Archive for wonkotsane

Oxfam accuses us of killing poor people

Another day, another bullshit propaganda report into climate change.

Oxfam says that climate change is killing poor people because of failing crops and losing water supplies to droughts.

Climate change was first seen as a scientific problem, then an economic one,” explained report author Kate Raworth. “Now it is becoming a matter of international justice.

Erm, no – first it was seen as bollocks, then it was seen as utter bollocks, now it’s being seen as a fucking big pile of horse shit.

Litigation is seldom the best way to solve a dispute.

I don’t know, it was the only way one scientist was able to get his name taken off the crock of shit IPPC report on climate change which he had resigned from because it was unscientific and politically motivated.

However, vulnerable countries do need options to protect themselves. Rich country polluters have been fully aware of their culpability for many years.

Damn those rich capitalists, they represent all that is evil in the world.  Sorry, since when did Oxfam become a mouthpiece for the global socialist movement?

In April 2007, a working group of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), consisting of hundreds of environmental experts, published a report warning that people living in poverty would be the worst affected by climate change.

The lead author of the IPCC report is a lying propagandist and since that report was published, 500 experts have signed the Manhattan Declaration and 31,000 have signed the Oregon Petition disagreeing with the concept of anthropogenic climate change and stating their opposition to the IPCC report.

Oxfam has called for a twin approach of mitigation and adaption to ensure human rights formed a central pillar of climate policies

The only climate change policy should be to prepare ourselves to adapt to a different climate if that’s the way things go.  The billions being spent trying to stop climate change from happening, just like it has for millions of years, could be spent on erradicating disease and povery.

How much did Oxfam spend on this bullshit report?  How much of the money intended to feed, clothe, educate and provide medical care to the worlds poorest people was pissed up the wall producing this piece of political propaganda?  Is it any wonder charities find it hard to convince people to donate money when they produce shit like this?

There is no consensus on climate change and there has been no global warming since 1998.  A whole industry has grown around peddling climate change propaganda with “scientists” having access to billions of pounds of funding to produce even more propaganda and drown out the voices of common sense.

Well fuck you Oxfam, I’ll make sure that you never get a penny out of me or my family.

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More on the Telford Town Park facists

Telford & Wrekin Council have tried backtracking over their plans to question adults without children in Telford Town Park after receiving widespread condemnation, claiming that the Shropshire Star exaggerated the story and that there were no plans to routinely interrogate people.

This is despite a letter from the Sport & Recreation Manager at the council saying, in a letter to a resident:

From our previous correspondence with you, you will be aware that our town park Staff approach adults that are not associated with any children in the Town Park and request the reason for them being there.

That doesn’t need any exaggerating, it’s already pretty diabolical as it is.

The backtracking will no doubt turn into a climbdown pretty soon.  The Home Office have waded in to say that it’s not their idea and that the council has no right to interrogate people in a public place.  The Shropshire Star aren’t letting it go, Telford Council Watch has organised a protest for 10:30am Saturday morning and the story is in the Metro, the Daily Mail and the Torygraph.  There’s also blog coverage on the Devil’s Kitchen, Liberal England, Why England Needs a Parliament, Lib Dem Voice, Views from the Asylum, Connecting the Dots in the New World Order, Crimes and Corruptions of the New World Order and Legally Kidnapped.

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Jonah Brown Strikes Again

No Mandate Brown brought his rump cabinet to Birmingham yesterday for the first exciting installment of his tour of what he refers to as “the regions”.

Is it a co-incidence that the Met Office subsequently issues the following warning?

There is a moderate risk of a severe weather event affecting Wales, Southwest England, parts of the West Midlands, Northwest England, Southwest Scotland and Northern Ireland

Perhaps we should start calling him Arthur Dent (see Agrajag) …

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Andy “Anyone but England” Murray lost his first ever grand slam final to some dirty diego by the name of Federa.  Shame.

Anyone by Murray 

When the BBC wet themselves with excitement over him getting to the finals he was the Scotsman, Andy Murray.  When he lost he was the British hopeful, Andy Murray. 

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Telford tries its hand at facism

You would be forgiven for thinking that Telford & Wrekin Council had decided to revive the Imperial Fascist League given their recent pronouncements on the town park.

Telford Town Park was given to the people of the town with covenants protecting it as a park with free and open access for all in perpetuity.

