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Archive for wonkotsane
We’re fucked
El Gordo had an easy time for his decade as Chancellor with the global economy booming and he still managed to fuck the economy up.
Today’s budget was a proper socialist budget – people who work for a living are going to see their tax burden go through the roof while unemployed people and the dregs of society will be getting money thrown at them.
There’s the obligatory “green” taxation of course – nearly £2.5bn on green measures and a target to reduce carbon emissions by 34% by the year 2020 at an unspecified multi-billion pound cost to businesses and taxpayers. Like Canute commanding the tide to turn back, El Gordo and Darling will pass new laws to command billions of years of climate change to stop what it’s doing and spend billions enforcing their new laws. The cost will no doubt be recovered by taking dragging Gaia through the courts for not reducing her carbon footprint to an acceptable level.
High earners will have to hand over half their earnings over £150k in state theft income tax to try and raise a bit of cash to pay for the glorious revolution. In reality it’ll drive high earners abroad or into the hands of tax avoidance specialists who’ll help them legally launder their wealth through trust funds and limited companies. Co-incidentally, a cabinet member’s salary is £141k, just shy of the new tax bracket so the only minister who might make be making the sacrifice is Comrade Brown who’s on £194k per year.
Statutory redundancy pay is being increased by £30 per week, under-25’s who’ve been out of work for over a year will be offered a job or training with extra benefits on top of the benefits they get for unemployment and training and an extra 54,000 sixth form places will be created to keep kids in education a bit longer costing the taxpayer money instead of working and paying taxes.
A £2k scrappage allowance is being introduced for people buying new cars and part exchanging a 10 year old car. The taxpayer will contribute half of the £2k allowance and the car industry – which is asking for bailouts itself and in the case of Jaguar/Land Rover has already been given a few billion by the European Empire – will have to fund the other half. This will, apparently, stimulate the motor industry.
There’s a 2p increase on petrol as usual, to start in September. That’s 2p on fuel duty, plus 15% VAT plus the increased price of pretty much everything that you buy in the shops because of the increased cost of transport.
But it’s ok because Darling – whose qualification for running the economy is that he’s a marxist solicitor – says that after a 3.5% shrinkage of the economy this year, the economy will grow by 1.25% next year and 3.5% the year after. And let’s face it, he’s done such a stirling job this last year and marxists have done a fantastic job of running ruining economies over the years that we could never doubt Comrade Darling’s wise words.
Technorati Tags: Budget, Alistair Darling, Gordon Brown
Who’s the Daddy?
A committee of MPs has produced a report saying that the British government get more involved in the parenting of “disadvantaged” children.
The report is looking at disadvantaged children in social care but the term “disadvantaged” has plenty of scope for expansion into other areas – children with learning difficulties, children with behavioural problems, children from poor families. Anyone familiar with George Orwell’s 1984 will see yet another parallel between the Orwellian society in 1984 and England under Liebour where children are indoctrinated with propaganda and end up shopping their parents to Big Brother for thought crimes. The British government’s current healthy eating propaganda programme (in England only and which fails to promote a healthy, balanced diet) provides materials to primary schools telling children to challenge their parents if they prepare a meal that the British government has deemed to be unhealthy.
Far from taking a more active role in parenting, the British government needs to poke its nose out of our private lives and get on with what it’s actually there for – to make sure we’re safe and to provide essential services. We don’t need to be told how to live our lives, what to eat, what to drink, what to think. We need the state to basically just fuck off and die and leave us to live our lives.
Technorati Tags: Big Brother, Social Care
Red Audi L311 XPV, you’re a wanker
About 4 weeks ago, I was walking #2 to cubs with #4 in tow when some wanker in a red Audi, registration number L311 XPV, came tearing round the perimeter road at 60mph+. The speed limit – on account of the road being around the outside of a housing estate with houses and junctions on both sides of the road – is 30mph and has those stupid speed blisters. If this kidney donor had hit one of the speed bumps at the wrong angle at that speed he could have been off the road and up the pavement and if he didn’t kill himself doing it, I’d have ripped him a new arsehole.
I heard him coming up the hill and got my phone out to record him. From cresting the hill to disappearing round the corner took 4 seconds. This is an unbelievably dangerous speed.
To my amazement, the Police have said that they won’t do anything about it because they can’t see the number plate on the video, even though I read it out on the video as he screamed past. You can’t see the number plate because he was driving too fast for the camera to catch it.
Anyway, seeing as how it won’t be used as evidence, here’s the video on YouTube.
Technorati Tags: Dangerous Driver, L311 XPV
Telford’s Burning
I went for my daily walk from the office to the shopping centre in town today and as I was walking over a bridge over the railway I smelled smoke, looked over the side and saw that there was a fire under the bridge somewhere near the tracks.
