Archive for wonkotsane

Bloggers4UKIP: Smart Meters for all! We’re saved!

The British government has unveiled plans to install gas and electricity smart meters in every house at the customer’s expense. Installation of the smart meters will be mandatory.

According to the British government, the meters will save consumers money and reduce CO2 emissions. The meters don’t make electricity or gas cheaper and they don’t reduce the amount of electricity or gas an appliance consumes but they will cost the consumer money to install. This makes them cheaper because …. ?

But of course, as with so many bloody stupid ideas that end up costing us money, it isn’t the British government’s idea at all

Last week, European politicians voted to roll out smart meters in every building across the Continent by 2022, and set an 80% installation target for 2020. The technology relays info about household electricity use and prices to consumers, who can then alter their habits to cut energy bills often by over 50%.

The European Empire strikes again and once again it’s the consumer that ends up paying the cost of the Empire’s stupid ideas. But at least we know how it’s going to save us money – we can alter our evil capitalist ways and be good little eco-friendly socialists reading Captain Euro magazines to our children by candlelight. In other words, it’s not going to save us money at all – it’s going to cost every household money to install something that is going to save the gas and electricity companies millions because they won’t need meter readers any more.

The economy has hit rock bottom, most of the world is in recession and national debt is touching 150% of GDP so obviously the priority for everyone in the country has got to be spending £7bn on smart peters

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HMRC to investigate thieving bastard politicians

Guido is beside himself at the moment and understandably so.  As an individual, he has done more than most – perhaps more than anyone – to expose and bring down the hypocritical, corrupt, thieving bastard politicians that make up the British government.

But as much as he deserves to enjoy himself at their expense, I have to give him a reality check.

The Commissioners of HM Revenue & Customs may have announced that they will investigate the aforementioned thieving bastard politicians for evasion of capital gains tax and taxation on benefits in kind but HMRC is an executive agency of the Treasury.  El Gordo is First Lord of the Treasury and the Chancellor is a complete bed wetter.  If the Metropolitan Police and Crown Prosecution Service haven’t managed to get a prosecution for openly fraudulent activities of thieving bastard politicians in the last year or two, what chance is there of HM Revenue & Customs being allowed to investigate and prosecute half the House of Commons?

Don’t forget, MPs tax records are all on paper for security reasons (only us proles are required to have all our personal details collected in big databases that our masters have no faith in) and embarassing paper records can easily be destroyed.

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Shut your fucking face Blears

Hazel Blears is so far off the moral compass it’s fucking unbelievable.

Having been exposed for abusing the expenses system by designating a flat she owned as her second home so she could claim £850 per month in mortgage payments on her expenses and then avoid paying capital gains tax when she sold it for a £45k profit, she has said that she understands “hatred” of the expenses system and that the system is wrong and needs changing.

Blears HangingNo.  Fucking no, you stupid fucking ginger chipmunk-featured fucking morally bereft fucking hypocrite.  You knew the system was wrong, you knew that what you were doing was wrong and you knew the taxpayer would consider your expenses claim to be outrageous BUT YOU STILL DID IT.  The system didn’t make you take advantage of a criminally slack expenses system, you made a conscious choice to abuse the system and to abuse the generosity and trust of the taxpayer.

The system doesn’t deserve to be hated, the corrupt MPs who have abused the system deserve to be hated and none more so than the ones like Blears who admit that they have acted in a morally reprehensible way but are trying to deflect attention from their corruption by blaming the system they abused.

Every MP that has abused the system should be fully investigated by the police and prosecuted for obtaining pecuniary advantage and malfeasance in office.  They have obtained money and property by deception – a pecuniary advantage – and have abused the trust of the electorate to such an extent through their deception that they can no longer carry out their duties of an MP effectively – malfeasance in office.

My preferred punishment would be to string the thieving bastards up from the lamposts outside Westminster Palace.

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Telegraph exposes thieving bastard politicians

The Telegraph has details of our thieving bastard MPs’ thieving bastard expenses and come to the conclusion that they’re thieving bastards.

