Archive for wonkotsane

We don’t need another Bill of Rights

A group of MPs have told the Demon Headmaster that we should have a British Bill of Rights to give extra protection to children, old people and people with learning disabilities.

Has nobody told these cretins that we’ve already got a Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 in the English Parliament and gave many and varied fundamental rights to all citizens, including the right to trial by jury and freedom from arbitrary detention.

There is no point, however, in creating a new Bill of Rights if it gives us less rights than we already have and if it will just be ignored like our current Bill of Rights is.  You no longer have the right to trial by jury in complex fraud cases, you no longer have freedom from detention without charge or trial and your money and property can be stolen by the state without a judge even knowing about it, let alone ordering it as the Bill of Rights says it must happen.

If we all have fundamental rights then they should be universal.  I don’t see why pensioners, children or people with learning disabilities should get any extra rights over what I get.  Positive discrimination doesn’t work, it’s been shown to be a fucking stupid idea over and over again yet here we have a group of professional politicians proposing that certain groups should be given more fundamental rights than others.  How much further from the concept of a charter on fundamental rights can you get?

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Gordo planning to bail out the entire financial sector

No Mandate Brown has a master plan for reviving the housing market and turning round the market.  You’ll like it, it’s a stroke of genius.

What he’s planning on doing is allowing high street banks and other mortgage lenders to sell their mortgages to the Bank of England who will pay them in guaranteed government bonds.  The banks, having irresponsibly and unsustainably loaned money at up to 10 times the borrowers salary, will then have a guaranteed income from the taxpayer instead of billions of pounds of high risk debts.  The liability will, instead, pass to the Bank of England where it is underwritten by the taxpayer.

This will make the liabilities the nationalisation of Northern Rock has left the taxpayer with look like small change.

The man’s a fucking lunatic.

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Georgia on my mind

Georgia has declared a unilateral ceasefire and withdrawn its troops from the South Ossetia region after Russia invaded 3 days ago.

South Ossetia has harboured ambitions for independence for a few years now and has been given a great degree of autonomy in the past.  A majority of South Ossetian Georgians have Russian passports, a fact that Russia has used to justify invading Georgia.

Russian-Georgian relations have degraded severely as Georgia has turned away from Russia politically and turned more towards Europe.

The UN won’t be able to do anything about it because Russia has a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and a veto.  However, Federal Europe will probably say something in the next day or two to which Russia will no doubt reply that Federal Europe supported Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence without a UN mandate so they are doing the same for South Ossetia and when they do it will be yet more proof that Federal Europe has failed miserably in its aim of preventing war in Europe.

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We decided to go exotic* for Sunday lunch with Tortilla and Taco’s which leaves me with a burning question:

How the fuck are you supposed to eat a Taco?  You can’t fold them because they snap and they’re so wide the only people who can fit them in their mouth are Cherie Bliar and Janet Street Porter.

* I’m being sarcastic

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Link Removed: George Ashcroft

I’ve just removed my link to George Ashcroft’s website from my sidebar as it’s no longer worthy of a link.

George Ashcroft is a Conswervative councillor in Telford and was the first Conswervative councillor to take a seat in the Stirchley & Brookside parish.  When he set up his blog he was the first councillor in Telford to have a website but after going downhill recently he has rebranded it as “Liberty Talks”.

The one comment I have left on the new website – pointing out that if the British government decided to follow Spain’s lead and reduce the national speed limit, it would only apply to trunk roads outside of England – was deleted so I guess only comments agreeing with what George says will be approved now.

I was interested to know who had created the website for him – the previous one was pretty poor but this one is even worse – so I looked up the office address: BM Liberty Talks, London WC1N 3XX in Google.

BM Network seems to be some sort of umbrella group, mainly for gay and trans-gender support or campaign groups including the militant gay rights group, Stonewall.  It’s also home for an eco-facist network, Earth First Action, and a group for pagans and witches.  Ordo Templi Orientis, a masonic lodge, is also listed there along with the Animal Liberation Front animal rights terrorist organisation.  Interestingly, it’s also home to the British First Party, a neo-Nazi party that makes the BNP look like Guardian readers.

A strange mix of people for a Conswervative councillor to be associating with.

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Olympics: yawn

Am I the only one that has absolutely zero interest in the Olympics?

The BBC have devoted BBC1 to covering the games, even the Breakfast programme has been relegated to the News 24 channel.

I might be more interested if there was an English team but I just can’t get excited about Team GB, even when I know that the competitors are English.

The only real interest I have in the Beijing Olympics is the fact that they’re actually being held in China.  Human rights abuses, a totalitarian dictatorship government, widespread censorship and the continued illegal occupation of Tibet should preclude China from holding the Olympics on the basis that it goes against the aims of the Olympic Charter.

