Archive for wonkotsane

Judge abolishes constitutional right to jury trial

The Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales has ruled that a trial can take place without a jury for the first time.

The trial in question is for an armed robbery at Heathrow Airport which will be heard for a fourth time because of alleged jury tampering.  It was because of the jury tampering that Lord Judge ruled the trial can be held without a jury.

Whilst it is important for the defendents to be tried for their alleged crimes, to do so without a jury is unconstitutional.  If the defendents are interfering with the jury and their trials are being abandoned then they will simply spend longer in prison until a fair trial can be held.

This ruling sets a dangerous precedent.  How long will it be before the British government uses this ruling in “terrorism” cases?  They already have people under house arrest or subject to curfew and tagging orders after they’ve been found innocent by a jury on the orders of the Home Secretary, how long will it be before the constitutional right to a trial by jury is swept aside and kangaroo courts are set up with secret trials?

There is a reason why we have jury trials and open courts.  The jury consists of laymen who consider the evidence and give their opinion on whether they think the evidence is good enough for a reasonable person to believe the accused has done what they’re accused of and whether it is wrong while open courts allow members of the public to see that justice is being done and that nobody is being deprived of their liberty or otherwise pubished without just cause.

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Bringing English nationalism into disrepute

The English Democrats have been a largely benign force in English politics for a few years but recently they’ve become more aggressive in their self-promotion and in doing so have become toxic to the cause of English nationalism.

English Democrats - Bringing English nationalism into disreputeAnyone criticising the English Democrats, and particularly Steve Uncles, is generally treated to threats of legal action or worse.  One prominent English nationalist blogger says he has received threats against himself and his family for daring to criticise the party.  A mentally ill blogger who was opposed to an English Parliament and the English Democrats committed suicide seems to have amused Steve Uncles at the time.  PigDogFucker was impressed with Uncles’ behaviour.

You see, Steve Uncles thinks that if you don’t support the English Democrats you can’t be an English nationalist, you are an enemy of the English nation.  I have, of course, committed what amounts to a capital crime in Steve’s book – I joined UKIP, a party that not only doesn’t believe in the same type of English Parliament that the English Democrats (and myself) believe in but has the audacity to keep defying his pronouncements that it is dead and will be beaten by the English Democrats.  I am quite prepared to accept people being anti-EU and not joining UKIP but the reverse, for Steve, isn’t true – you can’t be pro-English and not join the English Democrats.

I could have joined the English Democrats of course but I was never comfortable with them.  I was asked to join the EDP (as they called themselves a few years ago) several times, was asked to run a local branch in Telford (the branch chairman at the time was suffering from a long term illness) and was offered whatever support I needed as a PPC.  I was tempted for a time but thankfully went with my gut feeling.

England needs an English political party and it may as well be the English Democrats.  They are, at least, more acceptable than the England First Party – a BNP splinter group – which the English Democrats have an electoral pact with.  But if they are going to represent England they need to get rid of the members that bring not only their party but the whole English nationalist cause into disrepute.  Unfortunately, the ring leader happens to be one of their biggest creditors, having loaned the party somewhere in the region of £30k if memory serves me.

I must point out here that I don’t tar all English Democrats members with the same brush.  Quite the opposite in fact.  The leader of the English Democrats, Robin Tilbrook, has always been friendly with me, even when I’ve been complaining about something they’ve done.  He’s even given me some very useful advice in the past.  Ed Abrams is another prominent English Democrat who I’ve never had a problem with and think his vision of uniting left and right behind the cause of an English Parliament is an excellent one.  There are, naturally, many Campaign for an English Parliament members that are also members of the English Democrats and I have never had a problem with any of them, even when they’re getting enthusiastic about why I shouldn’t be a UKIP member.  There are some people who are in the English Democrats who are good friends.  But then I have friends who are also BNP members and even though I know they have joined the party in protest at the way the country is being run, they don’t make the BNP a party I could support when elements of their leadership are rotten and some of their policies are equally so.

Rewinding slightly to the complaining about things the English Democrats (or rather, Steve Uncles) have done.  I used to be a member of quite a lot of English groups on Facebook until I checked one of them and found that it had sprouted English Democrats logos and was no longer the group I joined but a group for supporters of the English Democrats.  I have since found loads of groups that were once groups supporting St Georges Day public holidays or just English and proud groups but have been given the same English Democrats treatment.  I complained in the groups before I left them and got messages from Steve Uncles and Robin Tilbrook saying what they were doing – fraudulently implying that people were supporters of their party when they were just supporting England – was legitimate and that they would carry on doing it.  Steve Uncles said they intended to take over ever English group on Facebook.  Billy Bragg’s office is now threatening to sue them for setting up a group fraudulently claiming that he is a supporter of their party.