  • The thieving bastard Prime Minister paid his brother over £6k for cleaning his flat.
  • The thieving bastard Justice Secretary, Jackboot Straw, claimed back the full council tax bill for his second home even though he had a 50% discount (he paid it back yesterday when he found out that it was going to be in a newspaper noticed the mistake).
  • The thieving bastard crook, Peter Mandelson, claimed thousands of pounds for improvements to his constituency home after he’d announced his resignation as an MP and then sold it for a profit of £136k.
  • The thieving bastard Communities Secretary, Hazel Blears, claimed £5k for furniture for three different homes by changing the title of her main home.
  • The thieving bastard Chancellor, Alistair Darling, changed the title of his second home four times in four years so he could claim second home expenses at all his properties.
  • The thieving bastard Transport Secretary, Geoff Hoon, spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers money improving his second home and then changed the title of his second home to another property and spent thousands of pounds of taxpayers money improving that home.
  • The thieing bastard Culture Secretary, Europe Minister and Welsh Secretary, Andy Burnham, Caroline Flint and Paul Murphy, all bought flats or the freehold for properties that they already owned and then claimed moving costs and stamp duty.

Hazel Blears said there would be no resignations because all the claims were within the rules but that they recognised the rules needed changing.  So they recognise that the rules are open to abuse, that thieving bastard MPs are robbing the taxpayer and that the rules have to be changed but they still abused the rules knowing that what they were doing was wrong?

Thieving.  Bastard.  MPs.

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Nice Printer, Shit Service

Mrs Sane went out and bought a new printer today – a nice Kodak ESP 7 all-in-one wireless device.

The printer installs fine on my laptop and Mrs Sane’s laptop but the desktop is having none of it.  I’ve tried to contact Kodak’s 24/7 customer support live chat for about 2 hours now and keep getting a message to tell me they’re too busy.

kodak1.png kodak2.png


Kodak’s 24/7 online chat support is still unavailable this morning.

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Guilty until proven innocent

A Welsh man has had £67k confiscated by the police because he couldn’t prove it was legitimate.

Police were called to his house following a report of an attempted break-in and found £67k in cash.  The man said the money came from savings and selling German military memorabilia but couldn’t prove it so they got a court order for its confiscation under the Proceeds of Crime Act.

DC Phil Davies of South Wales Police said that “It is enough to show the cash is probably related to one of a number of kinds of activity, any one of which would have been unlawful, for example, cheating the revenue, trading in counterfeit goods, drug supply or falsely claiming state benefits.”

Probably?  Since when was it good enough for someone to probably be breaking the law to be guilty?  This man was arrested on suspicion of money laundering and then released without charge.  The constitution in England and Wales says that you are innocent until proven guilty and that it is illegal to force someone to forfeit their property unless they are convicted.  This is unconstitutional and illegal.  It is a breach of Article 1 of Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to peaceful enjoyment of their property.
Liebour has turned this country into a fucking police state.  I hope this bloke appeals and takes the police to the cleaners.  Fucking fascists.

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Petition the PM: create a Minister for Men and balance the gender bias in the Ministry for Equality

Harriet Harperson’s announcement the other day of a new Equality Bill that would legalise discrimination against men and force companies to publish reports on their gender pay gap gave me a great excuse to indulge in some devilment.

First their was my enquiry to the Ministry for Equality, so far unacknowledged, asking if they will be producing a report on themselves and if the new bill also applies to Scotland.  Then there’s the Freedom of Information request, also unacknowledged as yet, asking for details of their workforce gender balance and what plans they have for a Minister for Men.  Then there was the letter I had published in the Shropshire Star and now there’s a petition on the El Gordo’s petition website calling on him to create a Minister for Men and balance the gender bias in the Ministry for Equality.

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to create a Minister for Men and balance the gender bias in the Ministry for Equality.

The Ministry for Equality has a Minister for Women (Harriet Harman) but no Minister for Men.

There are three Ministers for Equality, all of which are women.

There is a clear gender bias in the Ministry for Equality which needs addressing to prevent discrimination against men within the Ministry and in society as a whole.

Appointing a Minister for Men and male Ministers for Equality will set a good example to companies who will be forced to report on similar examples of gender bias in their own organisations as a result of the Ministry for Equality’s new Equality Bill.

It’ll be interesting to see how they try and explain the lack of a Minister for Men when there is a Minister for Women as something that makes us all equal.  But the only way to make them reply is to get more than 500 signatures so get signing and pass it on!

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Support the PM petition again

The Number 10 petitions team have obviously got bored of trying to filter out the joke names from the Support the PM petition.

