Archive for January 2008

Telford & Wrekin Question Time

Telford & Wrekin Council are holding a Question Time event at Oakengates Theatre.

The show will be hosted by Eric Smith, BBC Radio Shropshire presenter and Councillors will be answering questions.

If you live in Telford & Wrekin you can book online for a ticket or you can book over the phone on 01952 380131.  Anyone wishing to specify their ethnicity as English will need to phone to book a ticket because, although the online form allows you to write an “Other” ethnicity, it still requires you to tick one of the ethnicities in the list which kind of defeats the object!

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For any Orthodox Christians out there …

?????????? ?????????
???? ????????????

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Army takes to streets of Naples

No, Italy hasn’t decided to have another war with itself, they’re cleaning up rubbish.

A couple of weeks ago dustmen stopped collecting rubbish because the landfill sites were all full and there was nowhere else to take the rubbish.  There are now 100,000 tonnes of rubbish on the streets causing fires and protests.

The problem is that every time the authorities try to build an incinerator to ease the pressure on landfill sites, the local mob (the Camorra) sabbotage it.  The mobsters use the landfill site to dump illegal waste and toxic materials.  I imagine a few bodies make their way to the dumps as well from time to time.

Luckily, Federal Europe has stepped in to sort the problem out.  They’ve told the Italian government to get it sorted in a week or they’ll fine them.  That’ll help.

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Brown interfering in English NHS again

No Mandate Brown has announced that the (English) NHS will start offering health screening for heart disease, strokes and kidney disease as well as increasing the screening for some types of cancer.

Health screening is good but it’s still wrong the Gordon Brown is interfering in the English NHS.  He has no say over the NHS in his own constituency in Scotland and whether it’s a “good” or “bad” thing that he’s doing, he still has no mandate.

However, there is little point in offering health screening if there is nothing to back it up with.  The English NHS is underfunded and the service provided is inferior to that in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  What is the point in getting an early diagnosis for cancer if you can’t get the right treatment because you live in England and not Scotland?

I don’t care whether this is, on balance, a positive move or not – Gordon Brown has no mandate to interfere with the English NHS.  If he wants to meddle with the NHS then he should stand for election to the Scottish Parliament where his constituents can give him a mandate over the Scottish NHS.

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Gas & Electric, Federal Europe and the great global warming scam

nPower has just bumped its prices for gas and electricity up by quite a sizeable amount because of “rising energy prices”.

The boss of nPower was on the telly the other day saying that we just have to get used to the fact that prices will keep on rising significantly and, of course, he’s right.  We may have the choice to change to another provider but gas and electricity are not a luxury.  The suppliers all sit around watching each other, waiting for one to put up their prices and then they all put them up to match.  Usually it’s British Gas that put their prices up first, presumably to encourage customers onto a fixed price tariff.

But it’s wrong to say that it’s all down to “rising energy prices” because it’s not.

The hysteria that has been whipped up by the British government, eco-terrorists and “scientists” who make a living out of inventing climate change data, has forced electricity suppliers to start looking at renewable energy.  It’s a token gesture because we can’t possibly satisfy our energy needs by wind farms and solar panels – they are unreliable, uneconomical and completely unviable.  But they have to build them to satisfy the demands of those customers that get a warm fuzzy feeling if they think the electricity they’ve got coming into their home is “green” and the British government which is doing everything it can to wring a few more billion pounds of “green” taxes out of electricity suppliers.

Federal Europe has a hand in this as well, of course.  As DK points out, the “Renewals Obligation” requires at least £1bn to be spent on building wind farms and other types of renewable energy and the cost of Federal Europe’s Carbon Trading scheme – where companies can sell parts of their allowance on carbon emmissions to other companies – is about £6bn.  The additional £7bn being spent on the carbon emmissions/global warming fantasy will be passed on to customers on top of the “rising energy prices”.  Federal Europe is also talking about putting tariffs on cheap goods from emerging economies like China and India because of their carbon emissions.