Until recently, Steve frequented the British Democracy Forum, banging the drum for the English Democrats, attacking anyone who criticised them and posting the odd offensive joke.  He has now, for some reason, removed all the references to the English Democrats from his profile on the forum (even changing his username) and replaced them with the Campaign for an English Parliament logo, name and website.  Why he would seek to associate the CEP with his poor behaviour on a public forum I don’t know but I suspect that having attracted widespread criticism from English nationalists and apparently facing deselection by his own branch, he has decided to go on a wrecking spree to try and do as much damage to the movement as possible before he goes.

England needs a Parliament and an English equivalent of the SNP but right now the English Democrats aren’t the party to represent England and they’re doing more harm than good.  They don’t exactly have a very good reputation at the moment but they’re a small fish in a big pond.  They’ve got one of their number elected as mayor of Doncaster which will get them some more publicity and that means that if they aren’t going to set us back years they need to clean their act up.

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Bill Bragg threatens to sue English Democrats

The English Democrats have been spamming Facebook for months now, setting up groups for England and St Georges Day and then re-branding them as English Democrats supporters groups when they get a few members in a desperateyl pathetic attempt to look like they have some support.

Every group I was a member of that they hijacked I left a message on complaining, left and then reported to Facebook.  I had messages from Steve Uncles and Robin Tilbrook saying what they were doing was perfectly legitimate and that they intended to carry on.

But they took it too far – they didn’t just dupe ordinary Facebook users into putting their name down as supporters of the English Democrats, they set up Facebook groups claiming all sorts of famous people as supporters of their party.  I warned them that they would find themselves in a spot of bother over it but they didn’t listen.  You’d have thought that with a qualified solicitor as party leader they would have stayed away from this kind of fraud but evidently not.

According to this post on the British Democracy Forum, Bill Bragg’s office are threatening to sue the English Democrats unless the remove their fake support group from Facebook.

They can’t say they weren’t warned.  More on the English Democrats later, I’ve had a post brewing for a while now …

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Chris Bryant MP calls for Red Cross to be banned

Chris Bryant MP, a minister in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, says that the red cross logo used by the International Red Cross (IRC) is an offensive reminder to muslims of the crusades and should be replaced with the red crystal logo that the IRC have recently adopted.

It is believed that the red cross logo was chosen as a tribute to Switzerland’s perpetual neutrality, one of the key principles of the IRC.  The red cross has since become a universally recognised symbol of the medical profession.

The cross isn’t a reference to Christianity – it isn’t even a Christian cross – but it hasn’t stopped some muslims from feigning offence at the symbol and successfully pushing for the adoption of an Islamic red crescent as an alternative logo.  There doesn’t appear to be any corresponding call from Mr Bryant for the banning of the red crescent logo which I’m sure is just offensive to Christians and Jews as a symbol of the muslim invasion of the Holy Land.

We really must stop our politicians from apologising for the Crusades – not just because they ended 800 years ago but because they were an attempt to recover the Holy Land from Islamic invaders, not an exercise in Papal empire-building.

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Am I missing something?

Engineers from Shropshire Council are closing Harley Bank once again to try and figure out why rocks keep falling onto the road.

I’m not an engineer so I might be looking at this simplistically but I wonder if cutting into the rock face and turning it into a sheer cliff and removing all the trees might have some bearing on the sudden severe instability of the rock face?

My family have lived in the area for generations and my nan remembers the council employing someone to take a wheelbarrow down the road daily and clear up the stones that had fallen onto the road.

In more recent times the rock face has appeared more stable, I have seen rocks on the road once, maybe twice and travelled it hundreds of times.  But the council must have had a few million burning a hole in their pockets because they decided to “improve” the rock face, the upshot of which is that the road is closing again tomorrow for the fourth time in less than a year (the first time was a week or so after the work was done).

It wouldn’t be so bad if it was a road in an urban area where there are alternative routes that don’t involve a 30 minute diversion but this is rural Shropshire and Harley Bank is a major route.  It also doesn’t help my sister and brother-in-law who run the Plume of Feathers at the foot of the hill because there is no passing traffic when the road is closed and the unofficial diversions from the closest town are still at least 15 minutes of country roads which doesn’t exactly encourage people to make the effort to go to a pub.

