Archive for wonkotsane


Today is Mrs Sane’s birthday so after the presents, crumpets and bacon butties we went to Sheriffhales Village Fair.

Now, village fair usually means WI, homemade skittles and dodgy cake stalls but this is in a league of its own.  The entire village of Sheriffhales is closed off to traffic and the locals make scarecrows and display them all over the village.  Visitors vote for the best scarecrow and they win prizes – top prize is £150 this year!  There are scarecrows everywhere.

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British government says electricity supply will fail in 7 years time

The British government’s new Energy Minister has admitted that the UK will be facing electricity black-outs by 2016 because coal and nuclear power stations are going to be decomissioned and “green” power can’t be produced in big enough quantities to keep the lights on.

It’s a welcome admission that the British government’s energy policy is going to destroy the country and that the green scam is intended to return us to a mediæval economy but there’s a gotcha.  It is, says David MacKay, our fault that there isn’t going to be enough electricity because we keep opposing wind farms, nuclear power stations and energy imports and not at all the fault of the British government for committing to closing down existing powerstations and replacing them with windmills.

So it’s our fault for objecting to handing over acres of countryside for windmills and the planning system is getting in the way of the British government’s plans.  The general public isn’t going to change its mind over wind farms and when electricity rationing and black-outs start there are going to be riots.  Therefore, in the mind of a politician, the only solution is to change the planning system so that we can’t object to wind farms.  And because planning is devolved, it will only be changed in England and large scale wind farms will only be built in England against our wishes.  The Scottish government has already said that no nuclear power stations will be built in Scotland even though they have thousands of square miles of uninhabited countryside that would be perfect for nuclear power stations.

So the burden will once again fall on England to provide for the whole UK while the celts get to pick and choose when they want to contribute and on what terms.  All I can hope is that when the lights go out – and there is very little doubt that they will – that the ensuing total failure of society will destroy the anti-English British establishment.

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Telford council taking the piss

The council left my bins out in the road again today, forcing Mrs Sane to stop in the road and move them before she could park in the drive.

They’re taking the piss now, but I have a cunning plan …

Once again my bins have not been put back at the end of my garden from where they were taken, instead being left at the end of my drive at the edge of the road.  My wife had to stop in the road, blocking the way for two cars, while she got out and moved the bins out of the way of the drive so she could park.

A couple of months ago I sent you a fine through the post.  That was joke to get your attention and hopefully deal with the problem.  You didn’t respond to the fine and you haven’t dealt with the bin men leaving my bins in the road because they can’t be bothered to put them back where they got them from.

The fine was tongue in cheek but on reflection I believe the council may have a case to answer.  If I leave my bins in the road you will fine me but you seem to think your rules don’t seem to apply to your own people.  I pay you to empty my bins so we have a contract and I think that a clause in our contract allowing you to fine me for leaving my bins in the road but not for me to be able to fine you if you do it is an unfair term.

The Office of Fair Trading defines an unfair contract term as follows:

“A standard term is unfair ‘if, contrary to the requirement of good faith, it causes a significant imbalance in the parties’ rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer’– Regulation 5(1). Unfair terms are not enforceable against the consumer.”

There is a significant imbalance in our rights and obligations under the contract we have for you to empty my bins.  I have an obligation to leave my bins out at a certain time on a certain day determined by you and at the edge of my property and not on the road or pavement.  You, on the other hand, only have an obligation to empty my bins once a fortnight, on a day of your choosing (which may or may not be the day you are supposed to empty them) and are allowed to leave my bins wherever you want without penalty.

The Office of Fair Trading also says the following on exclusion of liability for poor service:

A business that supplies services to consumers accepts certain contractual obligations as a matter of law. In particular, consumers can normally expect services to be carried out to a reasonable standard. That applies not just to the main tasks the supplier agrees to perform, but to everything that is done, or should be done, as part of the transaction.

It is a reasonable assumption that under our contract you will return my bins to the place you got them from and not leave them in the street.  By failing to meet such a basic and reasonable level of service with no penalty to yourselves in our contract, that is again an unfair term.

Rather than cancel our contract, I will instead fine you £60 every time you fail to return my bins to where you took them from.  This redresses some of the imbalance in our contract.


Stuart Parr
p.s. I’d quite like an answer this time.

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Slide to the left …

Nope, nothing to do with the Cha Cha Slide.  Samoa is changing which side of the road it drives on from the right to the left.