Telford and Wrekin Council - FascistsA few weeks ago, a well-known local protester was evicted from the park for dressing up as a penguin and handing out climate change propaganda.  Now, this is someone I’ve locked horns with on more than one occasion and of course I don’t agree with her views on climate change (she believes in anthropogenic climate change, I have common sense) but on this we agreed – she has every right to stand in a public place and hand out leaflets as long as she doesn’t harass anyone.  The council officers who evicted her from that public place had no right to do so and several people told them so.  They even told her that you are only allowed to hand out leaflets in the park if you have had a Police CRB check and signed a declaration agreeing to all sorts of restrictions.  This is, of course, a load of bollocks – they cannot impose these conditions on anyone wanting to use a public place.
But they don’t let the little matter of acting without authority get in the way.  No, rather than apologise for harassing someone going about their lawful business they have announced that anyone seen in the park without a child will be challenged by their agents who will want to know who they are and why they are in the park without a child.

I’m a father of four and I want my children to be safe.  What I don’t want is the type of society where everyone is assumed to be guilty.  Have they never heard of the phrase “you can’t see the wood for the trees”?

The council’s pronouncement has gone down like a lead balloon locally and a protest has been organised for Saturday morning by Telford Council Watch.  I’ll be there sans enfants to show the facists at Telford & Wrekin Council what I think of their new rules and to exercise my right, as per the legally binding contract that transferred ownership of the park to the Telford Development Corporation (now susbumed into the council), to free and open access to the park.

See also:
Devil’s Kitchen
Liberal England
Why England Needs a Parliament
Lib Dem Voice

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Farage is on the right track

UKIP bashers have seized on Nigel Farage’s words at the UKIP conference this week and have decided that he’s no longer a eurosceptic.

What he actually said makes perfect sense:

I think we have got to change some of the things that we have been saying and some of the things that we have been doing.

Because I think too often it’s been easy to characterise UKIP as people who just knock and knock and knock and knock – we say this is wrong, we say that’s wrong.

We have not been offering good positive alternatives and what I want us to do is to paint a vision of a 21st Century relationship between Britain and our European neighbours.

To attract more mainstream voters, UKIP needs to offer an alternative to the eurofederalist Liebour, Lib Dum and Conswervative Parties.  Not just an alternative party to vote for but an alternative to eurofederalism.

The vast majority of voters are opposed to our continued membership of Federal Europe but they continue to vote for the big three, all of which support a federal union in Europe.  Why?  A lot of it can be put down to the way people vote for a particular party without even knowing what their policies are simply because they’ve always voted for the same party, their parents voted for the same party and/or because they don’t like Liebour/Conswervatives (whichever is the opposition).  But some of it has to be put down to the kind of people who say “yes, I agree we need to be out of the EU but …”

We can’t ignore Europe, it’s the continent we’re part of and we do a lot of trade with the rest of Europe.  This does not mean we have to be ruled by an unelected foreign quango but it does mean that we have to be realistic about how far we can distance ourselves from Federal Europe.  UKIP can’t just say “we want out of Europe”, they need to be able to tell people what kind of relationship we’re going to have with Federal Europe when we get out.  Will we aim to cut as many ties as we can with Federal Europe and concentrate on trading with the Commonwealth and the US?  Will we aim to do more trade with Federal Europe?  Will we have a customs union?

Instead of saying no to ever closer union, no to the euro, no to the European arrest warrant, no to an EU Olympic team, no to an EU armed militia; UKIP needs to offer an alternative.  We don’t need ever closer union because our society, constitution and values are incompatible with those of our neighbours.  We don’t need the euro because our economy is different to the rest of Federal Europe and we have already seen how damaging it is to the eurozone economies.  We don’t need a European arrest warrant because the continental legal system is inferior to and incompatible with our own legal system and we can sign extradition treaties with those neighbours who we trust to treat our citizens fairly.  We don’t need an EU Olympic team because only countries compete in the Olympics and Federal Europe isn’t a country.  We don’t need an EU armed militia because we can police ourselves with our own civillian police force.

Farage is on the right track.  UKIP does have that air of negativity about it because, let’s face it, the central theme of UKIP policy is negative – opposition to the idea of being part of a Federal Europe.  If voters perceive UKIP as negative then their opinion of UKIP will be negative as well and that will be reflected in the ballot box.

DK said much the same thing

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Global depression, here we come

As far as economics goes, America sneezes and the world catches a cold.

America has the flu, the world is about to contract pneumonia.