The two people in front of me didn’t seem interested so I phoned the fire brigade. They asked me where I was so I explained that I was on a bridge over the railway. They asked what part of the town I was in and I told them I didn’t know because I was walking so they asked again which part of town I was in. Funnily enough, I still didn’t know.
So I gave directions from the nearest point they would be able to get a fire engine to and went on my way, calling in at the train station on the way to let them know about the fire. Quarter of an hour later, the fire brigade rang to ask where the fire was because they couldn’t find it. The fire station is literally no more than 3 or 4 minutes from where the fire was but it took them a quarter of an hour to get there. I gave the same directions to the fireman on the phone who said “ah, I think we’re at the wrong bridge”.
The thing is, there isn’t another footbridge over the railway for miles so I have no idea where they went!
Technorati Tags: Fire
Police arrest 114 suspected ecoterrorists
Police have raided a private school and arrested 114 suspected ecoterrorists who they suspect of planning to storm a coal power station.
The problem is, of course, that a judge has already given a green light to ecoterrorists who want to cause tens of thousands of pounds of criminal damage in the name of saving the planet. If the police can prove these suspected ecoterrorists were, indeed, planning to break into and shut down a power station then what hope is there of a conviction when six months ago, a judge ruled that ecoterrorists can lawfully break into a power station, cause tens of thousands of pounds of damage and shut it down because of the harm it does to the environment.
Technorati Tags: Ecoterrorists
CEP: Gordon Brown will make slaves of English children
The British Prime Minister has announced plans to force all English children to carry out at least 50 hours of community service before the age of 19.
Luckily, the plans are in his manifesto pledge for the next British elections and are therefore extremely unlikely to ever come to fruition for the two very good reasons that Labour is unlikely to win a general election again for a long time and they have already told us that their manifesto promises aren’t actually promises, but more sort of vague ideas of things they’d do if they didn’t hold us all in such contempt.
However, as unlikely as it is that his proposals will ever come to anything, it just goes to show the lengths this illegitimate Prime Minister will go to to grab a headline. He is putting a promise in his British general election manifesto, on which he will ask the voters of Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath in Scotland to elect him, to compel English children to carry out unpaid “voluntary” work by making it a compulsory element of the English school curriculum.
Of course, you won’t read any of this on the BBC News website. They have helpfully (for Gordon Brown) quoted the British Prime Minister word for word without correction:
It is my ambition to create a Britain in which there is a clear expectation that all young people will undertake some service to their community, and where community service will become a normal part of growing up in Britain.
And, by doing so, the contributions of each of us will build a better society for all of us.
That would mean young people being expected to contribute at least 50 hours of community service by the time they have reached the age of 19.
This will build on the platform provided by citizenship classes as they develop in our schools. But because the greater part of what I envisage as community service takes place outside the school day, it will require the close involvement of local community organisations and charities.
He also said the community work would be linked to a “clear system of accreditation” meaning that children who refuse to take part in the slave labour would fail or marked down in their Citizenship exams.
The following complaint has been made to the BBC:
You quote Gordon Brown saying:
“It is my ambition to create a Britain in which there is a clear expectation that all young people will undertake some service to their community, and where community service will become a normal part of growing up in Britain.”
The article explains that he would do this by way of changing the school curriculum which, as anyone with even a passing knowledge of UK politics (let alone a professional journalist) knows, would only apply to England. Despite this clearly being an English-only proposal, there was no explanation of this on the BBC website, nor was Gordon Brown’s use of the word “Britain” when he meant “England” challenged or corrected.
There was also no mention of the fact that the British Prime Minister, representing a Scottish constituency, is making this policy that only applies to England a cornerstone of his general election manifesto when he seeks re-election in his Scottish constituency next year.
Technorati Tags: CEP, BBC, Slave Labour, El Gordo, Children
Liebour scared of the BNP
The corrupt media bought into the left wing lie that the BNP are a far right party but many bloggers know the truth – that the BNP are a far left party, more akin to Liebour than the parties on the right – and try our best to make sure as many people as possible get to know the truth.
The left’s propaganda is further discredited by Harriet Harperson’s admission that Liebour is scared of the BNP. Harperson says that the BNP “are a bigger threat than they have been before” and are so scared of losing votes to the far left BNP that they’re using a different election slogan in areas where BNP have a lot of support, are working with (ironically) with anti-fascist groups and even have anti-BNP battlebuses.
You will note that there are no such concerns from the right of centre Conswervatives or UKIP, nor is there a sustained campaign against the BNP from any party other than Liebour. Now that support for Liebour has collapsed, the left will be casting their protest votes for the BNP.
Three strikes and you’re out
Bob Quick, the Met Police’s chief anti-terrorism officer, has resigned after his latest act of stupidity.
