A few weeks ago, I emailed Andy Burnham’s office at the Department of Health after watching him talk to the BBC for 5 minutes about the English NHS without once mentioning England.
Dear Mr Burnham,
I just listened to you talk about the English NHS for 5 minutes yet you didn’t mention the word England or English once. You talked about “the NHS”, “the health service” and “the country” but all the time you were talking about the English NHS, the English health service and England.
You are an English Secretary of State for an English government department talking on national TV, broadcast to the whole of the UK and didn’t once point out that you were only talking about England.
I wonder how many Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish people you worried that they might be losing their free prescriptions, free hospital parking and expensive life-saving cancer drugs that your department says we can’t afford in England and how many English people you misled into believing that the rest of the UK would be helping to plug the gaping hole in the British budget when that’s not the case.
Is there any chance of you using the word England at any point during your job as Secretary of State for the English NHS?
They replied a week and a half later …
Dear Mr Parr
Thank you for your email dated 10 June to Andy Burnham about England and the NHS. I have been asked to reply.
The Department appreciates that not everybody in the UK will be aware that most matters of health policy have been devolved, and that Mr Burnham will generally only comment on the NHS in England.
I would like to thank you for your comments, which have been noted.
I hope this is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Gatty
Customer Service Centre
Right, so they appreciate that he’s been misleading the entire population but they’re going to do chuff all about it?
Thank you for acknowledging my concerns and making note of my comments.
Perhaps you could now explain what you intend to do to ensure that most people do understand that Andy Burnham is only talking about England?
A simple solution would be to use the word “England” when he’s talking about England rather than “Britain” or “this country”. I’m sure that would help people understand which country he is talking about. Or perhaps the Minister has a better solution?
I look forward to hearing of your plans.
I got another reply shortly afterwards …
Dear Mr Parr,
Thank you for your further email to Andy Burnham about England and the NHS. I have been asked to reply.
I regret that the Department cannot add to its previous reply to you dated 18 June or comment any further on this issue.
I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Gatty
Customer Service Centre
Right, so they appreciate my concerns, don’t answer my questions and then refuse to comment further. That’s not on …
Thank you for your further response.
Can I assume, then, that the English Health Minister and English Department of Health will continue to pursue a policy of deliberately omitting the word “England” from publications or to refer to England as “Britain” or “the country”?
And their predictable response …
Dear Mr Parr,
Thank you for your further email to the Department of Health about England , the UK and the NHS. I have been asked to reply.
As you are aware, the Department has already written to you previously regarding this matter, and I can only reiterate to you that there is nothing further the Department can add, and it will not be corresponding further with you on this issue.
Should you have any new concerns in the future that you wish to raise with the Department, then we will be happy to address those issues. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.
Yours sincerely,
Martin Gatty
Customer Service Centre
Tossers. I’ve just found Andy Burnham’s parliament email address so I’ll forward the email trail on to him and see if he thinks his department dealt with my email in an appropriate manner.
Technorati Tags: Andy Burnham, NHS