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Bloggers4UKIP: Mandelson says UK will join Euro

Peter Mandelson (I won’t call him Lord Mandelson, a man without honour doesn’t deserve an honourary title) says that the UK will join the Euro.

Does it remain an important objective for Britain to find itself in the same currency as that single market in which it interacts? Obviously yes.

Important objective for who Mandy? Not for me and not for the vast majority of the electorate who would rather return to bartering with livestock than replace the pound with the Euro.

Nobody in their right mind would willingly abandon the pound and adopt a currency that’s run by and for France and Germany. But then Mandy isn’t in his right mind, not by a long shot. The man’s an utter fruitcake – like most eurofederalists his mind doesn’t inhabit the same planet his body does.

Of course, Mandy’s suggestion that we should adopt the Euro might have something to do with the fact that he risks losing his very generous taxpayer-funded EU pension if he fails to promote the European Empire.

No one can serve two masters, because either he will hate one and love the other, or be loyal to one and despise the other.

Matthew 6:24

Mandelson serves two masters – the British government and the European Empire. So where does his loyalty lie and who does he love and hate? I think we all know the answer to that question.

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Mumbai Calling

Just watching the very excellent new ITV drama, Mumbai Calling.  Tonight’s episode guest stars Richard E. Grant …

Now, for instance, if someone speaks to you like this:

“I don’t like you, I deep fry my breakfast and give cigarettes to my children”

… they are called Scottish people who have no appreciation for the touring theatre and whatever they say to you or indeed throw at you your answer must always be “screw you Jimmy”.  After me …
All: Screw you Jimmy

But what if you’re not speaking to Jimmy?

They’re all called Jimmy, it’s the law


Ant and Dec are from Newcastle, they seem so normal

On the outside yes, on the inside they’re bastards

Funny but a little unfair on the cheeky chaps from Tynside.

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Putting the cart before the horse

Thanks to our glorious overlords on the continent and their proxy war with the US through the medium of anti-trust lawsuits against Microsoft, Windows 7 in Europe will ship without Internet Exploder.

Yes, Internet Explorer is a shit browser but there are plenty of websites out there that just don’t work properly with Firefox and other browsers and lots of people that aren’t comfortable with downloading and installing software.  Not being able to buy a computer, plug it in and browse the internet without any faffing about will put off so many computer illiterate people from buying a computer and getting themselves online.

Presumably nobody at the European Imperial Commission foresaw any potential problems with this scenario …

European buyers of Windows 7 will have to download and install a web browser for themselves.

And which browser will they use to get to a website to download a web browser, pray tell?

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Caroline Flint is a lying cow

When was the last time Caroline Flint told the truth?  Does anyone know?  Does she know?

Caroline Flint - No Gordon BrownFlint, whose greatest achievement was to be Secretary of State for the European Empire’s trojan horse in the British government, has just been interviewed on ITV.

They showed the infamous clip of her saying how proud she is to serve in El Gordo’s cabinet of all the talentless which was recorded a few hours before she resigned from the cabinet.  They quoted her slagging off El Gordo for using her as “window dressing” (don’t flatter yourself love, you might be the best looking woman in Parliament but you’re competing against wrinkly old hags and a ginger gnome) and then she said what a wonderful job he was doing.  They asked her if she’d been implicated in a plot against El Gordo, she said no and then two minutes later said she had been implicated in a plot against El Gordo.

The one good thing about all the lies and sleaze in Westminster is that it’s getting previously disinterested people interested in politics.  Mrs Sane generally couldn’t give a shit about politics (with a few exceptions) but this has hooked her.

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Thieving Bastard MP gets reward for corruption

My thieving bastard MP, David Wright, has been rewarded for taking a £17k bribe from a property developer with a job as a junior minister in DEFRA and DCLG in No Mandate Brown’s new cabinet of all the talentless on the same day that El Gordo announced tough punishments for MPs that have been doing naughty things.  Obviously bribery and corruption are worthy of promotion, not punishment, under the new regime.

I tried to report my thieving bastard MP to the police for the bribe.  He lived in Dolphin Square when it was owned by Westminster Council and the taxpayer paid a low rent.  Westminster Council sold the block of flats to a property developer who offered every tennant – including my thieving bastard MP – almost £17k in compensation for signing a new tenancy agreement with a higher rent.  As he didn’t have to pay the higher rent himself, he signed the tenancy agreements and took the £17k “compensation”.  A few months later he moved out because the rent wasn’t good value for money for the taxpayer.  It wasn’t good value for the taxpayer before he took the £17k bung but he stayed on anyway until after he’d had the money.  On balance of probability there is no plausible explanation for staying in the flat other than the £17k compensation and that makes it a bribe.