The two biggest mortage lenders in the US which, between them, have either loaned or guaranteed half of all American mortgages are being temporarily nationalised.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have underwritten around six trillion dollars of mortgages between them and have $1.6 trillion of debt outstanding.  They made a combined loss of around $14bn in the last 12 months.

This will hit every economy on the planet.  We are all, in a word, fucked.

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America? Fuck no!

Why are the BBC expending huge amounts of money covering the US election circus, over 3 months before the election actually takes place?

Let’s face it, no matter which side wins, America will be run by a fundamentalist christian nutjob.  Which fundamentalist christian nutjob happens to win is largely irrelevant and that’s why I stand by my previous pledge that Wonko’s World will remain a …

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Word Cup Qualifiers

England plays Andorra tonight in the World Cup qualifiers.  Will I be watching?  Will I buggery – it’s only on Setanta and there is no way I’m subscribing to a bloody sports channel just to watch one football match and I’ll tell you why …

Firstly, I don’t have that much interest in sport.  I like to watch international football and rugby matches and on the very rare occasions that Shrewsbury Town are on telly, I watch that.  I like to see the English-hater, Andy Murray, lose and of course I cheer on anyone but Scotland or Wales.  Would I watch £13 worth of sport in a month?  No.

Secondly, on principle I will not pay to watch England on TV.  We fund our football team through our taxes and it costs us millions.  It’s not unreasonable to expect to be able to watch your national team for free on the telly.  You wouldn’t, after all, buy a season ticket for your team of choice and then expect to pay to watch them play, would you?

As a happy aside, the sweaty socks lost 1-0 to (don’t laugh) Macedonia.

If you want to watch the match you can watch it for free on Andorra TV over the internet.  The feed quality is awful but it’s better than nothing.  The commentary is in Spanish but I’ve just muted the ATV audio and I’m listening to the commentary from BBC Radio 5.

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More Climate Change propaganda

The climate change propagandists are flapping about the North West Passage and holding it up as a shining example of how the evil capitalist human race is destroying the planet.

The North West Passage is the stretch of sea where the Arctic ice meets North America.  Usually the only ships that can navigate the North West Passage are big ice breakers and only then during the summer melt.  However, the Vikings are known to have made use of part of the North West Passage, around a couple of Canadian arctic islands which demonstrates that the North West Passage has been navigable by simple wooden ships in the past and that being permanently blocked by ice isn’t the natural state for the North West Passage.

When I read the propagandists claim that the North West Passage opening up again was down to anthropogenic climate change the first thing that came to my mind was not “we’re doooooooomed” but “ok, it’s been open before then it was blocked and now it’s opening again – so what?”.  Surely anyone with an ounce of common sense would look at the fact that the North West Passage has been open in the past when the only polution humans put into the atmosphere was from the odd blacksmiths furnace or a particularly rancid fart and come to the conslusion that this is just a natural event?

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Browser Whore?

How many browsers have you got installed on your computer? One? Two? Er … five?

I’m writing this post in Google’s new Chrome browser which I’ve just downloaded and installed for a test drive.

So, what do I think? Well … the interface is nice. I like the way it turns over most of the screen to the page itself, popping up a small status bar at the bottom of the window whenever it’s needed and putting the tabs into the title bar. The toolbar is chunky and the buttons are very simplistic with a nice big font for the address bar. It also greys out the parts of the URL that aren’t the domain; not so that they can’t be read but so that the domain is immediately obvious – handy if you’re the kind of person likely to be fooled by a phishing scam. The address bar also doubles up as a search bar like Firefox and (in my humble opinion) handles it better than Firefox.

Textareas are resizeable, even if that wasn’t intended by the author of the web page. That’s something that web designers should bear in mind although this isn’t a new innovation so it should already be something you think about. The Webkit engine renders a very nice, clean page and support for CSS3 is superb, passing all 578 tests at compared to Firefox 3’s 373 out of 578 although it doesn’t support shadowed text and transparency can be a bit iffy. Apple’s Safari browser also uses Webkit and handles shadowed text but has some other rendering glitches, particularly when redrawing the screen.

Is all of the above enough to tear me away from Flock 2? No. I like the Flock interface even though it takes up, relatively speaking, a lot of available screen space. The sidebar and integration with the web services that I use means it’s perfect for me. Chrome also suffers from the same TinyMCE bug that Safari does – the toolbar doesn’t display so you have to write all the html yourself – hardly ideal for someone who spends so much time blogging. This only happens in older versions of WordPress with TinyMCE but some of us are too far behind in the versions to be able to do a simple upgrade.