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Courtesy of Tommy English

An Englishman, a Scotsman and a Welshman drinking beer in a country pub.

That night as they are leaving a huge truck thunders through main street and kills all three!

The next day the publican is surprised to see the Englishman walk back into his pub.

The Englishman tells him that yes, all three of them were killed but when they got to the pearly gates St Peter said they could come back to earth if they each paid him £20.

“Well obviously you paid up” said the publican “but what about the other two?”

The Englishman replied, “well the Scotsman is trying to haggle him down to £10 and the Welshman is trying to convince him that the Government will pay!”

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Common Purpose admit to illegal disclosures

I have just been contacted by my Common Purpose informant who tells me that Third Sector magazine has a very interesting interview with Common Purpose.

Common Purpose have admitted in Third Sector magazine to illegally passing on information of members of the public which they have themselves obtained illegally.

Third Sector is a magazine for the voluntary and charity sector and despite Common Purpose fleecing the taxpayer out of millions of pounds for its anti-democracy training courses it somehow manages to cling on to its charity status, presumably through its network of agents that they have used to infiltrate vast swathes of the public sector.

Common Purpose has told Third Sector that they are being picked on by right-wing groups who are deliberately harassing them and then goes on to admit that:

Common Purpose now forwards its list of 130 previous FOI requests, including names of applicants, to help local authorities decide whether new requests about the charity are vexatious.

As Common Purpose is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act they can only have obtained the names of people making FOI requests about them through an illegal disclosure by the public body that has received the request.  After receiving the illegal data they have then processed it illegally and then illegally passed it on to third parties.  A fundamental concept of English law is that ignorance is no defence – by obtaining, processing and then divulging illegally obtained information, Common Purpose has committed a criminal offence and the trustees could face a custodial sentence if there is any part of the judicial system left that hasn’t yet been infiltrated by Common Purpose.

According to the article, Common Purpose are still seeking legal advice – as they have been for at least 2 years now – on their phantom victimisation.  The words “people in glass houses” spring to mind.  Along with other words such as “crooks”, “traitors” and “ha ha, you’re fucked”.

I’m sure it won’t surprise you to know that first thing tomorrow I will be asking the Information Commissioner to investigate and prosecute Common Purpose for this offence, particularly as I have a copy of the list of websites Common Purpose has forwarded on and this one is listed.

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Last Orders!

Iain Dale has had to bring forward the deadline for voting in his annual blogging poll by a week.

The poll now closes tomorrow so if you haven’t already voted, get a move on!

As the Witanagemot Club‘s 3rd most desperate blogger to win an award, I would be letting the side down if I didn’t suggest you vote for me. 😉

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Shropshire Star: Website has shades of Orwell’s 1984 about it

This is in tonight’s Shropshire Star …

Website has shades of Orwell’s 1984 about it

I was pointed in the direction of the npower website and was both shocked and disturbed by their low carbon economy section.  In this section npower encourages children to keep a diary of “climate crimes” committed by their parents and to challenge them to change their ways.

They even have a Climate Cops pack for schools to indoctrinate our children in the ways of eco-extremism.  Anyone who has read George Orwell’s 1984 will immediately recognise the tactic of recruiting children to spy on their parents.

Orwell intended his book as a warning, not an instruction manual.  The day my children come home from school and tell me they’ve been told to keep a diary of my “cliamte crimes” will be a very unfortunate day for the teacher that told them to do it!

Stuart Parr

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Hello, I’m from the ministry

English PCTs are to send parents letters telling them if their children are overweight.

According to the British government, most parents of fat children don’t think their children are overweight and sending a letter from the local NHS trust using data collected by schools will prompt them to take action.

However, the NHS have told PCTs not to use the word obese or tell parents the BMI of their children because it will confuse them.  Condascending arseholes.

The problem with the BMI measurement is that it’s just another arbitrary one-size-fits-all measurement and as such, is fairly meaningless unless you are at the extremes.  According to the BMI guidance I am somewhere between class 1 and 2 obese and am at risk of heart disease, infertility, arthritis, stroke and cancer.

My heart is fine, I certainly don’t suffer from fertility problems, I have had chronic juevenile osteoarthritis since I was a (thin) child, I can’t comment on strokes but I’m more worried about the number of people in my family who’ve had cancer upping my risk than I am over being fat.

Don’t get me wrong, I know that being fat is unhealthy and it certainly doesn’t do my dodgy knees any good and I’m losing weight slowly.  But the BMI isn’t an accurate measure because it doesn’t take into account your natural build.  Thanks to my paternal gene pool, I’m 6’1″ tall and if I wasn’t fat I’d be “stocky”.  My old man has got barely an ounce of fat on him yet he’s as wide as me.  He’s 6’4″ tall and falls into the overweight category on the BMI.  If he got to a weight that fits the “normal” range on the BMI you’d see his ribs.

