.

Alternatively, they could be given a life sentence with a minimum term of 23 years in prison.  What a fucking joke.

I just can’t get this out of my head.  When Social Services were called by a neighbour they went to the house and noted that the girl never left the house and that she had no toys and all she had to play with were a cup and a hair bobble.  Social Services advised the mother to send the girl to nursery and closed the case.  A month later, the girl had been tortured to death.

A four year old child with no toys – that’s not normal.  A four year old child that never left the house – that’s not normal.  Why the hell was nothing done?  Alarm bells should have been ringing.


  1. M Anderson (47 comments) says:

    You’re right, something should have been done. The trouble is loony left wing twats are more interested in arguing the toss with supposedly evil English folks than looking at what’s happening to defenceless English girls. I dare say, ther is someone, somewhere who quite likes the idea of there being one less Englander!
    In my experience, social workers become social workers ‘cos they have a chip on their shoulders about how they’re going to change the world. I have met many such people. You know the sort. People who are always right…about everything. Self-rightous busy bodies who like to tell others what they can and cant do. The sort of cunts you want to fuckin’ hammer after being within earshot of them for 5 seconds.
    Why did it happen? Unfortunately, the English have been attacked constantly for decades. Both as a nation and as individuals. We are attacked collectively about the British empire, slavery, colonisation ane being racist. We are attacked individually on the local level by various organisations including the CRE and such like. I feel like a lot of English people feel alienated and have done for years. How can anyone feel normal under these circumstances? I am not making excuses for the parents; merely pointing out WHY I think things like this happen. Essentially, some people cant take all the anti-Englishness and act accordingly!

    Of course no official will be be to blame for this evil! Typical loony left attitude.
    You know we really need to change what’s going on in England!

  2. KeithS (80 comments) says:

    As M Anderson says “Of course no official will be be to blame for this evil!”
    Then the concerned-looking council official responsible for this disgusting mess will sit in front of the TV cameras and mouth the usual platitudes…we will learn from this…a review is being undertaken…this was during a previous office holder’s tenure…we are all guilty…society must come to terms…it was unfortunate…more resources are needed…yah bloody yah bloody yah. We’ve heard it all so many times. Nothing ever gets done, no-one is ever sacked or even named.
    But so long as no-one flies the racist English flag, and we have sufficient equal-opportunities officials, and we supply official forms printed in every language under the sun, all will be well.

  3. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    I found this case particularly disturbing, as anyone with an ounce of humanity would. I didn’t read or listen to details about the case as I found it too upsetting, but the fact that Social Services did fuck all indicates that social workers are not all busybodies.

    I cannot see how anti-Englishness would cause someone to “act accordingly” and horrifically abuse a child, M Anderson.

  4. M Anderson (47 comments) says:

    C. Marks,

    “I cannot see how anti-Englishness would cause someone to “act accordingly” and horrifically abuse a child”

    I thought I explained it already. Let me slightly more explicit!

    So you think all the negative shite over many years has had no ill effect on English people? If people are treated like dogs for long enough they’ll act like dogs. It’s called the self-fulfilling prophecy mate!
    Respect begets respect and likewise, if you grow up seeing nothing but negativity about yourself (White (English) people are responsible for ALL the ills of the world – past and present – according to the CRE, BBC, LABOUR PARTY. That is despite one ROBERT MUGABE murdering people willy nilly. What about Dafur? What about the middle east? What about Iraq? What about South Africa? What about Columbia? What about Russia? What about Asia? People are being killed all over the world but it’s the English who ARE STILL to blame for everything! Rubbish!),
    your country (England is responsible for slavery, bigotry, colonisation, the Empire etc),
    your colour(Blue eyed devils, white supremacists, “racist” british empire etc),
    your flag (Butchers apron etc),
    your culture(“English booze culture”, Only English football fans drink and fight? Crap. Anyone who has been to an England away match anywhere knows this is a lie! Their is no English culture/it’s crap/there is no english cooking/music etc),
    your football team (EVERY England manager, no matter who he is, is attacked constantly. Oh but that’s all coincidence no doubt! Bollocks it is!),
    your ancestors (The Anglo Saxons were just drunkards and thick with it. The Normans made England. That’s according to anti-English so-called “historians”. England was thriving way before the Normans had their lucky break in 1066),
    and your ethnicity (There is no English nation – Useless, nasty SOCIALIST c*nt Prescott) you’ll be changed by it.

    And of course you would spout this, well, i dont see how that leads to that rubbish. Answer me a question? Are you a communist?

  5. Charlie Marks (365 comments) says:

    Does anyone really blame the English for all those things? I certainly don’t.

    The butcher’s apron refers to the Union flag, not the St George’s Cross, by the way.

    Oh, and to answer your question, I am a Marksist.

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