The reason given by the Samoan government is that they’ll be able to import cheap cars from Japan which produces cheaper right hand drive cars for its domestic market and Samoan ex-pats in Australia and New Zealand will be able to send their used right hand drive cars home.

The Samoan government reckons it’s going to save money, protesters say it’s going to cost money and result in accidents and deaths.  I’d probably agree with the protesters but it’s good to see another country driving on the right side of the road (by which I mean the left).

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BBC invite BNP to appear on Question Time

The BBC have invited the BNP to appear on the panel of Question Time for the first time.

The decision is the right one, no matter how awful the BNP are.  They have two MEPs and several councillors, to deny them a platform does nothing to reduce their support – in fact, it increases their support because it’s human nature to support the underdog.

A spokesman for the BBC said “The BBC is obliged to treat all registered political parties operating within the law with due impartiality.  Our audiences and the electorate will make up their own minds about different policies offered by elected politicians”.  Damn right and the best way to ensure the electorate doesn’t vote BNP is to allow them to see the BNP in action.  Give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves.

Liebour are flapping though because they have a rule that prevents Liebour Party members from sharing a platform with the BNP.  Anything that gets Liebour MPs off the telly is to be encouraged, even if it means seeing Nick Griffin’s fat, sweaty face on Question Time.

The best quote on this has got to come from John Mann, the Liebour chairman of the all-party anti-Semitism group who said:

This is how Hitler came to power

Now, I wasn’t around in the 30’s and I only received a state education but I’m pretty sure Hitler didn’t appear on Question Time and that any TV coverage he may have had from the BBC wouldn’t have helped his election campaign.  What actually allowed Hitler to come to power was the German government’s refusal to do what the German electorate wanted and Hitler’s promise to deal with immigration, unemployment, hyperinflation and to make Germany a world power again.  Hmm, now that sounds familiar.

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Why out-of-hours pharmacies are a dying breed

A Twitter friend re-tweeted a request for information about local pharmacies open on a Sunday evening.  Easy I thought, I’ll pop on t’interweb and get the out of hours pharmacy rota off one of the 5 million websites the NHS runs.

Erm no.  NHS Direct has nothing but a list of pharmacies with normal opening hours and the two local NHS websites that had an out-of-hours pharmacy rota only had rotas up to Easter this year.  With all these admin staff the English NHS employs, you’d think one of them would be able to keep an out-of-hours pharmacy list up-to-date.

But while I was going through the list of pharmacies on the Shropshire NHS website the real reason why there are no pharmacies open on a Sunday evening dawned on me and for once it’s not about NHS funding.  It’s Alistair Darling’s fault.  “How is the Chancellor of the Exchequer to blame for pharmacies not opening on a Sunday evening?” I hear you cry.  Well, it’s quite simple …

A couple of years back Alistair Darling was the Minister for Trade & Industry (an English department of course, he is an MP for a Scottish constituency after all) and was approached by the major supermarkets asking for a repeal of Sunday trading laws in England.  He declined despite there being no Sunday trading laws in Scotland where he was elected.  So what has that got to do with pharmacies?  Take a look at a list of pharmacies in your local area and see how many different names there are on the list.  I doubt there will be more than 9 or 10 in a medium sized town.  Boots, Lloyds, Superdrug, Tesco, Asda … all big chains and all banned from opening for more than 6 hours on a Sunday.  Because they have the buying power they are pricing independent pharmacies out of business and because they are cash rich they can buy up the independent pharmacies they are putting out of business.

If NHS services are going to be farmed off to the private sector then Sunday trading laws need to be repealed because people need access to medical services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Wireless Wii Nunchucks – don’t bother

We’ve had a Wii for a while now and a combination of the kids using the remote and nunchucks as nunchucks (Kung-fu style) and chewing the wires has rendered the nunchucks a tad unreliable, often causing you to veer off to the left in Mario Kart Wii at inopportune moments.

So we thought we’d invest in a set of wireless nunchucks to get round the problem.  Mrs Sane ordered a pair of nunchucks off the Game website which were rubbish.  They were really sluggish and didn’t last more than 10 minutes without unpairing themselves from the remote.  So she returned them and bought a pair from Tesco instead which were more reliable in that they didn’t disconnect from the remote but were still super-sluggish, causing you to suddenly drive into walls or off the edge of the track in Mario Kart.