So, how do the myriad browsers installed on my laptop compare? I like Flock 2’s togetherness – the way it integrates lots of web services into a common interface. I also like the speed of Flock 2 and the stability of the browser. The same goes for Firefox 3 although it’s not as fast as Flock 2, even though it’s essentially the same browser. I like Safari’s CSS support, it’s the dogs dangly bits. But it has some rendering issues and it looks a bit … blobby. I like Internet Explorer 7’s familiarity – it looks and feels like part of Windows instead of trying too hard to break the mould. I like Chrome’s uncluttered interface and it’s rather nippy. If only the best bits of all the different browsers could be rolled into one …

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The government will only help decent families

harperson.jpgHarridan Harperson has been telling the BBC, in her usual condescending manner, what a simply marvelous idea it is to spend £200m of taxpayers money paying deposits for people who can’t afford to buy a house and bailing out people who can’t afford to pay their mortgages while we’ve just entered into a recession.

Of course, the money won’t go to undeserving people who borrowed irresponsibly – it will go to “decent families” who need help.  The “decent families” is a very important part of this latest social engineering exercise, she said it about 5 times.  There’s no word on what a “decent family” is just yet but I’m sure Harridan Harperson will tell us what qualifies you for being a “decent family” rather than an indecent family so we can all strive to meet her exacting standards.

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Plain English Campaign: get your priorities right

There’s nothing like getting your priorities right and this is nothing like getting your priorities right.

The Campaign for Plain English has convinced Tesco to change the wording of its “10 items or less” because it’s grammatically incorrect.  They quite rightly point out that when you know the quantity then it is grammatically correct to say “10 items or fewer“.  But what the hell has this got to do with making things easier to understand?  Is there any English speaker in the world that wouldn’t understand what “10 items or less” means?

Here are a couple of quotes from their website:

What is Plain English Campaign?

We are an independent organisation fighting against jargon, gobbledygook and other confusing language, while promoting crystal-clear language. We are based in New Mills, Derbyshire, in England.

What is plain English?

We define plain English as writing that the intended audience can read, understand and act upon the first time they read it. Plain English takes into account design and layout as well as language.

Ticks neither of those boxes so why are they wasting their time and Tesco’s money on getting a harmless name changed when it doesn’t do anything to promote their agenda?
If the Campaign for Plain English wanted to target Tesco then there is a far more legitimate reason for complaint than breaking an arcane grammatical rule – the labelling of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish products as such and the labelling of English products as British.  Putting up a sign saying “10 items or less” instead of “10 items or fewer” introduces absolutely no ambiguity whatsoever, the meaning cannot be confused.  Labelling English products as British does make the label entirely ambiguous – was the product produced in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or Scotland?  Unless it tells you the county on the packaging then it’s impossible to tell.

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How long until Darling resigns?

I’m in the strange situation of feeling sorry for Alistair Darling.  Yes, he’s a fucking cretin.  Yes, he looks like like he’s got two caterpillars on his face.  Yes, he’s one of the English-hating jocks who signed the Scottish Claim of Right and then done what they can to make sure that England gets screwed over.

But putting that aside, he’s not in a very good position at the moment is he?  El Gordo spent a decade selling the family silver, cleaning out the bank accounts and borrowing the gross domestic product of a small African nation every year to make ends meet.  Now the One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan has got the top job, Darling is left with a set of accounts that would make an Enron executive shake his head and tut in disapproval.

And to top it all off, McBroon is still trying to spend money like it’s going out of fashion in a desperate attempt to bribe people into voting for Liebour.

This week Darling told us, in a roundabout way, that the economy is up the shitter and we’re not to expect things to get better any time soon.  El Gordo then went on to announce that it would be a jolly good idea if local authorities were to spend taxpayers money buying houses that are being reposessed.  This is in addition to their plans to offer cheap mortgages to people who are struggling to get on the property ladder or pay their mortgages.

So where’s the money coming from?  I don’t think Darling has a clue and El Gordo certainly doesn’t care.  The housing market has fallen on its arse, banks and building societies are announcing record losses and we’ve just entered a recession.  Yet the British government is still spending like there’s no tomorrow.  The 2012 Olympics were supposed to cost just over £3bn but the cost has now risen to over £9bn.  The war in Irag and Afghanistan is costing billions with no end in sight.  Federal Europe is fleecing us for billions of pounds every year and the price goes up every year.

