Archive for wonkotsane

Witanagemot Blogging Awards

Gareth has put up the 2008 Witanagemot Blogging Awards survey.

Be sure to pop along and cast your vote for your favourite blogs and I’m not going to drop subtle subliminal hints like last year. 😉

Witanagemot Blogging Awards 2008

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Drivers won’t pay to use road shock!

The M6 Toll Road has seen a drop in traffic numbers of over 13% in the last year.

The road was the first toll motorway in the UK and is operated by Midlands Expressway, a private company that spent a huge wedge of taxpayers money along with another huge wedge of private money on building and operating a length of toll motorway that runs pretty much parallel to the existing, free of charge M6.

I’ve never used the M6 Toll myself.  I refuse to pay to use a road that I’ve already paid to use and the traffic on the M6 is bad but not bad enough to make me want to pay £4.50 to travel a few miles down the road.

The M6 Toll company actually operates the information signs that tell you when the M6 is congested.  I’ve only seen the M6 congested once as badly as the M6 Toll sign said that it was.

The National Alliance Against Tolls has called on the Highway Agency to take over the road but that won’t change anything – most people just won’t pay to use roads unless they have to.

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Liebour coward criticises David Davis

Tony McNulty, the Liebour Home Office minister who helped bully and bribe the recent “anti-terrorism” legislation through the British Parliament, has criticised David Davis for resigning and forcing a by-election to give the electorate their only chance to have a vote on the abolition of civil liberties.

McNulty says that David Davis should have made his arguments in Parliament instead of allowing voters to have a say.  He went on to say “It does not need David Davis to give the country permission to have a debate on the issues”.  No, so whose permission do we need?  David Davis and many other MPs made arguments against the legislation in the British Parliament but Liebour bullied their own MPs and bribed others into backing their illiberal constitutional abortion.  The country certainly hasn’t been allowed a debate on the issues – we’ve been dictated to by power-mad facists desperate to abolish civil liberties and human rights to secure their Orwellian dictatorship.

McNulty says that while No Mandate Brown can be likened the dashing romantic hero of sorts, Heathcliffe from Wuthering Heights, David Davis is more like Homer Simpson.  I don’t have a particularly high opinion of David Davis after his shameful abandonment his principles for political gain – just like so many Liebour politicians have done over “anti-terrorism” measures – but Home Simpson?  Actually, that might not be quite the insult McNulty intended.  Homer Simpson always ends up doing the right thing after all.

On the Simpsons theme, who would you compare the Liebour cabinet to?  El Gordo would have to be Mr Burns of course, the despotic old man whose brain is on another planet.  Harriet Harperson would have to be Mrs Krabappel, the deperate old trout and what about McNulty?  Nelson Muntz perhaps?

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Sorry kids, election’s cancelled

The primary school that my children go to has a School Council which gets the kids involved in how the school is run and even how some of the money is spent.

Last year the children who wanted to take part stood for election and were voted in by their peers.  However, next year (this is school years obviously, starting in September) they have decided that the current Chair will remain as Chair even if their peers vote for someone else.

Their “constitutencies” are individual classes so a whole class of children will be deprived of the right to vote for their representative on the School Council.

This is bad enough in it itself but what makes it worse is that for months, the Chair has been bullying one of my children quite badly.  She is, to put it bluntly, an obnoxious child with a very real attitude problem.  The mental abuse was so bad she had several sessions with teachers to talk to her about what she was doing and it took several attempts to get her to stop.  This is a role model for other children in the school.

I’ve sent the following email to the Deputy Head of the school:

Dear Mr xxxxxxx,

[My Child] has been talking to us about School Council, in particular the fact that it has been decided that [The Bully] will be chair of the School Council again next year even if her peers don’t vote for her.  [My Child] feels that it’s unfair and so do we.

For the last few months [The Bully] has been bullying [My Child] so badly that he couldn’t sleep and was sitting in his room crying.  She has had sessions with teachers to talk to her about mental abuse and bullying.  I believe she still has some sort of anti-bullying role in school which I find quite ironic.  That’s not a good role model for other children.