So we’ve gone back to wired nunchucks again and we’ll stick with them until Nintendo make wireless nunchucks themselves.  I suspect that the technology doesn’t allow reliable wireless connectivity for the nunchucks otherwise Nintendo would have done it themselves by now.

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Protest Propaganda

Protesters from the English & Welsh Defence League and anti-fascist fascists rioted in Birmingham yesterday – a repeat of events a couple of weeks ago when the English & Welsh Defence League marched on Birmingham City Centre and the fascist Unite Against Fascism came out in force to protest at them.

The BBC News website seems to be a bit light on information about the protest but there are pictures and a video on the Daily Mail website.  The BBC did mention the fact that there was going to be a protest a couple of days ago but they mysteriously seem to have glossed over the finer details of the violence during the protest itself.  Well I say mysteriously but there’s not much mystery about if you look at the pictures on the Daily Mail website.

The pictures show the English & Welsh Defence League protesters (who the media have decided to rename the English Defence League) and the “anti-fascist” protesters who are all Asians.  So not actually anti-fascist protesters, but Asian protesters.  This is the reason why the BBC have been vague.

There’s no doubt that the English & Welsh Defence League are racists and intent on causing trouble but why were the UAF allowed to stage a counter-protest a fortnight ago and muslims allowed to stage a counter-protest yesterday in the same place as the English & Welsh Defence League, knowing full well that it would end up causing trouble?  The police have the power to prevent the two protests from taking place in the same place at the same time so why didn’t they use it?

I’m not interested in race politics and I would certainly never support a group like the English & Welsh Defence League but the biased reporting irritates me.  They are not the English Defence League, they are the English and Welsh Defence League and the protesters yesterday were Asians, not anti-fascists.

The British establishment will be wringing its hands over the emergence of the English & Welsh Defence League and trying to think of ways to shut them down but none of them will accept any of the blame for the existence of groups like this (there are more that have recently come into being) despite it being almost entirely down to their anti-English policies and refusal to deal with moderate English nationalist groups like the Campaign for an English Parliament.  Maybe now their head-in-the-sand approach to English nationalism, immigration and self-imposed segregation has spawned various extremist groups the British government will pay more attention to moderate English nationalists before they have home-grown terrorists to deal with as well as imported ones?

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From the makers of “Microsoft Time” …

CPU running at 100.5% ... apparently… Microsoft Percentages!

I’m sure every Windows user has experienced the curious phenomenon of “Microsoft Time” which uses the same units as normal time – hours, minutes, seconds – but in an entirely random way so you can never know whether “15 seconds” to copy a file in Microsoft time means 15 seconds, 5 minutes or 2 seconds of normal time.  It all adds to that unique Windows user experience and I’m sure we wouldn’t have it any other way.

But is it really necessary to invent “Microsoft Percentages” to randomly gauge the performance of your processor?  Is my processor really running at 100.5% utilisation?  I suspect not.  And why is the progress bar at 50%?  Does Windows expect the processor to ramp up to 200% utilisation at some point?

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Bloggers4UKIP: 64% of Tories would vote for Farage

No need to spend a fortune on a polling company to find out how many Tories are intending to vote for Farage, ConservativeHome have already got the answer – 64%!

The Tories are more split than ever under the expert leadership of David Camoron. Keep up the good work Dave.

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Child Trust Fund still losing money

About this time last year we received a statement from Engage Mutual Assurance, the company the British government “invested” #4’s Child Trust Fund in, showing that it made a 6.2% loss.  I reiterated my belief that the Child Trust Fund is “a fucking rip-off scheme designed to make rich companies richer”.

Today we’ve had the latest statement.  The British government has “invested” some more money with Engage so the £210 that was left last year after Engage took their 1.5% mismanagement fee is now worth £439.99.  Great stuff.

Unfortunately, it’s a tad difficult to track how bad the performance of the fund is because the statement we received in August last year said the fund had £210 left in it but according to this statement it had £494.48 in it.  So, at some point between the statement being produced for August last year and the end of the financial year for the fund on 10th August, the British government pumped an unspecified amount into the failing fund which has still lost 11% of its value after the mismanagement fee had been taken.

Amusingly, Engage have enclosed a leaflet with the statement inviting us to make further payments into the fund which they describe as “a great way of helping to build up a fund to help pay for further education, or perhaps help buy a first house or car, or even to start up in business”.  The only thing this scam is good for is pissing taxpayers money up the wall.  Putting the £500 or so that’s been given to this bunch of wasters into a savings account with a bank would have made more money and if all the Child Trust Fund money had been put into high street banks instead of being distributed randomly amongst incompetent investment companies then we might not have had to hand over so much money to stop them going bust.