After the list got to about 170 signatures, most of which I saved for prosperity, they took out all the spam and were left with … 7 names.  Oh dear.

There have been a couple of attempts to clear the petition up but the list of spam names is growing all the time.  One again, I’ll save the names for prosperity here:

  • Brad Owen
  • john fisk
  • I. Wright
  • Nicola O’Connor
  • Paul Uppal
  • Brid Mary Campbell
  • Tracey Hoek
  • Ali Craft
  • rita holland
  • John Doe
  • peter greenhill
  • Robin Scott
  • Raj Scott
  • Adam Applegarth
  • Andrew Ford
  • Truman Antrum
  • Ben Unkerman
  • Ferdy & Liza Packer
  • R Barker
  • y jacobs
  • Neil Roberts
  • Victoria. G
  • I R Manatee
  • Jatin
  • Hans-Peter Walsh
  • linda wallace
  • caitriona ni choitir
  • Anthony Bowdidge
  • Colin Mitchell
  • Jonathan Bevington
  • Annette Markillie
  • Alan Markillie
  • Joe King
  • Fuj Pakab Rown
  • And still the Scottish Robber, Scottish Raj, and T.Antrum remain – LOL
  • As do John Doe, Ferdy Liza Packer, a marine mammal and others – ROFLMAO
  • Field Marshall Sir Arthur Grebe-Streebling
  • Bonehead Brown
  • I R Another Manatee… hello
  • Albi Fayed
  • barrack obama
  • Ivan R. Donne
  • Mrs Myrtle Proper
  • Richard Head
  • Tanya Hyde
  • Robin Demmall
  • Chris Lyon
  • Wayne Kergurden
  • Jane Doe
  • W. Mittie
  • Bob Mougarby
  • Madame la Guillotine
  • Edna Basket
  • Yosif Stalin
  • Rex Nation
  • Gerry Mannering
  • Hal Furney
  • William Joyce
  • Sarah Brown
  • Tony, Cherie and the rest of the Blairs. Doing a fine job, Gordy. Keep it up.
  • Roger the Cabine Boy

What a joke our glorious leader is.  Is there a single person in this country that has even the slightest bit of respect for him?

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Harriet Harperson doesn’t want to be PM .. honest

Harriet Harperson says she doesn’t want to be Prime Minister. Thank god for that, the last thing we need is to lose a one-eyed Scottish dictator and gain a man-hating fascist bitch.

She says she’s staying loyal to El Gordo …

My ambition is to remain his loyal and supportive deputy

And if you believe that the extent of Harriet Harperson’s ambition is to spend the next few months as El Gordo’s number two you shouldn’t be allowed to even look at a ballot paper, let alone cast a vote.

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Shropshire Star: Equality for men?

I had this letter in the Shropshire Star the other night …

Equality for men?

David Wright MP has endorsed Harriet Harman’s proposed new equalities bill (Shropshire Star, April 28).

His endorsement would be more convincing if half of it hadn’t been copied word for word from Harriet Harman’s own speech on the bill.

Equality is obviously very important to David Wright so I’m sure he will be calling on Harriet Harman, the Minister for Women & Equality, to explain why there is no Minister for Men and why the three Ministers for Equality are all women.

Stuart Parr

Do you know what, something tells me he won’t.

I can’t find his letter – the paper it was in was collected with the recycling in the week – but the press release it was copied from is on his website.  Here’s David Wright’s comment …

I believe in equality for people in Telford. I have supported the Government’s action such as challenging disability discrimination and outlawing age discrimination at work.

“It is a scandal that decades after the Equal Pay Act, women still get paid less than men for doing the same job. Industry has had long enough to sort this out and doesn’t have a leg to stand on complaining about the Government forcing companies to treat women fairly.

“This Bill is about fairness. It is about all people in our community getting fair treatment. So in Telford it might mean making sure there are extra park benches in local parks so older people can enjoy public spaces and providing play areas for younger people so that they can make the most of our parks. I welcome this and I will support it.”

Harriet Harman, Minister for Women and Equality, said:
“The Equality Bill is part of building a strong fair future for Britain out of the downturn. That means fairness and opportunity. Especially in tougher economic times, we need to face the problems fairly and we need to look for a fairer future.

“Though we have ensured new rights and opportunities for people with disabilities, for women, black and Asian people and older people – there is still unfairness and discrimination to tackle. And this Bill will take the action necessary to tackle it.