This year the School Council was elected by the children – an excellent practical demonstration of democracy at work.  Next year [The Bully] will be the chair again, even if her peers don’t want her to be.  What does that teach the children?  That the wishes of the majority can be disregarded by the privileged few?  A sad reflection of real life, I’ll grant you, but perhaps if our children were instilled with some sense of how democracy should work, in a couple of decades they might be the ones who make it work in real life?

If [The Bully] gets elected to the School Council then fair enough but if her behaviour towards her peers over the last year resulted in them not voting for her again then that will teach her that actions have consequences – a valuable lesson for a 10 year old child, especially one that has a predisposition towards bullying.

School Council was such a good idea but this has spoilt it.


Obviously, I’ve removed the names because it’s kids involved.  Is this what our kids should be told?  Democracy is a privilege that can be taken away on a whim and the consequences of bullying is more privilege and responsibility?

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Wii Wii Wii, all the way home

We bought a Nintendo Wii the other day and I strongly recommend one for every household, particularly if there’s a fatty in the household like there is in ours (me :laugh2:).

I’m sitting here typing this with sweat dripping off me (pleasant image, I know) after spending just 10 minutes playing :box: on the Wii.

In addition to the standard sports game that comes with the Wii, we got the Wii Play which comes with more sports-type games; a carnival games game; a hack and slash, shoot-em-up game Triad’s type thing and Rampage.  If you remember the original Rampage (I had it on the Spectrum) then you won’t be disappointed with the Wii version.  There’s something satisfying about biting the end off a bus and tipping the passengers down your throat.

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Keep banging the drum George

You’d have thought George Ashcroft would have enough to do with his time as a borough councillor, assistant to the local Conswervative PPC and cabinet member for regeneration on Telford & Wrekin Council but apparently not.

This letter is in tonight’s Shropshire Star:


Stuart Parr says that he is becoming quite worried as to the views I hold.

I would be more concerned with the loss of innocent life at the hands of terrorists. Those at risk from terrorism warrant not a single mention in Stuart’s apparent defence of freedom.

Even if he were correct in his rather extreme interpretation of the Terrorism Act, civil liberties exist to protect and enhance innocent life and should not be viewed as absolutes in and of themselves.

Stuart Parr stood last year as a UKIP candidate. Yet the sole UKIP MP, and a former Tory, voted with the Labour Government on 42 days, as did the Conservative Anne Widdecombe and the 10 Ulster Unionist MPs.

Clearly the argument has yet to be won, as there are still those who would put the “rights” of terrorist suspects ahead of the right of the law-abiding and peaceful majority to live in peace and free from the threat of serious terrorist attack.

Cllr George Ashcroft
Conservative Member
Brookside Ward, Telford

What I find most bizarre is that George actually trusts the Liebour Party despite his claims to despire them.  He trusts No Mandate Brown – the despot who runs the country without a mandate – not to abuse the “anti-terror” legislation that allows them to criminalise vast swathes of the population and detain them for a month and a half without charge or evidence for going about their legitimate daily business.

And I really don’t understand why George feels the need to point out at every opportunity that I was a UKIP candidate in the election that he was elected in.  Perhaps he thinks it will make people think that my disagreeing with him is sour grapes or perhaps he secretly wants me to remind people that he was the local organiser for the BNP until a couple of years ago and stood – unsuccessfully – for the BNP in Telford on more than one occassion.

This line shows how George’s mind works:

Clearly the argument has yet to be won, as there are still those who would put the “rights” of terrorist suspects ahead of the right of the law-abiding and peaceful majority to live in peace and free from the threat of serious terrorist attack.

A suspect is, of course, someone who is suspected of a crime and is innocent until proven guilty.  So what George is saying is that the rights of someone who hasn’t been convicted of a crime but who the police have an as-yet unfounded suspicion of having committed a crime are less important than someone else who hasn’t been convicted of a crime who the police don’t currently suspect of having committed a crime.  What he is, in fact, saying is that your constitutional rights and liberties are only valid if a policeman doesn’t suspect you of being guilty of an offence under the Terrorism Act which may, or may not, actually be terrorism.