Unfortunately, the police are proving to be very difficult over this.  I went to the local police and all they would do was log it as information, not as a crime.  They referred me to the Met who refused to log my report and variously told me they weren’t investigating individual MPs, that I would have to go into a Met police station, referred me to New Scotland Yard who told me that it was outside of police jurisdiction because he was an MP (!) and referred me to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards.

I emailed the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards who were very helpful but said they couldn’t launch a criminal investigation and told me to report it to the police.  That day the local paper reported that the CPS in London said it was unlikely they would be making any prosecutions.
This is one of the blatant and obvious cases of criminality that have come out of the Telegraph’s expenses blitz yet despite every citizen having an obligation to report crimes that have been committed, I find it is impossible to report my thieving bastard MP for accepting a bribe.  I’ll be talking to the local CPS today to try and find a way of getting a police investigation into David Wright’s criminal activities but the way it’s looking, it might take him to sue me (or rather, the publisher of this blog) for libel before the evidence of his corruption gets in front of a judge.

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No Mandate

No Mandate Brown survived a coup attempt at a meeting of the Parliamentary Liebour Party last night.  He has promised to listen to MPs more and take their views into account.

How about listening to the electorate Gordo?  How about taking the electorate’s views into account?

On Thursday the electorate overwhelmingly rejected Liebour in the English local elections.  No votes = no councillors = no mandate.

On Sunday the electorate overwhelmingly rejected Liebour in the EU imperial elections.  They are the third UK party in the EU parliament, they have no mandate.

As I type, 66,966 people have signed a petition on his own website calling for No Mandate Brown to resign.

A meeting of the Parliamentary Liebour Party is not a democratic mandate to govern this country.  The people have spoken and they have said no to Liebour, no to the European Empire and no to Gordon Brown.

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What planet is Mandelson on?

Peter Mandelson on the Andrew Marr show this morning:

What the public wants to see us doing is the new ministers getting on with their jobs, they want to see us cleaning up the expenses system in Westminster, they want to see us intensifying out focus on the economy and getting out of the recession and they also want to see us taking forward New Labour’s public service reforms.

No Mandy you smarmy dishonest fucking cretin, what the public wants – and what they told you through the ballot box on Thursday – is that they want Liebour out of power and as soon as is humanly fucking possible.

God, just hearing his condascending voice spouting complete bullshit and openly lying on national TV … I just want to punch the dishonest little shit in the face.

Deep breaths.

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Camoron ignores 77% of members on EU

A poll by ConservativeHome shows that 77% of Tories think Tory MPs and PPCs should be able to sign up to the Better Off Out campaign.

David Camoron has banned Tories from publicly opposing the UK’s membership of the European Empire via the Better Off Out campaign. Supporters of Better Off Out are not allowed to be PPCs, MPs that sign the Better Off Out pledge face losing the Tory whip and any MP who was already a signatory before the ban was introduced is banned from sitting on the front bench.

Camoron will not tolerate open euroscepticism in the Conswervative Party, all MPs must get behind his eurofederalist ideals.

If Camoron is prepared to ignore 77% of his own membership then why should we believe that he will listen to the electorate?

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Men an underperforming minority in universities

More women get university places, more women get places in top universities, more women than men on professional courses such as medicine and law, women getting better qualifications than men.

Someone remind me why we need a Minister for Women but no Minister for Men.

Petition the PM: create a Minister for Men and balance the gender bias in the Ministry for Equality.

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Guardian upgrades its spellchecker

CEP Header

I see the Guardian have updated their spell-checker we already know it replaces “English” with “British” but now it replace “Cross of St George” with “Union Flag” as well.

English Democrat flies the Union flag in Doncaster

Doncaster starts a new life this week under a leader from a party previously associated with minuscule numbers of votes at byelections and an obsession with the flag.


His other eye-catching policies were in the same vein: reducing councillors’ numbers by two thirds to 21 (which he almost certainly has no power to do) and holding a referendum on whether his own post should exist. It was created in 2001 after a referendum with a 25% turnout. Although the English Democrats are routinely called right-wing (every public building would have to fly the Union flag) and want tight immigration curbs, they out-zeal the Liberal Democrats in wanting devolution from Westminster, election of every post in sight and the reunification of dismembered Yorkshire.