There isn’t enough money to support the spending that El Gordo is committing.  Mother Hubbard has just had a quick look in the cupboard and it’s bare.  We’re fucking broke and the Goblin King is still coming out with all these batshit ideas without giving so much as a second thought to the cost.  All those people who nicknamed him the Iron Chancellor must be looking in the mirror every morning and thinking what a dick they sound now the shit is hitting the fan.

I can’t see Darling putting up with this for much longer.  The number two job has turned out to be a steming pile of number two and it isn’t going to get any better.  Assuming they aren’t cancelled in the interests of national security, there will be elections either next year or the year after.  Liebour stand about as much chance as a ghosts fart in a force ten gale of winning the next general election so Darling has two options – either tough it out and firefight as best as he can until the next election or resign before things get much worse and let someone else dodge the bullets.  My money is on the latter.

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Economics Explained

Naughty Bob Piper gives us an explanation of economics:

SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows, and you give one to your neighbour

COMMUNISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and gives you some milk.

FASCISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and sells you some milk.

NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both and shoots you.

BUREAUCRATISM: You have 2 cows. The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, then throws the milk away

TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income.

SURREALISM: You have two giraffes. The government requires you to take harmonica lessons.

AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has dropped dead.

ENRON VENTURE CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. Sell one cow to buy a new President of the United States, leaving you with nine cows. No balance sheet provided with the release. The public buys your bull.

THE ANDERSEN MODEL: You have two cows. You shred them.

A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike, organise a riot, and block the roads, because you want three cows.

A JAPANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called ‘cowkimon’ and market it worldwide.

A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves.

AN ITALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows, but you don’t know where they are. You decide to have lunch.

A RUSSIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 2 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.

A SWISS CORPORATION: You have 5000 cows. None of them belongs to you. You charge the owners for storing them.

A CHINESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.

AN INDIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You worship them.

A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both are mad.

IRAQI CORPORATION: Everyone thinks you have lots of cows. You tell them that you have none. No-one believes you, so they bomb the **** out of you and invade your country. You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a Democracy

WELSH CORPORATION: You have two cows. The one on the left looks very attractive.

AUSTRALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. Business seems pretty good. You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate

I know which one I prefer and I bet you a pound euro it’s not the same one as Red Bob!

There is one massive oversight though …

BROWNISM: You have two cows.  You announce that you’re going to sell one of your cows in 6 months time and the price of cows halves.  You sell one cow and buy a picture of two donkeys.  You take one cow off every person in the country, milk it and then give them their cow back.  You give half the milk to a Frenchman who sells some of it back to you and half of what’s left to some ginger men in skirts.  You are now short of milk so you rent a cow off a TRADITIONAL CAPITALIST for double what you got for the cow you sold in the first place and pay for it with the milk you got from the aforementioned cow owning population.  You then add up all the milk you got from selling the first cow, the milk from the Frenchman, the milk you took from the cow owning population and the milk from the cow you rented and announce the biggest growth in milk production since 1997.

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I got an email a month or two ago telling me that Wonko’s World had been added to Politigg as a trusted source.  I then forgot about it until the other day when I noticed that the Devil had implemented Politigg.

I notice that there are only a handful of posts on the Kitchen that have the Politigg button and I suspect it’s because, until today, the process of adding a Politigg button to your post was as follows:

  1. Write your post
  2. Submit the post to Politigg or wait a while for it to be auto-submitted
  3. Go to the Politigg entry for your post and click on the Comments link
  4. Copy the id, put it into a URL Politigg gives you and insert the html in your post

Hardly ideal and I suspect that is why only a handful of posts on the Devil’s Kitchen have the Politigg button on them.  I simplified the process for myself by putting some code into my template to check for a “Politigg” meta tag on the post and insert the code for the button but it was still a ball-ache so I emailed the creator of Politigg and asked him to change the code to accept a URL instead of an id.  So he did, which is nice.

If you’re interested in the code for a WordPress blog, here it is:

echo ‘<div style=”float: right; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: -50px; display: inline; width: 52px;“><iframe src=”’.$politigg.'” scrolling=”no” width=”52″ frameborder=”0″ height=”83″></iframe></div>’;

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Ginger coup in the Lib Dems

The Scottish Illiberal Dumocrats have elected a new leader – Tavish Scott, MSP for Shetland.

In his acceptance speech he likened himself to Olympic gold medal winner, Chris Hoy, several times, following in the footsteps of El Gordo who was using the Olympics as a platform to spout his British nationalist propaganda.  A true politician in other words.