Yes George, the argument has yet to be won but when you see how quickly this law is abused as every other “anti-terror” law is abused perhaps you will see sense and join the peaceful, law abiding majority who think that our constitutional rights and liberties are more important than a Westminster power grab.

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How long will knife suspects be locked up for?

The Counter Terrorism Bill that will allow suspects of terrorist offences such as teaching someone to shoot a gun, protesting outside parliament or saying “nonsense” to Jack Straw to be locked up for a month and a half without charge hasn’t even passed through the House of Lords yet and already the British government is scratting around for something else to introduce draconian legislation for.

No Mandate Brown has, predictably in light of recent headlines, decided that they “will take any legislative measures that are necessary to deal with knife crime in our country”.  The Met Police have already announced that knife crime has replaced terrorism as their top priority and of course the Met Commissioner and Liebour lap dog, Sir Ian Blair, was more than happy to regurgitate his party’s propaganda on terrorism to give Liebour the request from the police for more powers that they were looking for to convince readers of the Sun that they were doing the right thing.

You mark my words, very soon we’ll hear announcements that internment is going to be extended to people suspected of knife crime as well as “terrorists”.  This is just another excuse for a power grab by the totalitarian wankers in Westminster, another excuse to erode our rights and liberties by the power mad despots that form this modern day rump parliament and it won’t stop until England is renamed Airstrip One.  And I bet you a pound that the new legislation, when it comes, will be just as badly written as the “anti-terror” legislation and will criminalise anyone legitimately carrying a knife just as the Terrorism Act makes a terrorist of anyone legitimately teaching someone to use a gun.

The most laughable thing about all this sudden interest in knife crime statistics is that knife crime has only recently been reported on seperately from other weapon-related crimes so nobody actually knows what the knife crime trend is!

Anyone know where I can lay my hands on five hundred breeze blocks and a couple of tons of cement?  I really need to get started on that bunker …

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Get a grip Cleggover

The Illiberal Dumbocrat leader, Nick Cleggover, says that schools “must tackle homophobia” because 2/3 of gay people in school report homophobia.

Quite a shocking statistic that.  You’d have thought it would be nearer 100% like it is with fat kids, thin kids, tall kids, short kids, clever kids, thick kids, rich kids, poor kids and pretty much any other kid that’s not “average”.

The only shocking or worrying thing about 2/3 of gay school children being bullied for being gay is that Cleggover thinks it’s unusual or deserving of special attention.  It’s no more or less of a problem than any other form of bullying in school and should be dealt with in the same way as any other type of bullying.

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Gordo faces climate change revolt

I was browsing the BBC News website and saw a heartening headline – “Brown faces climate change revolt“.  My excitement turned to dismay, though, when I read the article.  More than 80 rebel Liebour MPs have signed an amendment to the Climate Change Bill to increase the target for reducing carbon emissions by 2050 from 60% to 80%.

What goes through their tiny minds when they do things like this?  The BBC says that the rebel MPs claim that 60% won’t be enough to control global warming and that the science used to determine the 60% target is out of date.  Yes, it is out of date!  Current science shows it to be a complete fucking myth and that the measures already introduced are damaging the environment and the economy.

It cannot be said often enough – climate change is a naturally occuring event and there has been no global warming for the last few years and there is a decade of global cooling predicted by the same climate change propagandists telling us that we’re all doooooooomed from climate change.  The lead author of the IPPC report on climate change has been exposed as a lying propagandist shit, Al Gore is the biggest joke on the planet and most MPs couldn’t even spell anthropomorphic or naturogenic, let alone understand what they fucking mean.

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F**k off Gordo, you sanctimonious twat

No Mandate Brown has urged Brrrritish families to stop wasting food  to combat food shortages and save up to £420 a year in the process.

£420?  Whoop-de-fucking-do.  My tax bill, food bill, fuel bill, gas bill, electricity bill and just about every other bill has gone up by more than that thanks, largely, to the one-eyed jock twat himself.

