The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) has awarded £650m of contracts to CSC and IBM to build its national identity register even though the Tories said they will repeal ID card and national identity register legislation when they win the next election.
The IPS have justified pissing £650m up the wall because they need to record biometric data for the new biometric passports the European Empire has told them they have to issue so they may as well make it ready for ID cards as well.
The ID database is going to be linked to the DWP’s Customer Information System (CIS) which contains cradle to grave information about every citizen and is used and abused by other British government departments, such as the Ministry of Justice, HM Court Service, HM Revenue & Customs, the NHS and local authorities (link 1, link 2, link 3).
I still think ID cards are a good idea……
I suppose……
…I would worry just as much about losing my id card as i worry about losing my passport, birth certificate and bank statements when i carry them about.
Although i do think they are a good idea, i think they are a waste of money