Archive for November 2007

Musharraf opposition arrested

General Musharraf, the soon-to-be-ex-president of Pakistan, has had opposition leaders arrested.

Imran Khan, the Pakistan cricketer turned politician, has been placed under house arrest and the leader of the main opposition party has been arrested and taken away.

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has been removed from his position for refusing to endorse Musharraf’s emergency order and the Supreme Court is surrounded by troops.

The Attorney-General of Pakistan said that the civillian government was still in place.  With a mad general at the helm arresting opponents, banning freedom of the press and banning the courts from rescinding his emergency order giving himself absolute power over the country.

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A Conswervative with balls?

Nigel Hastilow, Conswervative candidate for Halesowen & Rowley Regis and fellow Witanagemot member, has found himself in hot water with the wet blankets at the Conswervative Party for daring to mention immigration.

In an article in the Express & Star, Hastilow said that the issue most people in his constituency were concerned about was immigration.  He went on the say that most of his prospective constituents think that Enoch Powell was right when he made his rivers of blood speech which said that mass immigration would change the country irrevocably.  Hastilow said “He was right.  It has changed dramatically”.

Liebour have called for him to be sacked and he’s been summoned to a meeting with Caroline Spelman, Conswervative Party chairman after calls for him to be deselected.

But he’s right.  Mass immigration has changed this country irrevocably.  England is a completely different place now to what it was 60 or 70 years ago, not just because of changes in technology but in society.  A far left Liebour think tank has pronouced that Christmas should be deliberately “marginalised” to give equal importance to other religious occassions brought to this country by immigrants.  Schools now have to employ multi-lingual teachers so they can teach the increasing number of children who don’t speak English.  Christmas is either ignored or called stupid names like “Winterval” to be inclusive of foreign cultures.  Muslim prisoners are sueing a prison for offering them ham sandwiches during Rammadan.

Things like this would never have happened back in the 50’s and 60’s but now it’s common place.  In that respect Enoch Powell was right and Hastilow is absolutely justified in saying so.  If the simple act of telling the truth is so offensive to Liebour, the Conswervatives or the immigrant population of Halesowen & Rowley Regis then there is something very long with society.

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My first WordPress plugin: Blockquotes with rounded corners

Blockquotes can be formatted using but one thing you can’t do with pure CSS is put rounded borders on your blockquotes.

You can insert a box with rounded corners if you are happy to do the HTML but would you really want to do that with every post on your blog?

Well, the good news is, you don’t have to with this BlockQuotes plugin for WordPress.

[quote]This is what you get using the default graphics but you can easily customise it to fit in with your site style.[/quote]

Despite the name “BlockQuotes”, the rounded corner effect isn’t actually produced with a blockquote tag (what you get when you click the wpbqbttn.png button).  What it actually does is replace all instances of [quote] and [/quote] with several divs to build up the box where the blockquote would normally go.  It will also do the same for blockquote tags although you can turn this off.

There are a couple of things to bear in mind when using this plugin:

  • If you don’t close your tags properly then it will probably mess up your template but WordPress will do that everywhere, not just with this plugin.
  • If you have a floated image that overlaps the blockquote, it will sit over the top of the image rather than wrapping round the overlapped part of the image like a proper blockquote.
  • Nested blockquotes look crap with this plugin.  Why would you want to use nested blockquotes though, they look crap!
  • If you add any parameters (such as style or cite) to your blockquote tag, it won’t convert your blockquote.

Anyway, give it a whirl and see what you think.  Download the plugin, unzip the contents, copy the blockquotes.php file to /wp-content/plugins and then activate it.  Simple as that, no initial customisation required as the plugin looks here for the images unless you tell it to look elsewhere.  The default images are in the zip file with the plugin if you want to host them yourself or use them as a template to base your own images on.

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Martial Law in Pakistan

Pakistan has been placed under martial law after General Musharraf decided not to take the risk of losing a legal ruling on whether he can stand as president in an election whilst remaining head of the armed forces.

Musharraf siezed power in a military coup but because it suited the Americans – he allowed them to use Pakistan in their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan – blind eyes were turned and he’s still in power now.

Supreme Court judges were due to rule next week whether it is lawful for Musharraf to be president and head of the armed forces at the same time.

Rather than wait for the outcome of the Supreme Court hearing, Musharraf has declared a state of emergency, suspended the constitution, taken private TV and radio off air and put troops on the street.  Troops have been stationed inside the Surpreme Court and outside TV stations.

General Musharraf would do well to remember that the Americans turned a blind eye to the Taleban taking over Afghanistan when it suited them and they were fighting the commies.  As soon as they were no longer useful they dropped them like hot cakes and later … well, we all know what happened later!