He actually has the gall, the bare-faced audacity, to criticise Brrrrritish people for throwing away 4.1m tonnes (that’s 4.5m tons in English) of perfectly good food every year when fishermen are throwing fish back into the sea and farmers are allowing their fields to lie fallow or burning crops because Federal Europe will fine them the Gross Domestic Product of Albania for over-producing food that is in short supply.  I swear that bloke is on another planet or so doped up he doesn’t even know what day it is.

The reason why food is in short supply – as has been pointed out many times – is a combination of the “tiger economies” (mainly China) changing form an efficient cereal-based diet to an inefficient protein-based diet and the turning over of food crops to biofuel production which is worse for the environment than fossil fuels.

Let’s look at the top 10 wasted food items:

  • Potatoes
  • Bread (loaf of)
  • Apples
  • Meat or fish meals
  • Naan and tortilla-type bread
  • Vegetable meals
  • Pasta meals
  • Bread rolls
  • Rice meals
  • Mixed meals

Ok, let’s look at the meals first.  My guess – and I’ve not done any research other than eating the things – is that a large number of these meals are actually pretty rank.  It looks nice on the picture but the recycled, dehydrated, rehydrated, reconstituted stodge you actually get in the packet is quite likely to be the work of the devil.  When you do find a decent ready meal it’s usually either organic or something that hasn’t been ground to a mush in a machine and then formed into a recognisable food shape and usually lacking in artificial preservatives and the like that keep the food edible for more than two days.

Potatoes – what can you do?  They usually come in big bags and if you leave them for a week in a dark cupboard they start sprouting and growing a fur coat.  Sure, you can often buy loose potatoes but they usually cost more than the pre-packaged potatoes on the shelf next to them.

Apples.  Well, Mrs Sane bought a bag of apples yesterday and the one I took to work was bad inside.  What shall I do with them?  Again, it’s pot luck whether you get a decent bag of apples or some tasteless crap that tastes like it’s been on the orchard floor for a month and urinated on by feral cats.

And don’t get me started on bread.  I love bread – I’d eat sandwiches for every meal – but most of the time it’s dry and going stale before it leaves the shop.  It’s a lucky day when you get bread that doesn’t break when you bend it.

The issue here isn’t two-for-one offers like the eco-terrorists claim or wanton waste like Prudence Bown says – it’s shit quality food.  If decent food was sold at affordable prices then there would be less waste but people have to buy what they can afford and thanks to El Gordo and his fucking up of the economy, most people are looking to cut costs, not spend more money.  Shops aren’t going to sell you food at a loss so they make it cheaper by cutting quality.

I would dearly love to have my fruit and veg delivered from the farm shop, my meat from a high street butcher and my bread from a bakery but (aside from the fact we don’t have a high street, a butcher or a baker anywhere near here) we just can’t afford to.  These things come at a premium and until the Tartan Taxmen stop thieving half my income to pay for their second homes and guns for African warlords, I can’t afford it.

It’s time our lords and masters lived the same lifestyle us peasants do and learnt the value of money and experienced, first hand, the impact their fucking disasterous pie in the sky policies have on real people.  When El Gordo earns an average wage, pays his own mortgage and bills and does a proper days work I’ll consider listening to his advice.  Until then, he can just fuck off and die.

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How many complaints did the BBC get?

Regular readers will know that I complained to the BBC over its episode of Dr Who in which it used the phrase “You know how it is, England for the English”.  To see the original complaint, click here.

I wonder how many complaints the BBC got.  They certainly got enough to spend time coming up with this standard copy & paste response:

I was sorry to hear that you were not happy with Episode 11 of ‘Doctor Who’, which was broadcast on 21 June 2008.

I can assure you there was no agenda in either the development or execution of this episode to besmirch the English or promote any kind of anti-English agenda. We wanted to look at the kind of world that might have been created, within the universe of Doctor Who, should the Doctor and Donna have never met. Within that story, England endures catastrophic events, ranging from closed borders, housing, and food and fuel shortages to nuclear holocaust. Within this landscape, the global economy has collapsed, America cannot send aid and the Earth is facing extinction. Within those extreme circumstances, it is very possible to suggest that a nation would begin to turn inward looking and seek to isolate those it considers to be foreign. In the episode, France has likewise closed its own borders. We may not like the behaviour of the nations in this moment – certainly not – but it is a truthful proposition within the story we’re telling.