I phone HMRC this morning to ask if they could tell me if there’s a Child Trust Fund that’s making money but they apparently don’t know and advised me to go and see an Independent Financial Advisor.  So I phoned Engage to ask them if they have another Child Trust Fund that isn’t losing money but they only have this one.  Searching for other Child Trust Fund providers, I came across HMRC’s Child Trust Fund calculator that makes the hilarious assumption that the fund is going to make a profit and could be as high as £1,270 in 13 years time even if we don’t make any additional payments into it.  The only time we’re going to see those sort of numbers on this fund is when it’s in the red.

Although I don’t think the Child Trust Fund will ever be a good investment, I’m buggered if Engage are going to carry on ripping off the taxpayer with their crap investments so I’ve done some research and decided to transfer the lot to Yorkshire Building Society’s CTF savings account which works just like a normal savings account so they’ll pay interest if they make money but don’t take money away if they don’t.  Interestingly, their stakeholder CTF account is run by none other than Engage Mutual Assurance.  The only Child Trust Fund rated higher than Yorkshire Building Society was Henley Building Society but they don’t do them over the phone, internet or by post and I’m not driving to Stoke just to open a Child Trust Fund!

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Bloggers4UKIP: EU admits energy saving bulbs are inferior one day before ban

The European Empire has admitted, just one day before the ban on proper light bulbs comes into force, that energy saving bulb manufacturers are “exaggerating” their claims about equivalence.

The British government, its Energy Saving Trust quango, the European Empire, bulb manufacturers and environmental extremists have been telling us that the energy saving bulbs will save us money. They usually quote the magic figure of £37 per year invented by the British government’s Energy Saving Trust quango based on replacing a 60W incandescent bulb with an 15W energy saving bulb and a 100W incandescent bulb with a 20W energy saving bulb.

The Daily Telegraph has today published the results of its own tests on energy saving bulbs which found that an 11W energy saving bulb which claims to be equivalent to a 60W incandescent bulb, even after a 10 minute warm-up period, produced only 58% of the light given off by the incandescent bulb. It would take a 20W energy saving bulb – almost double the power consumption – to get the same amount of light from an energy saving bulb as you get from a 60W incandescent bulb which will pretty much wipe out any supposed cost saving from replacing your bulbs.

This won’t exactly be news to anyone who has experienced the joys of blundering around in half light after changing their proper bulbs to energy saving bulbs but it shows how fundamentally dishonest the European Empire, British government and green lobby is. The European Empire has only today – one day before proper light bulbs are banned – admitted that the claims of equivalence are false, that the energy saving potential from replacing bulbs is false and that the cost savings are a big fat lie. One day before the ban, too late to do anything about it.

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Political Compass

This is about the fifth or sixth time I’ve done a political compass test and it always comes out pretty much the same – slightly right of centre libertarian.

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IPPR wants to stop loans for middle-class students

Liebour’s pet far-left extremists, the IPPR, have suggested that students from “middle class” families in England should be refused student loans to pay tuition fees to make more money available to students from poor families who are more likely to vote Liebour.

They are also calling for grants and bursaries to be restricted to students from poor families who are more likely to vote Liebour rather than being made available based on ability so clever people judged by a panel of failed communists to be from a “middle class” family can be denied a university education to make way for semi-literate chavs from sink hole housing estates.

The British Department for English Business, Innovation and Skills is conducting a review of student funding for university education in England and is planning to increase the amount English universities are allowed to charge for courses.

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Liebour: Rewarding Failure since 1997

Working class!

Failed politician, life-long member of the Scottish Raj and millionaire class warrior, Michael Martin, is being rewarded for the gross incompetence that resulted in him being the first Speaker of the House of Commons to be forced out of office since 1695 with a Baronetcy.

Gorbals Mick will now be carrying out his scathing attacks on the middle and upper classes from his mansion house in Glasgow under the name Baron Martin of Springburn, of Port Dundas in the City of Glasgow.  That’ll earn him some respect in his local working mens club.  I’m sure the commies in the Springburn Liebour Party are practicing walking backwards out of the door and doffing their caps as I type.

Why do socialists feel the need to reward abject failure with honours from the class system they devote their lives to destroying?  Am I the only one to notice the rank hypocrisy?