A long-planned anti-terrorism raid had to be brought forward, putting unprepared officers at risk, because the muppet walked up Downing Street with briefing papers for the raid clearly on show for photographers.
Quick was the senior officer who authorised the raid on Damian Green MP’s office in parliament and then complained that the Tories had mobilised the gutter press against him in a witch hunt.
There’s no doubt that Quick had been a competent copper for the first 30 years of his career but his recent promotion was obviously one too far.
Technorati Tags: Bob Quick
Thieving Bastard Politicians
For once the lying, crooked, thieving bastard politicians in the Liebour Party have been eclipsed by an even bigger bunch of lying, crooked, thieving bastard politicians. Unbelievable, I know, but true.
Sinn Féin’s 5 MPs have claimed £21k each for the last 4 years – a total of over £400k – in second home allowances for flats in London even though the thieving bastard terrorists refuse to take their seats in Westminster because they won’t pledge their alleigence to the Queen.
There’s only one way to stop these lying thieving bastard politicians from being such lying thieving bastards and it involves a good length of rope and a lampost.
Technorati Tags: Sinn Fein, Corruption
One rule for politicians, one for the rest of us
A policeman from Newcastle has been convicted of causing death by dangerous driving after hitting a 16 year old girl who walked into the road in front of him.
The policeman was doing 94mph in a 30mph limit without his blue lights and sirens, hence the dangerous driving charge, but he was on duty and accelerating to catch up with a car that had been flagged up on his ANPR.
PC John Dougal has been remanded until the 1st of May when he will be sentenced and the judge has already told him that he’ll be going to prison.
While it was a serious error – and evidently a criminal error – to not use his lights and siren, he was a qualified advanced police driver and the girl stepped into the road in front of him. Contrast this case with the unqualified, non-advanced driver, Lord Ahmed, who ran over and killed Martyn Gombar whilst texting from his mobile phone at 70mph – Lord Ahmed was given a 12 week sentence and served only 6 weeks.
Will PC Dougal be back home halfway through June? Will he bollocks. There’s one rule for politicians and one rule for the rest of us. PC Dougal will be made an example and locked up for a couple of years while Lord Ahmed walks free after committing the same crime under far worse circumstances because he’s a Liebour politician. Ahmed even went on to threaten a terrorist attack on the House of Commons and still he’s not behind bars.
Technorati Tags: Police, Lord Ahmed, PC John Dougal
IPS hands out £650m contracts for ID cards database
The Identity and Passport Service (IPS) has awarded £650m of contracts to CSC and IBM to build its national identity register even though the Tories said they will repeal ID card and national identity register legislation when they win the next election.
The IPS have justified pissing £650m up the wall because they need to record biometric data for the new biometric passports the European Empire has told them they have to issue so they may as well make it ready for ID cards as well.
The ID database is going to be linked to the DWP’s Customer Information System (CIS) which contains cradle to grave information about every citizen and is used and abused by other British government departments, such as the Ministry of Justice, HM Court Service, HM Revenue & Customs, the NHS and local authorities (link 1, link 2, link 3).
Wilkins Ice Shelf still hanging on by a thread, apparently
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS), government-funded “scientists”, have announced that the Wilkins Ice Shelf in the Antarctic is on the verge of collapsing.
Funnily enough, the BAS said exactly the same thing last year except last year the Wilkins Ice Shelf was the size of the Isle of Man and this year it’s the size of Wales. That’s a hell of a lot of growth considering that global warming is supposed to be melting all the ice.
And there’s still no explanation from the BAS or any other global warming propagandists as to how the Wilkins Ice Shelf can collapse in 1998 and again in 2008 2009.
There is, of course, one explanation for all this: it’s another piece of outdated propaganda, invented by the author of the IPPC work of fiction on climate change (who happens to be the BAS lead “scientist”) and faithfully reproduced by lazy journalists in the mainstream media.
Technorati Tags: Wilkins Ice Shelf, Cliamte Change, Propaganda
Internet spying database opens for business
From today, internet service providers will have to keep a 12 month record of every email you send and website you visit for use by the Ministerium für Staatssicherheit.
Ironically, the European Empire is calling on member states to keep a closer eye on companies that monitor internet usage and carry an illegal or disproportionate amount of surveillance!
You can’t make this shit up.
Technorati Tags: Internet, Police State
Andy Murray wins something
Andy “Anyone but England” Murray has won something.
It’s only the Miami Open but the BBC are beside themselves that the miserable jock has won something. Imagine how unbearable they’d be if he won a grand slam? Time to stock up on Andy Murray voodoo dolls.
Technorati Tags: Andy Murray, Miami Open
The Department for Children, Schools and Families had a full page advert in the Shropshire Star last night for their ContactPoint database.
