Archive for March 2008

Why did we get a Springer?

We got a Springer Spaniel a few weeks ago from the local dog rescue centre.

She quite often bounces around in the manner that I assume earned them the name “Springer” but last night she really earned the “Springer” title, by jumping our six foot garden fence.  She didn’t quite clear it but I was amazed that she managed to even get her front paws on the top of the fence because she was the runt of the litter and smaller than your average Springer.

Luckily it only took about 10 minutes to get her back last night – the last couple of times she’s escaped it’s been about half an hour.

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The price of an Israeli life

How much is one Israeli life worth?  About one hundred Palestinians, apparently.

Earlier in the week Palestinian militants fired a rocket into Israel and killed one Israeli.  The retaliation by Israel in Gaza has resulted in about 100 Palestinian deaths, including some young boys playing football in a field.

Gaza is the most densely populated plot of land on the planet – firing a missile into Gaza City is like dropping a grenade into a tin of Sardines with the intention of missing the fish.  The general attitude of the Israeli military toward Palestinian life is similar to that of Australians toward Aborigines in the first half of the last century, when they were classed as animals and it was legal to hunt them.  The civillian deaths in Palestine aren’t collateral damage, it’s punishment.

Whether you support Israel and it’s illegal occupation of Palestine or not, there is no way you can reasonably justify the deaths of 100 Palestinians in response to the death of one Israeli.  It’s not self-defence, it’s morally and legally wrong.  Deliberately targeting civillians is prohibited by the Geneva Convention and international law says that the response to an attack must be in proportion to the threat.  A group of militants in Gaza firing rockets into Israel is not the same as a land and air attack by the Israeli armed forces.

There is only one way that the conflict in Palestine and Israel will ever end and that is for Israel to pull out of Palestine.  That is never going to happen whilst the Americans continue to support Israel.

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Do you Flock?

I’m a bit of a flip-flopper when it comes to web browsers. Back in the day I swapped between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator then between Internet Explorer and Firefox.

I swapped to Firefox because it supported tabs and then back to Internet Explorer when version 7 introduced tabs. In the intervening period I dabbled with Safari because it looked nice, it was pretty fast and it supported CSS3. It had some serious bugs though, the two I couldn’t live with were TinyMCE not working and textboxes randomly losing text.

I was browsing the BBC News website last night and read the story about Netscape Navigator officially being discontinued. It had links to other browsers, including Flock which I’ve seen people write about but never tried. I downloaded it last night and set it as my default browser today. It’s great.

It integrates Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Blogger and many other services into the browser. There are too many features to list, you’ll just have to go and download it and check it out for yourself. It’s based on Firefox so it’s pretty robust and better at standards than Internet Explorer. It’s got a bit of a bug in the textbox where it randomly inserts carriage returns but that’s the only bug I’ve found so far. My only complaint is that to use all the features you need a 50″ screen!

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St Davids Day

Bore da.

I’d like to wish my Welsh readers a happy St Davids Day. Isn’it? Lovely.
As we’re so close to Wales here in Shropshire, I popped over the border to see if they were celebrating.

I didn’t have much time so I only managed to get the picture on the right …

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