But his appointment as leader of the Scottish Illiberal Dumocrats has a more serious side – it exposes the extent to which gingers have infiltrated the party.  Let’s look at the evidence …

Current Scottish Illiberal Dumocrats leader, Tavish Scott – ginger:

Current leader of the Illiberal Dumocrats, Nick Clegg – border-line ginger:

Former leader of the Illiberal Dumocrats, Charles Kennedy – blatantly ginger:

I can’t find any pictures of a young Minge Campbell (he’s actually more than 300 years old and cameras weren’t invented back then) so I don’t know what colour his hair was when he still had some.  The same goes for Vince Cable, his slightly more sprightly sidekick, who’s only 230 years old.

So, come the next election (if El Gordo hasn’t banned them by then), remember – a vote for the Illiberal Dumocrats is a vote for the ginger nationalists.

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Russia recognises South Ossetia and Abkhazia independence

A couple of weeks ago, after Russia invaded Georgia, I said that the UN would be unable to act on Georgia because of Russia’s veto and that Federal Europe would denounce their invasion but Russia would respond along the lines of Federal Europe supported Kosovo’s universal declaration of independence so they’re doing the same in South Ossetia.

I think I’ll have a punt on the lottery this week because since then the UN drafted a resolution calling on Russia to withdraw from Georgia, Russia vetoed it and now they have formally recognised South Ossetia and Abkhazian independence.

So what next?  South Ossetia has a population of around 70,000 and about half have Russian passports.  Russia has been handing out passports to the ethnic Ossetian population of South Ossetia like they’re going out of fashion to bolster South Ossetia’s claim to independence and to give themselves the all important justification for invading.  This is nothing new, there’s even a word for it: Rusification – the process of replacing one nationality and/or culture with a Russian one.

The South Ossetian seperatists want unification with North Ossetia – will Russia be giving North Ossetia to South Ossetia or does their respect for the wishes of Ossetians only extend to those that live in Georgia?  If Chechnya is anything to go by then it’s unlikely we’ll see a unified Ossetia any time soon.  Or perhaps Russia’s imperial ambitions go a little futher than rebuilding the network of client states it built up in the soviet era and South Ossetia is to be incorporated into Russia proper.  I really wouldn’t be surprised if Russia has already had talks with the South Ossetian government to decide what’s going to happen already – this certainly wasn’t a spontaneous campaign, it must have been planned some time ago.

So what’s the difference between Kosovo and South Ossetia and Abkhazia?  Both have their own national governments, both have held referenda on independence and both have declared unilateral independence.  But the Kosovans stopped shooting Serbians (mostly) years ago and Kosovo has been run as an independent state by the UN for almost a decade.  Georgia has attempted to assert control over South Ossetia and Abkhazia almost constantly since 1991.

If South Ossetians and Abkhazians want independence then fine, let them have it.  But South Ossetia wants unification with North Ossetia and that’s not going to happen unless South Ossetia is annexed by Russia.  That’s not independence.

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Thank god it’s over

The Beijing Olympics has finally, finally finished.  Thank christ for that, perhaps now we can get back to normality?

The Olympics is shit, the Beijing Olympics has been shit and the London Olympics is going to be unbelievably shit.

China shouldn’t have been given a second thought when it put in a bid for the Olympics.  Being given the Olympics sent a message to oppresive, human rights abusing dictators all over the world – keep doing what you’re doing and you will be accepted.

It will be difficult to top the tickery, fakery and general naffness of the Beijing opening and closing ceremonies but London will manage to make 2012 even more shit.  You just can’t have what is still nominally a socialist government handling a multi-billion pound spectacle without it being turned into an absolute crock of steaming horse shit.

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Blists Hill

I bought a family passport for the Ironbridge Gorge museums not long ago.

We get them half price through my employer in conjunction with the Transforming Telford quango I’ve blogged about before (a VP at my employer is a director of the quango as well).  At £24 for a family passport that lets us into every attraction however many times we want for a year, I put aside my principles and snatched their hands off.

We spent most of the day at Blists Hill yesterday as it’s only 5 minutes down the road.  Blists Hill is a victorian town that’s been built pretty much from scratch.  There was a big blast furnace on the site previously and a handful of associated buildings but over the years the trust that owns the site has bought victorian buildings from the surrounding area, taken them down brick by brick and rebuilt them at Blists Hill.

Here are some pictures we took yesterday:

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