Isn’t he a good little socialist?  Those nasty big businesses making money and paying their taxes (apart from the Liebour-supporting socialist rag, the Guardian which gets a tax rebate on it’s multi-million pound profits) so that we can pay his £63k salary and £155k expenses.  Come the revolution, Comrade Wright will be rewarded generously for his loyalty to the party.

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Shrewsbury make the play-offs

The mighty Shrews have beaten Dagenham & Redbridge to enter the League 2 play-offs.

All that stands between Shrewsbury Town and a return to League 2 is a couple of games.

At the start of the season it looked like they had promotion in the bag, then it all went a bit iffy before finally scraping back into the play-off zone.

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Scott May’s Daredevil Stunt Show

Last night we went to watch Scott May’s Daredevil Stunt Show in the Arena in Telford Town Park.

Slaine For a tenner for adults and a fiver for kids, they had motorbikes, cars, an ATV, three monster trucks, a human cannonball, a clown and lots of fire!

It’ll be a real shame if Telford & Wrekin Council manage to build on the Arena like they plan to do, this is the sort of event that brings people in from all round the county.

There are a few videos on YouTube here.

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Swine Flu – 3 new cases, 2 cured

The Scottish couple who were the first in the UK to be diagnosed with swine flu have gone home today, covering their faces so as not to spoil their newspaper deal.

The Chief Medical Officer for England says that they won’t be routinely screening people returning from Mexico, even though that’s where the virus is coming from.  This is really quite unacceptable – we’re an island, we can close our borders and isolate ourselves rather than risk letting a virus that we don’t understand take root in the population.  Stopping British Airways from continuing its flights to Mexico City would be a good start.

There are now 8 confirmed cases of swine flu in the UK, 2 of which are no longer infected.  Most people have little or nothing to fear from swine flu, it’s really just the elderly and infirm and the very young that are at risk and there is plenty of medication available to treat it as long as any epidemic remains manageable.  But there is no excuse for sitting back and letting the virus spread whether we’re geared up to cope with it or not.

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Is swine flu the excuse Gordo needs to cancel elections?

At first I thought this swine flu thing was just scaremongering by the media but now I realise that it’s serious – probably more serious than even the Daily Mail could imagine.

Check your spam folder for online pharmacy emails and order in as much Tamiflu as you can lay your hands on.  Get down to your local hardware store and buy all their stocks of face masks.

The prime minister has said Britain is “among the best prepared countries in the world” to deal with the outbreak

As if Jonah talking about swine flu wasn’t dangerous enough, this is almost exactly the same thing he said as the recession kicked in and now we’re being told that we’re probably going to be hit the hardest.

We’re doooooooooooooomed.

Being serious for a moment, there are very few cases of swine flu and no deaths outside of Mexico and the British government reckons it has enough flu medication to treat 30m people.  Four UK airlines have stopped flying to Mexico, two are flying holidaymakers out of Mexico but British Airways is still flying to Mexico City 4 times a week.  Banning travel to and from Mexico for a bit might help prevent the spread of swine flu, as would banning anyone who’s recently been to Mexico from coming into the country.  The technology is there at all ports, it is possible to enforce such a ban if one was ordered.

On a number of occassions recently I have speculated that El Gordo would cancel the election next year “in the interests of national security”.  He’s certainly got the ambition to do it, Liebour have passed legislation to allow it, all he needs is an excuse.  The recession and a few carefully engineered riots about rampant unemployment would give him the excuse to declare a state of emergency.  There’s an EU election in June which Liebour may finish as badly as fourth in.  An outbreak of swine flu with an exaggerated statement on the risk of congregating in public places or unnecessary travel from some sock-puppet health quango would give him an excuse to postpone the EU elections in June.

I’m naturally cynical, especially where the one-eyed Scottish idiot is concerned, but is his obsessive lust for power so great that he would allow a highly infectious disease to spread around the country through inaction and criminally stupid policies just to stay in Downing Street?  Is he that insane?  I wouldn’t put it past him.

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Another petition to sign

The petition calling on El Gordo to resign now has over 25k signatures.

