The British government is planning to give the Welsh government the same powers to vary income tax as the Scottish government and control over landfill tax and stamp duty.
David Cameron said:
Today we are announcing more power for the Welsh people and the Welsh government. Power that’s about building this country up, power that’s about making sure we have real accountable government here in Wales.
The English people still have no government and no power. There is no accountable government here in England, just an unaccountable British government full of politicians that can’t be held to account at the ballot box by a single person in England making decisions affecting the lives of English people.
He then went on to announce that the 2014 NATO summit will be held in Wales:
Scotland has got the Commonwealth Games, London had the Olympics, Northern Ireland the G8, now it’s Wales’ turn.
The Olympics were the British Olympics, nothing to do with England. The whole thing was about the British so when is it England’s turn?
The Welsh First Minister doesn’t want devolution of income tax until the Barnett Bribe is reformed to provide “fairer” funding for Wales (by which he means more English money being given to Wales):
Today is an important day for Wales. We are now being treated like equals in the UK.
We are not in favour of devolution of income tax until the Barnett formula is reformed to provide fairer funding for Wales.
Treated like equals in the UK? Being treated the same as the English is hardly something to aspire to: the only nation in Europe with no government of its own, northing more than a source of income for the British government to fund its spending addiction.
In a way it’s our own fault for putting up with the bull shit. Like you say we in England have no government and no parliament. But what on earth is stopping us from setting up a parliament? The answer is simply our own foolishness to believe that the GB parliament is anything other than bollocks.
Great Britain has always been bollocks, we only need obey what is written in a properly constituted English statute book and common law. The common law does not recognise anything called “Great Britain”. The Welsh can raise their own taxes, the Scottish can raise their own taxes and the English can raise their own taxes. Just as soon as we get some backbone and start taking positive action.