By contrast, my youngest son is horribly thin but he’s tall for his age.  His BMI probably puts him in the underweight bracket but he’s perfectly healthy – he’s just tall and thin.

I remember visiting the doctor a year or two ago who decided to do a spontaneous asthma check up.  My peak flow was above average for someone without asthma yet when she used a different method of calculating my body mass she told me I was border-line morbidly obese.

Anyway, this isn’t about my medical history, it’s about these letters to parents telling them that their kids are fat.  As I’ve hopefully demonstrated above the BMI is flawed and it’s quite possible to get it wrong.  A lot of parents are going to be getting letters from their local NHS trust telling them that their child is “very overweight” or underweight and this letter will be sent by a computer somewhere analysing a set of data that actually needs to be interpreted by a human being or at least be complimented by additional information about the child.

The parents getting the “very overweight” letter will presumably put their child on a diet and the parents getting the “underweight” letter will presumably start trying to fatten their kids up.  Both sets of parents, you would hope, will be fretting over the health of their child.

But what if the BMI is wrong and the child isn’t obese or underweight but is a perfectly healthy child that simply has a large or small frame?

Too much faith is put in statistics and arbitrary scales and targets and not enough in common sense.

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Eco-terrorists think they’re above the law

Eco-terrorists causing an nuisance at a “climate camp” at Kingsnorth power station have had some of their cars towed away by the police.

Kent Police said they asked the eco-terrorists to move two cars from the entrance to the power station for safety reasons because they were blocking the only gateway onto the camp site but instead of moving their cars they brought more along to block the entrance forcing the police to tow them away.

Environmental extremists seem to think that if they call their flea-ridden tents a “climate camp” they are entitled to pitch them wherever they want even if that means, for example, cutting a hole in the perimeter fence around an airport to gain illegal entry or setting up camp on private property.  They think that because they’re doing it in the name of saving the environment they can break the law, ignore the police and put lives at risk.  They think that because the British government is legitimising the eco-terrorist agenda as an excuse to raise taxes and destroy the economy to pave the way for a pan-European soviet republic that they are above the law, just like the politicians that have been feeding them lies about climate change.

Kent police have 1,400 officers on standby from 26 police forces at a cost of £1m just to police the eco-terrorists protest, which is against E.ON demolishing the dirty coal-powered station and replacing it with a cleaner coal-powered station that they claim will be 20% cleaner.  The plans have been approved by Medway Council and are awaiting final approval by the British government.

I wonder what would happen if those of us who beleive that the climate change propaganda is load of bollocks set up a camp in favour of cheap, safe and reliable power instead of unreliable and expensive “renewable” energy?  I don’t expect we’d last five minutes before the police moved us on.

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Shropshire Star: Labour is still not listening

This is in tonight’s Shropshire Star …

Labour is still not listening

So, Labour has lost yet another election – Glasgow East, next to Gordon Brown’s constituency.  Just like after losing the election in Crewe and Nantwich, ministers trotted out the “we need to listen to the people” line and claimed they were just victims of circumstance – the price of fuel, the credit crunch, etc.

Now where have I heard that before?  Oh yes, after they lost the London mayoral elections.  Labour does not listen to “the people”.

I hear more from Bob Spink (UKIP, Castle Point) and Daniel Kawczynski (Conservative, Shrewsbury and Atcham) than I do from David Wright, my own Labour MP.

Labour MPs thought they could rely on Scottish votes to keep them in power in England, now they’ve lost control of the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly and come the next election they will lose control of Westminster.  I won’t be sad to see the back of the most anti-English government we’ve ever seen.

Stuart Parr

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Witanagemot Blogging Awards

The Witanagemot Blogging Awards results are in and I got …

  • 3rd best minor party blog (behind DK for the Libertarians and Ordovicius for Plaid)
  • 2nd best English nationalist blog (behind Toque and ahead of the CEP)
  • 3rd most desperate to win blogging awards (behind Iain Dale and Guido)
  • 3rd favourite Witanagemot blog (behind Iain Dale and DK)

The CEP blog, which I also look after got …

Thanks to everyone who voted for me and the CEP.  Big thanks to Gareth for running the Witanagemot Club, the Witan website and the annual awards.  Without Gareth the English nationalist blogosphere would be a shadow of what it is today.

On that note, I’d like to present Gareth with the first ever Wonko’s Internet Outstandingness (WINO) Award.


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British government wants video websites to self-censor

Part of the British government’s plan to censor the internet includes requiring video websites to vet all their content before it’s published.  This, they claim, will protect us from seeing porn and happy slapping and the like.