We would be cushioned more from the “rising energy prices” if our fellow European Soviet Socialist Republics didn’t hike up the price of gas and electricity they supply to us.  In direct contravention of Federal Europe’s rules, gas and electricity suppliers on the continent artificially inflate the price of what they supply to the UK.  This isn’t to cover the cost of actually supplying to us, it’s on the actual price of the gas and electricity itself.  And this is done with the full support of their own governments, further evidence of the fact that the UK remains part of Federal Europe solely for the purpose of financing it.

This obsession with the myth of man-made climate change is slowly killing our economy and it will only get worse.  Debate on the causes of climate change are closed down immediately despite all the evidence showing it to be naturally occurring.  Eco-terrorists like Al Gore and Greenpeace claim the argument is won and there is no room for debate.  In November, Margaret Beckett said that climate change deniers were like Islamic terrorists and shouldn’t have access to the media.

Well the argument hasn’t been won and when the global economy is fucked, people like Gore and Beckett will be the ones responsible.  But that’s what the eco-terrorists want – sandal wearing, bearded, left wing hippies want the worlds capitalist economies to collapse to pave the way for a global socialist state.  They don’t learn from history, you see.  They don’t look at every communist government the world has seen and realise that it just doesn’t work, that there will always be a ruling class and that they – the ones who have shown themselves to be rebellious – will be the first ones against the wall when the inevitable purge happens.

The only people that are benefitting from the global warming scam are the “scientists” and places like China and India where they don’t want to go back to being stone age hunter gatherers on the back of a discredited, artificially created scam.

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Exclusive: leaked design for new British flag

I can exclusively reveal the first draft of a new flag for the People’s Republic of New Britain – designed, according to my source at Downing Street, by Comrade Brown himself:

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Immigrants to get English lessons again

Not too long ago the British government stopped offering English lessons to immigrants saying that to offer the lessons to every immigrant was unsustainable.

They’ve caved in to pressure and are now offering them to immigrants English lessons but only if they are poor or socially excluded.

Ok, how about this.  Make them learn English before they are allowed to come and live here.  That way we don’t have to spend our taxes on teaching immigrants the language of our country before they are able to get a job and/or integrate with society.

And why are we letting people move to this country that are “poor and socially excluded”?  If they’re poor they will be reliant on the welfare state – what possible use is cheap foreign labour if the taxpayer has to pay them to live here?  Talk about false economy.

I’ve said this before and I stand by my comments – if you don’t speak English, don’t have any money, don’t have a job or you don’t have somewhere to live then you shouldn’t be allowed to migrate to this country.

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It has just come to my attention …

… that Iain Dale’s Guide to Political Blogs 2007-08 has me down as 31st in the top 100 non-aligned and 8th in the top 10 English blogs.

I don’t know what to say.  Thanks to everyone who nominated and voted for me.

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Shut up Camoron

Call Me Dave Camoron has declared the Conswervatives “the party of the NHS” and pledged to fine cash-strapped hospitals for every infection case they have.


The rise in “superbugs” in hospitals is down to a change in the way wards are run and cuts in cleaning and maintenance budgets because of the woeful underfunding of the English NHS.  Cleaning staff half-heartedly push a sweeper around the floor and nursing staff rub some anti-bacterial gel into their hands from time to time but that’s not enough.

Even 20 years ago you wouldn’t have seen stains on walls and ceilings on a ward or peeling paint in corridors.  You wouldn’t have seen dust on radiators and other flat surfaces.  Patients wouldn’t have had the same bedding for more than a day and you certainly wouldn’t have seen stained sheets on a bed.