But it’s spawned another petition calling for him to carry on leading our great country which I would urge you to sign.  I don’t imagine the petition will be there for long so I’ll list the names below …

  • Brad Owen
  • john fisk
  • Ashie
  • Joy Wendy Endcomes
  • Andrew Neil
  • Charles Ponzi
  • D N Disnigh
  • Noki Aitonthehead
  • I. Wright
  • Mr N.O. McMandate
  • Ivor Broquen-Printer
  • Mr. P. Iss-Off
  • Mr S Meargate
  • Dustin Mihands
  • Gordon Smallcock
  • Mrs Tricoteuse
  • Prof L. Igate-Tosser
  • Nick Robinson
  • Asif Ali ZARDARI, President
  • Sarah Brown
  • Gordon pension robber Brown
  • All your friends at the BBC
  • A.S. Long-As-It’s The Wright Thing
  • Juan Ay-Jocque
  • Billy Nomates
  • I.T. Beganinamerica
  • Simon Scrotum
  • No More Return To Boom And BUST
  • Karl Marx
  • Dolly Draper
  • Orson Carte
  • Phil McHunt
  • Imoff Tofrance
  • Nucking Futter
  • R Ving-Lhuun
  • Mr Bunk Spubble (Labour supporter)
  • it’s oor oil
  • Andrew Marr
  • F*ck off back to Scotland
  • Arthur Brown Penis
  • Do you think you’ll manage to get to 10 REAL signatures?
  • Referee R.ndum and U. Ropevote
  • Mr Barnett Dividend (Scottish Labour)
  • Nicola O’Connor
  • Wayne Kerr. Go Gordon your doing a grand job!
  • Vaal Ewes
  • Seymour Jocksin-Cabinet
  • Bob Roberts Hamster
  • Betty Swallocks
  • Rock Ing-Horse
  • M. Outhbreather
  • Hugh R. Slicker
  • Ilick Windows
  • Blair mayne UUPCON
  • I Hate Broon
  • Robert Barking-Roberts
  • K Y Jelly
  • Toenails Robinson
  • Jacqui Five-Bellies
  • google ho-tel
  • Jim Hacker’s Dangly Knackers
  • Stalin
  • Hugh Janus
  • Josef Fritzel
  • My mate Gordo and me shag sheep at the weekends
  • Esan Utter
  • Iain Dale media whore
  • Frankie McCheesecake
  • Phil MacAvity
  • Monk d’willy da honk
  • 1eyed Scottish IDIOT
  • HARRIET (too big for my boots) HARMAN
  • Jonah Broon
  • C.U. Jimmy
  • U MacMesick
  • B Ukake-Smith
  • I.F. No-Job
  • Tony Blair
  • Napoleon,Snowball,Squealer and the rest of the pigs from Animal Farm
  • Aime Wright-Burke
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Gordon FitzPeter
  • Peter FitzGordon
  • Gote Farqhuhar
  • Mike Hunt
  • Rufus T- Smee
  • Damian McSmear
  • Another fat faced bogey eater
  • I’m going to emmigrate if Brown still leads the UK in a week
  • Len dusafiver
  • Titanic Captain
  • prudence mcnutter
  • Yuri Wright -Tosser
  • Mr. You Don’t Stand a Chance.
  • His Holiness Pope Tony; purveyor of snake oil and associated transitory miracles
  • Cyclops McFuckup
  • R.E. Sign-u-tosser
  • Ian Brady
  • King Cnut and you have something in common
  • Zanu Liebour
  • Ivor Hardon
  • Hugh G. Rection
  • B.Uggeroff
  • Sir Fred Goodwin (thanks for the knighthood)
  • Paki Shop Owner
  • Ayatollah Hogmanay
  • Tony ‘I got out with at least some credibility’ Blair
  • Chipped Wheelie Bin
  • F Cough andie
  • Brownisahoon
  • Piss Off Brown!!
  • Fidel X Penses
  • Tony (I’m back and available for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs) Blair
  • Gay Gordons Syphilitic Knobcheese
  • ALan Duncan Comic Genius
  • Polly the Tuscan
  • S Nottgobbler
  • Yasmin Alibhai-Brown
  • Iwillnotlethousepricesgetoutofcontrol
  • Guido Fawkes
  • G B Rownsakundt
  • Paul Uppal
  • Winston Smith

One or two of those might be down to me.  Ahem.

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Another one bites the dust

Telford & Wrekin Council has lost its second Chief Executive in 3 years and once again I can honestly say good riddance to bad rubbish.