There is, of course, a pretty simple way of protecting yourself from viewing porn and violence on the internet – don’t look at it.  If a film says “Me an’ my bredren slappin’ jamal” then the chances are it’s not going to be a trailer for Bambi.  If it’s tagged “deep throat” or “hard core” then there is a very good possibility it’s not the kind of video you’d watch with your gran.

The idea of requiring people like YouTube to vet every video submitted to their site will effectively kill off their free service.  The main reason why YouTube has millions of videos and millions of users is because it’s free.  If they have to employ a couple of thousand people to pro-actively vet their content then they will have to start charging for it and that will effectively kill off video websites.

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German Police dig up grave to retrieve flag

Hindu swastika elephant coinGerman police in Passau have dug up the grave of a neo-nazi to remove a swastika flag that was thrown onto it when he was buried.

The swastika is banned in Germany, along with other symbols of Naziism and the glorification of Naziism.  It is illegal to posess a swastika (presumably Hindu’s are allowed a swastika as it’s a religious symbol) in any form, to do a  Nazi salute, to say that Hitler wasn’t a bad man (he was but some people think he wasn’t), to deny the holocaust happened (it obviously did but again, some people think it didn’t) and it’s even illegal to play a world war 2 computer game that allows you to win as the Nazi’s.

Best of all, under the European Arrest Warrant you can be arrested and deported by German police and charged with breaking their laws in England, they don’t even have to provide evidence of your “crime” before they deport you and you don’t get to appeal beforehand.

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Blogging Etiquette

This shouldn’t really need to be said but just a quick reminder on the two most important rules of blogging etiquette …

  1. Always quote your sources, preferably with a link
  2. Don’t pass off someone elses work as your own

Like 99.9% of bloggers, I really don’t care if what I write is copied and posted elsewhere (as long as it’s not every post I write) but I do expect to see at least my name mentioned, if not a backlink.  I certainly don’t expect to see something I’ve written passed off as someone elses work, that’s just not on.

I might forget what day of the week it is half the time but even after … plucking a date out of the air … 3 years, 1 month and 5 days, I can still recognise my own writing.
There, I’ve got that off my chest, now let’s move on.  Thank you for your time.

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Money for extremists

According to the BBC, Sinn Féin in Northern Ireland alone had net income of over £1m from donations and grants whilst the DUP – which leads the Northern Ireland Assembly – made a loss of £27k.

This might explain why the DUP were so keen to join the Conswervatives who are in a far better financial position than Liebour or the Illiberal Dipshits.

It seems that the only way a party can hope to get serious money (other than selling peerages, of course) is to sit on an extreme fringe.  Sinn Féin advocated the use of terrorism to further their agenda and were rewarded with vast amounts of cash, a lot of which was raised in that bastion of democracy and anti-terrorist fervour, the US.  The BNP advocate forced repatriation of immigrants and curtailing freedom of the press and are rewarded with bucket loads of cash from all over the place, again including the US.

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British government want to censor the internet

DK talks about the latest murmurings about regulating the content of websites and blogs and suggests several, quite obscene and medical things, that the British government can do with their idea of curtailing freedom of speech.

If the British government intends to censor the internet with draconian, illiberal legislation then I’ll just do what Guido and others do and host and publish my blog overseas.

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Last night I went to a PACT meeting in my local area.  These things aren’t particularly well advertised so most of you won’t have heard of them – it’s basically a meeting for local residents, a representative from the council, a CSO, a representative from the housing trust and a councillor.  This is a national initiative so the chances are there is one operating in your area.

Only the CSO and the Neghbourhood Co-ordinator from the council turned up to the one I went to last night, the housing trust woman was awol and the councillor sent his apologies (probably for the best, guess who it was 😉 ).

It was quite an eye-opener for me for two reasons – firstly, I think the pretendy-copper label given to CSO’s is a bit unfair because it was quite apparent from the meeting last night that they actually work quite hard; and secondly, stuff that I’ve whinged about loads of times will be addressed by the PACT meeting next month.

It also transpires that a suggestion I made yonks ago about different departments being able to find the location of street lamps from the serial numbers is being implemented as I type.  The housing estate I live on is like a rabbit warren as you get closer to the centre (luckily I live on the outside) and often it’s impossible to tell which road you’re next to if you see fly tipping or broken fences, etc. but every street light – in theory – has a unique serial number.  If you don’t know where you are then you should be able to tell any council worker (or the emergency services, for that matter) the serial number of a street lamp and they should be able to tell where you are.

On a vagulely related (or at least topical) note, walking the dog last night I found a dog waste bin that had been set on fire outside the local primary school.  It was only smouldering, there were no flames, so I phoned the police thinking they would send someone with a fire extinguisher rather than dragging a fire engine out to a dustbin that wasn’t actually on fire but no, I was told to ring 999.  They sent a land rover which is better than an engine but even so, that land rover could have been needed elsewhere, why do people do these things?

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