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UKIP night out

I went to a UKIP fundraising dinner last night at Patshull Park near Wolverhampton.  The food was fantastic and the comedian was very funny.

The event was hosted by Peter Roberts, the guy who started the petition against road pricing that got 1.8m signatures.  Mike Nattrass, the UKIP MEP for the West Midlands and Nigel Farage, the Leader of UKIP, also came.  Nigel Farage’s speech was excellent – energetic and unscripted.  Can you imagine No Mandate Brown or David Camoron giving a thumping, unscripted speech to a room full of people – only 30% of which were party members – and receiving cheers and applause from the whole room?

Nigel Farage was very approachable – not at all pretentious or full of self importance.

All in all, a good night out.

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Calls for Iain Bliar to resign

The Met Police have been found guilty of breaching health and safety laws by shooting Jean Charles De Menezes.

Rather than charging individual officers with murder, the Met as a “company” was prosecuted.

I don’t think that we really want to be setting a precedent of charging police officers for following orders – that way lies madness.  However, Sir Iain Bliar is the head of the Met and he was responsible for his officers when they shot an innocent Brazillian man on the tube and then shot him several times whilst he was dead on the ground and then lied about what happened.

Iain Bliar is a turd of the highest order but should he resign?

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How shameful that a child must beg for medicine

The first ever guest post on Wonko’s World courtesy of my good lady wife.  I’ll let her introduce herself …

My name is Lesley and I’m 32 years old with four children.  I am married to Wonko and am aka “Wonkoswife”.  You may not believe this but I am not really interested in politics and never have been.  I had never voted in my life until this year when I voted for Wonko in the local election.  As you can imagine, conversation dries up quite quickly in our house.  Most of what Wonko says either goes right over my head, or in one ear and straight out of the other.  However, on Tuesday, I decided that I would start to buy a newspaper every day to catch up on what is going on in the world.  I asked Wonkos advice and he said to get the Daily Mail. After only three days I am starting to understand what he has been ranting about for the past couple of years.  He’s asked me to write about one story that really caught my eye and actually upset me a bit.  I guess if you’re reading this, Wonko must have let my post get through his stringent editorial criteria!

The story was entitled “How shameful that a child must beg for medicine”.  A six year old girl called Chantelle Hill has been basically begging for money in her home town by putting up endless posters stating “please help me save my daddy”.  The reason she is doing this – her 45 year old “daddy” is dying of lung cancer.  So far Chantelle has raised more than £4000 to help buy the drug Tarceva, a drug that will help keep her father alive.  Chantelle’s father is too weak to undergo any more chemotherapy and the drug will help improve and prolong his life according to doctors.   However, The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence said the drug ‘was not an effective use of NHS resources’.  It is bad enough to hear that a six year old child is begging for money to keep her dad alive but even worse to hear that in Scotland, the drug is given free along with lots of other things.  The irony is that Chantelle’s dad is a taxpayer and therefore is probably paying for some man in Scotland to receive treatment that he is “unworthy” of receiving.  Who is going to explain to this child when she is older that her dad’s life was not as important to this country’s government as some other little girls dad in Scotland?  How can the government justify playing with peoples lives. What it all adds up to is that the government were willing to let this “daddy” die a painful death BECAUSE HE LIVES IN ENGLAND.  They were willing to let an innocent six year old child lose her father.  When is someone in Government going to raise their voice and stand up for the rights of English people?   When is someone going to make us feel valued and welcome in our own country instead of treating us like lesser human beings?  Who is going to stand in Government and make everyone see that we are damn proud to be English?

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Euro Realist Newsletter

You can download the November edition of the Euro Realist newsletter here.

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Evesham Observer: Debate over WW2 continues

This was in the Evesham Observer last night (thanks to Dunc for the heads up) …

[quote]DAVID Bridgewater should check his facts (Observer letters last week).
The “generous support” from the Americans following the Second World War came in the form of a loan which the English taxpayer finally finished paying at the end of last year.

If the billions it was costing us to stay part of the United States of Europe was in the form of an interest bearing loan we would be looking forward to hundreds of millions of pounds a year in interest and loan repayments. We certainly wouldn’t have to worry about the £4bn deficit in the NHS bricks and mortar budget that’s just been announced – a couple of years worth of repayments would pay for that!

Mr Bridgewater might be happy to hand over billions of pounds to prop up the bankrupt economies of our masters on the continent but he is the exception, not the rule. The claim that the EU has brought peace to the continent is proven by recent history to be completely inaccurate. How many millions were killed in the Balkans? How many millions are still being killed in Georgia which is in the middle of the world’s quietist civil war? It wasn’t all that long ago that the UK had to send warships into the North Sea to protect our fishermen from Iceland.

The EU is a sham and we are better off out of it.

Stuart Parr (no relation to Stan!)

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