Well done to the English Democrats in getting one of their number elected as Mayor of Doncaster.  I don’t know why Doncastrians voted for him – whether it was for his euroscepticism, his English nationalism, his local policies or purely as a protest vote – but they did vote for him in large numbers and I’m sure we all wish him the best of luck in the English Democrats’ first foray into mainstream politics.

Now, back to the Guardian.  The failed communists at the Guardian hate the very idea of an English Parliament, partly because their beloved Labour Party would probably never leave the opposition benches in an English Parliament and partly because they only like the nationalism of the “oppressed minorities” on the celtic fringe.  You can expect more of this sort of thing from the Guardian and the rest of the anglophobic left wing media if Mayor Davies proves to be popular.

I very much doubt that Mayor Davies of the English Democrats will be flying the British flag in Doncaster.

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Lord Sugar of Shit

No Mandate Brown’s choice of Sir (soon to be Lord) Alan Sugar for his cabinet of all the talentless is interesting when you read the Telegraph’s brief bio on him …

While Sir Alan spends the majority of his time on The Apprentice, he has not completely severed his ties with the business community, still chairing a computer company, Viglen, in which he is a major shareholder.

Just a month ago, the company won a £30 million contract to supply Government departments, such as the NHS, with 70,000 computers.

Interesting.  But there’s no conflict of interests of course, Sir Alan Sugar says so and you can trust him because he’s an honest and Alan Sugar - Gordon, you're firedsuccessful businessman.

At its peak Amstrad, which made hi-fis, car radios and helped pioneer home computers in Britain, was worth £1.2 billion


In 2007 he sold the company for £125 million to broadcaster BSkyB, a 10th of its value during the boom years.

So, he took a £1.2bn company, turned it into a £125m company and now he’s going to make policy on business and enterprise?  I suppose it’s no worse than No Mandate Brown taking a booming economy and turning it into a national debt roughly equal to 150% of GDP.

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How many times do we have to say no?

I will not waver, I will not wok away

Don’t you get it? We want you to waver, we want you to walk away.  That’s why we’re not voting for your useless party.  -200 councillors and counting Gordo, take the fucking hint!

Don’t forget, there’s a petition on the PM’s petitions website calling on him to resign.

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Election update: it’s a blue-wash

As the results trickle in, Liebour’s election meltdown is reaching epic proportions.

Only 18 councils out of 34 have declared their results so far and Liebour has failed to win control of a council.  They have, in fact, lost control of 4 councils and have made a net loss of 144 councillors.

Every council has gone to the Tories, apart from Bristol which has gone to the Lib Dims.  The English Democrats have got the Mayor of Doncaster and the independent Mayor of Hartlepool (the bloke in the monkey suit) has won a third term.

Meanwhile, another couple of cabinet members have resigned messing up No Mandate Brown’s reshuffling of the deckchairs.  The Liebour cabinet now has seven unelected peers – I always understood there was a rule limiting the number of peers in the cabinet to 3, when did this change?

The way things are going, the only councils left under Liebour control by tomorrow will be the ones who didn’t get a vote yesterday.

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Replacing people who’ve resigned isn’t a reshuffle

Well, it’s not been much of a cabinet reshuffle so far … more sort of replacing the people who’ve resigned because El Gordo is such a dick.

The Defence Secretary, John Hutton, has resigned and is yet to be replaced.  Alan Johnson has been made Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper has been made DWP secretary and Alan Sugar has been made “enterprise czar” which will explain his public support for El Gordo this morning.  In fact, I listened to my crooked MP, David Wright, this morning claiming that Liebour isn’t dead yet and El Gordo has a broad base of support based solely on the fact Alan Sugar praised him.  If the only people they can find to publicly support El Gordo are Fatty Prescott, a back bench nobody and a c-list celebrity who he’s just given a job to, Gordo’s position is more desperate than many people thought!

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Liebour’s dying days

The first results are in for yesterday’s local elections in England and as expected Liebour has taking a severe battering.

The Conswervatives have gained 18 councillors and retained 2 councils.  The Lib Dims have gained 1 councillor and one council (Bristol) which was previously under no overall control.  Other parties have gained 4 councils, one of which I believe is a UKIP councillor elected in Newcastle-under-Lyme.  Liebour have lost 23 councillors.

The Conswervatives have taken most seats on the new Central Bedfordshire Unitary Authority, Liebour have failed to win a single seat on the council.

Meanwhile, No Mandate Brown is reshuffling the deckchairs in his cabinet. What do you reckon the band will be playing in the cabinet office?

More election results are due in during the day, it’s going to be an interesting few hours.

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