ContactPoint is a massive centralised database that local authorities in England are legally obliged to populate with the details of every child under the age of 18, along with details of their parents, school, GP and childrens services. The advert says the database is secure and can only be used by people who are security clared and trained but as with every other government database, it’s not secure enough for the children of MPs to be put in it.
The advert is pure propaganda, nothing more, nothing less. ContactPoint is an instrument of the British police state and will be abused from day one. The advert says that children will only be on ContactPoint until they’re 18, it doesn’t say what will happen to the records. Data Protection laws say that the records have to be kept for a reasonable amount of time after they’re no longer used and after collecting all this information, there is no way the British government will get rid of it – it will simply be moved to the adult identity database where even more information will be added to it so the authorities have a complete picture of every proles life from cradle to grave.
I refuse to accept that details of my children and myself can be put on an insecure database without my consent. It’s a breach of our right to privacy under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act and if it’s not secure enough for Gordon Brown’s children then it’s not secure enough for mine.
I’ve just sent the following email to my local council:
Seeing the full page propaganda piece from the Department for Children, Schools and Families has done nothing to convince me that ContactPoint is simply a benign repository of information to keep children safe.
The database won’t be secure, that’s why MPs children won’t appear on it. I cannot allow my children’s details to be entered onto an insecure database, I want them to be safe. ContactPoint is also a breach of the right to privacy guaranteed under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act.
I forbid you from entering details of my children on the ContactPoint database. If you do so against my express wishes I will take legal action against the council and the individual responsible for the details being entered.
My children are {censored}.
Please ensure that all relevant departments are made aware of my instructions.
Stuart Parr
Technorati Tags: Contact Point, Database State, Police State
Bloggers4UKIP: Messages of Support for Stuart Wheeler
Stuart Wheeler is one of those rarities in political circles – someone who puts principles before party.
While his donation to UKIP and subsequent expulsion from the Tories is great news for UKIP supporters and eurosceptics in general, it has to be remembered that he has been stabbed in the back by the party that he’s supported so generously for so many years.
What Wheeler needs now is messages of support, not just from UKIP supporters, but from Tories as well. Send Bloggers4UKIP your messages of support and we’ll forward them on all together.
Technorati Tags: Stuart Wheeler, UKIP
Why do we allow terrorists on our streets?
The G20 conference kicks off today, following a massive operation to protect businesses and property in the capital.
Companies in the capital have spent millions boarding up their buildings and putting in extra security measures to try and protect themselves against the anti-capitalist, anarchist and eco terrorists that are converging on London to terrorise the city in the name of whatever problem it is they have with the world.
The cost of policing the G20 is £7.5m with officers from neighbouring forces being drafted in to help out. The police have given out official advice to civil servants and professionals in the city telling them not to wear ID, not to wear suits, to change their route into work if it’s near a protest site and even to stay at home if necessary.
We have a constitutional right to peaceful protest in England but we don’t have a right to terrorise the 5m people who live and work in London. These terrorists are costing us tens of millions of pounds at a time when we can least afford it. The police and local authorities abuse anti-terrorism laws on a daily basis for things like dog fouling and car parking offences yet they are quite prepared to allow thousands of terrorists roam around the streets of London.
Environment Agency wants compulsary water meters
The Environment Agency plans to force water companies to spend money on installing water meters in every home in England and Wales to try and force people to use less water.
Their crackpot team of fake scientists have a bullshit theory that global warming will result in up to 80% less water in rivers by 2050 and the planet is going to be simultaneously engulfed by rising sea levels and turned into a vast desert by global warming.
Instead of forcing water companies to spend millions on useless water meters, make them spend the money on repairing leaks. Severn Trent loses over half a million litres of water a year through leaky pipes alone and that’s only one water company. There’s not much point putting a water meter in every home to try and force people to use less if you’re going to allow the water companies to piss millions of gallons into the street.
Technorati Tags: Water Meters
Another fake prediction from Peston
The BBC’s financial fraud, Robert Peston, has “predicted” that the Dunfermline Building Society could be bought by the Nationwide. Like most of Peston’s “predictions”, it’s already old news by the time he makes his pronouncement.
It was surprising that the Treasury didn’t bail out the Dunfermline because most of its branches are in El Gordo’s constituency. Not so surprising is the fact that the Treasury is going to take on £1bn of toxic assets, allowing the new owner to take on the profitable part of the business.
The Chairman of the Dunfermline is having a whinge about the Treasury not doing more to keep the building society independent. The SNP, desperate not to lose another one of “oor banks” (yes I know it’s a building society, not a bank), has offered financial aid to the Dunfermline but the Treasury has apparently blocked the offer.
Technorati Tags: Dunfermline, Peston