The problem is down to money.  The NHS is under-funded but it still costs a fortune.  Every penny has to be accounted for and justified and performance targets are set to make sure that the money they get can provide a tangible benefit for the next election campaign.  All this bureaucracy, form filling and creative accounting requires batallions of managers, admin staff, bean counters and PR gurus.  Most of them don’t know the first thing about nursing or surgery and so they have to get the doctors and nurses to do their bean counting and form filling for them.  The introduction of so many new targets and the criticality of appearing to hit them in order to get more funding to cover costs means that managament of hospitals becomes more centralised with dictats being handed down from consultants, managers and directors instead of decisions being made on wards according to the needs of patients and staff.  Budgets are getting tighter, all the bureaucracy is costing more and costs need to be cut.  Nurses are no longer responsible for keeping their wards clean so contractors are brought in.  Money is tight so the cheapest bid wins.  It’s cheap for a reason.  Wards aren’t cleaned properly and the number of patients getting infections in hospitals goes up.  Patients are treated with antibiotics leading to the evolution of drug-resistant “superbugs” which end up killing patients.  Wards are closed, hospitals are sued and the budget gets even tighter.  You can see where this is all going …

The solution is to give the NHS the money it needs to provide a proper service but this doesn’t mean just giving them more money.  Money is wasted on unnecessary bureaucracy and the internal market.  Cutting down on the targets and centralised micro-management of the health service will free up resources to provide proper medical care.  The internal market – where hospitals buy services from other parts of the NHS as if they were seperate companies – should be scrapped.  It is a ridiculous concept that different parts of a public service should treat each other as if they were private companies and even aim to make a profit from each other.  It doesn’t encourage better financial management or better accountability – it just creates more pointless bureaucracy.  The NHS, like the state, needs to be scaled back significantly.  Waste and bureaucracy breeds more waste and bureaucracy.

Anyway, back to Camoron.  Fining hospitals every time they get a case of infection will deprive the NHS of much-needed cash compounding what is already a big problem for our under-funded hospitals.  Camoron really just needs to shut his trap because he clearly hasn’t got the faintest idea what it’s like in the real world.  He had a privileged upbringing, went to the same prep-school as Princes Edward and Andrew, went to Eton and Oxford University and then went into politics.  I very much doubt he’s ever experienced the NHS first-hand and he’s certainly never had a job as a “doer” rather than a “thinker”.  Politicians – particularly those born with silver spoons in their mouths – need to keep their noses out of the NHS and let medical staff get on with their jobs.

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Twat of the Year 2007: Nominations

Please make your nominations for the 2007 Twat of the Year.

Either post your nomination in the comments or email me.

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NHS Constitution

Read this then read the letter I just sent to my turncoat Liebour MP.

Dear David,

Your Prime Minister has somehow, against all the odds, managed to make me even more annoyed today than he has since he was appointed as your leader.

I was pretty incensed when he announced that his priorities as Prime Minister would be the English education system, the English health system and the English housing system even though he has no mandate over any of them.  Today I see that in return for the health system that we are paying for through our taxes, your Prime Minister has decided that we must have “responsibilities”.  But only in England.

The medical treatment which the English will be entitled to will still be inferior to the medical treatment his own Scottish constituents are entitled to and they will continue to receive their superior service without the “responsibilities” that the English must have.

David, YOU have a responsibility.  Your responsibility is to your constituents, NOT your party.  Gordon Brown was not given a mandate by his Scottish constituents to tell English people what they must do to receive medical treatment.  I assume you do understand that none of your Prime Minister’s proclamations on health, education, housing, etc. affect his own constituents – he has no more right to tell your constituents what medical treatment they can and can’t receive than you have to tell his constituents what medical treatment they can and can’t receive.

I cannot adequately express in polite terms how disappointed I am that you condone this unconstitutional, undemocratic and immoral system of apartheid.  How can you continue to support your party when it is doing everything it can to maintain the system that allows the Scottish ruling elite to make decisions in your constituency when neither they, nor you, can make the same decisions in their constituency?

If you play a part in breaking our health, education and housing systems I can – and will – vote for someone else who won’t do the same.  Gordon Brown’s constituents won’t care what he does to the English NHS or schools – they’re more likely to vote for him if they can see that he’s screwing the English over!

Poll after poll has shown that English people are fed up with your Scottish MPs interfering in English-only legislation.  Poll after poll has shown that English people want their own government like the one your party gave to Scotland.  It’s time you started doing your job David – represent your constituents, not your party.


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Happy New Year

I’d like to wish all my readers a Happy New Year

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