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The BBC is a pioneer of High Definition (HD) TV in the UK, broadcasting HD content on satellite, cable, freeview and the internet.  So why do I have to watch BBC Breakfast in low definition while the BBC HD channel is showing previews of what’s on the channel tonight?

And while I’m on the subject of HD TV, why does Sky One show Simpsons and Futurama in 16:9 widescreen on the low def Sky One channel but 4:3 on Sky One HD?

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Burnham is a prick

Andy Burnham, the British Minister for English Health, has written an open letter to David Camoron calling on him to withdraw the whip from Dan Hannan and any other Tory that criticises the NHS.

What a prize prick.

He rubbishes claims the Tories are the party of the NHS as Camoron claims because Dan Hannan has criticised the NHS.  Apparently “every single MP, MEP and member of the Labour Party endorses the NHS” which is a bold claim to make bearing in mind the fact that he cannot possibly have canvassed the opinions of all MPs, MEPs and Liebour Party members.

He asks if Camoron will ban members of Atlantic Bridge – a transatlantic group of conservatives – from attending the Tory conference because they have criticised the NHS.

He calls on Camoron to demand Tory shadow ministers resign from the Cornerstone Group – a traditionalist, eurosceptic, anti-devolution group in the Conswervative Party – because they described the NHS as stalinist and called for it to be replaced.

I have a few points to make about Burnham’s letter.

Firstly, there is no “the NHS”.  There are four National Health Services in the UK and only the English NHS is under the control of the British.

Secondly, it is perfectly possible for a party to be in favour of something whilst some, or even most, of its members have a different view.  The Tories are a eurofederalist party, for instance, whilst the majority of its MPs and members are eurosceptics.

Thirdly, withdrawing the whip or otherwise punishing an MP or MEP for voicing an opinion that doesn’t concur with the official view of the party is a ridiculous suggestion.  What sort of fascist, anti-democratic autoritarian political party would spouse those sorts of views?  That’s a rhetorical question, by the way.

Fourthly, the suggestion that members of Atlantic Bridge should be banned from the Tory conference for criticising the NHS is pathetic and has nothing to do with their views on the NHS and everything to do with the fact that Atlantic Bridge is a conservative organisation.  If they were socialists, like the Liebour Party used to be, Burnham wouldn’t have mentioned them.

Fifthly, setting aside the fact that it would be morally wrong to insist shadow ministers resign from the anti-socialist Cornerstone Group because they think the NHS is stalinist and needs replacing, wanting to replace the National Health Services doesn’t mean they oppose them, it means they want to replace them.  The clue is in the word “replace”, which doesn’t mean “abolish”.

Sixthly – and finally – if you’re going to criticise the Tories then at least do it for genuine reasons, of which there are plenty.  Criticise them for being anti-English or eurofederalists.  Criticise them for being socialists in blue ties or for being vague and evasive on policy.  It will mean being hypocritical but that shouldn’t be a problem for a Liebour minister.

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Mrs Sane has just been watching last night’s X-Factor and spotted what can only be the product of a secret genetic experiment …

Will Young Danyl Johnson

He’s got the Will Young lisp, he sings like Will Young, he dances like Will Young, he looks like Will Young and likes to take it up the chuff.  If you’ve ever wondered what the scientists that created Dolly the Sheep had been doing for the last few years, I think we now have the answer.

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Go fuck yourself Cameron

Ann Widdecombe has publicly spoken out against David Camoron‘s “A” list selection procedure for Tory PPC’s.

The “A” list system discriminates against white male candidates in favour of ethnic and female candidates in a deliberate attempt to artifically “balance” the sexual and ethnic make-up of the British government by placing ethnic and female candidates in safe seats to guarantee a disproportionately high number of ethnic and female MPs.

The Tories have already been told by the Electoral Commission that the all-female lists they used during the 2005 general election were illegal under discrimination laws.  Hopefully some sensible Tory candidates make complaints about the “A” list discrimination and get them declared illegal before David Camoron manages to rig the election result.

Anti-English, pro-EU, institutional racist and sexist … why would anyone vote for that?

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Helpful …

We were unable to upload this document because of this error:

Sorry, there was an error saving the file. Please try again.

This error message comes from the converter we’re using, and hopefully tells you what you need to know to fix the problem.

I got the above trying to upload a 700k Excel 2003 file to Google Docs.  Uncharacteristically unhelpful and pointless error message from Google.

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