Three years ago Michael “The Traitor” Frater left to mismanage Nottingham City Council and was sacked after less than two years after rubbing the officers up the wrong way.  Frater the Traitor was a card-carrying Liebour supporter and so is his replacement, Steve Wellings.

Wellings is one of the highest paid council Chief Executives in the country earning a recession-defying £160k a year – about £1.50 for every man, woman and child living in the borough.

I’ll keep some fond memories of Steve Wellings, the fondest of which will be the look of utter disgust on his face as he held one of my West Midlands NO! leaflets between his thumb and forefinger and the filth look he gave me at the election count last year when I said hello to him (he wouldn’t speak to me).

That’s another red out of the council, only a few hundred more to go.

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Equality, New Liebour style

Harriet Harperson, the Minister for Equalities & Women, wants to force companies to publish reports on their gender pay gap.  As most of the trade and industry portfolio is devolved, Ms Harperson’s pledge to “narrow the gap between rich and poor and make Britain more equal” probably only applies to England.
According to Ms Harperson, there is too much sexual discrimination and there is “no excuse for having unfairness when times are difficult”.  This is coming from the Minister for Women who is almost certainly a woman, whose shadow counterparts are women and whose Ministry for Equality has no male ministers and no Minister for Men.

Will Ms Harperson also require companies to publish reports on the special interest employee groups they have for women, ethnic minorities and gays?  And will the Ministry for Equalities & Women be producing a report on itself, the lack of any male ministers for women and equality and the absence of a Minister for Men?

There’s only one way to find out …

Dear Ms Harperson,

I note with interest that you are to introduce a bill requiring companies to report on their gender pay gap and other inequalities.

Will you be producing a report on your own ministry which has no Minister for Men and, indeed, no male ministers at all?



And because I was a bit premature with the send button …

Dear Ms Harperson,

Further to my previous enquiry regarding your new equality bill, does it also apply to Scotland or does your pledge to “narrow the gap between rich and poor and make Britain more equal” only apply to England?  If it only applies to England, why did you give the impression that it applies to the whole of the UK?



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Family Courts to hold public hearings

From today family court hearings will be open to the public and journalists, even if children are involved.

Journalists and members of the public will be able to sit in on divorce and custody hearings, getting to hear details of financial settlements, affairs, marital breakdown and parents’ relationships with their children.  Hearings will only be held in private if a judge can be convinced that holding them in public will prejudice the case.
The reason given for opening up the hearings is that it will make the family court process more open and result in less mistakes.  From my own first hand experience trying to get my step children protected from their violent alcoholic father for a couple of years, what causes a lot of the “mistakes” is the guidelines that are handed down to judges taking away their discretion and forcing them to make bad decisions.

The British government makes every effort to keep every element of the personal and professional lives secret but when it comes to us plebs, every element of our lives has to be laid open to scrutiny by everyone and anyone at any time.

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Petition the PM: Resign

A petition worth signing: We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to resign.

There are many reasons why we might want Brown to resign, but rather than having lots of narrow petitions on this topic (most of which have been rejected), I wanted one for all of us.

Click on the boot to sign the petition …
Hat-tip: Daily Referendum

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How’s your St Georges Day been?

I’ve had a great St Georges Day.  I took the day off work – as I do every year – and had a busy day.

This morning I went and got my hair cut and saw lots of English flags on cars and houses and people wearing Cross of St George lapel badges.

I went to the florists and bought a fresh red rose for my wife and my daughter and then we went to Blists Hill museum for a couple of hours and had fresh Victorian-style fish and chips cooked in beef fat.  God, they were fantastic.

Took #4 to nursery where they had Happy St Georges Day posters up and were colouring in pictures of George and the Dragon and English flags.  The eldest 3 didn’t do anything about St Georges Day despite doing St Paddy’s Day, St David’s Day, Holocaust Memorial Day and Chinese New Year which was disappointing but they’ll be getting a Section 65 Race Relations Act questionnaire to explain why.

Tonight I’m going to a St Georges Day meal organised by Telford & Wrekin UKIP with a brass band and a comedian.

Oh yes, and the Shropshire Star will be running my Red Audi L311 XPV, you’re a wanker story as a follow up to a local lad getting a driving ban after videoing himself driving dangerously and posting it on YouTube.
An eventful and productive St Georges Day.

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