The reason I believe the series is loved by so many families, is that the stories encourage children to examine the world around them. It allows them, within a safe, fictional world, where they can hold the Doctor or Donna’s hand, to feel loneliness, fear and sadness. Mr Colosanto’s removal to a labour camp does have echoes of events in the Second World War, but within the parameters we set for 7pm Saturday night and within the story we’re telling, that is surely no bad thing.

‘Doctor Who’ is written, directed and edited for a family audience to enjoy. The production complies with stringent editorial policy processes within the BBC. Decisions are made carefully, across every episode, about how far to show human suffering or danger. These decisions are made at script stage, on the production floor and in the edit. Nothing said or shown in the Episode failed to comply with our editorial standard policies or troubled our judgement, as producers, within the rigorous parameters we set in making the series.

Thank you for taking the time to contact the BBC with your concerns.

Yours sincerely

Julie Gardner

Executive Producer, Doctor Who

The problem with copy & paste responses is that they often fail to answer the original complaint and this is certainly one of those occasions.  My complaint was based around the fact that they have been consistent in their use of “Britain” and “British” throughout the series until this episode when they decided that they would use the phrase “England for the English” instead of “Britain for the British”.

Looks like somebody is going to be getting a phone call tomorrow.

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I’m back!

I’m back off holiday, normal service will be resumed shortly.

Thanks to the ginger one for keeping an eye on things here in Wonkoville, disappointed glad to see there’s no pictures of Gemma Atkinson’s breasts plastered all over the place.

We had excellent weather for most of the holiday – a bit of rain once or twice but that’s what you get down by the channel.  The caravan site we stayed on was excellent – nice pool with a water slide for me the kids and a brilliant kids club for me the kids.

One downside was breaking my phone on a playground.  Sadly, Mrs Sane only got 3 seconds of footage of me hanging off the gyroscope type thing upside down when I broke my phone otherwise it’d be on the way to You’ve Been Framed by now.

Saw Nick Cleggover yesterday in a Shell petrol station in Wroxham (that’s Wroxham, not Wrexham in Wales).  The minder/assistant/whatever was a bit snooty with the bloke behind the checkout – “yes, that’s Nick Clegg”.  Well gosh, quite the VIP – he’s so important he’s even got someone to tell people who he is!  I wanted to ask him if we could have an English Parliament but he spent the whole time with his phone welded to his ear so I didn’t get a chance.

Anyway, got home this afternoon to find that someone has driven into the fence – a neighbour said it happened some time on Thursday and she had to drag it in off the road for us.  Which is nice.

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Going on my jollies

I’m off on my jollies for a week, see you soon.

There might be a guest post or two while I’m away so keep checking.

If anything goes dramatically wrong, please contact a Witanagemot blog (list in the sidebar).

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Police force EDP to remove English flags

The English Democrats Party, campaigning in Henley, have been forced by the Police to remove a table bedecked with red and white bunting, citing a local by-law that they have so far failed to provide any details of.  As the English flag is their logo, this makes it understandably difficult for them to go about their business.

This mysterious by-law banning the use of the English flag doesn’t seem to apply to the local CofE church though, the table the EDP had set up was in full view of the church proudly flying the English flag.

It also apparently doesn’t apply to the “butcher’s apron” – red, white and blue bunting is apparently all over the town.

The full story is in the Brussels Journal:

English Democrats Harassed by Police for Flying the Flag

From the desk of A. Millar on Fri, 2008-06-27 17:10

Threats of prosecution or fines for flying the England flag in England is not new, and perhaps it should come as no surprise, then, that the English Democrats party – which uses the flag in its promotional material – is reporting that it has become a target of such intimidation. Yet it is different for one very significant reason: that there has been a longstanding, unspoken rule that political parties in Britain should not be harassed by the police, particularly when campaigning. We accustom such behavior with dictatorship, not democracy.

The incident occurred when candidate Derek Allpass and his team were out campaigning on June 21, for the Henley by-election (held June 26). They had set up a table with promotional material, and strung bunting sporting the red cross of St. George around it. However, the team was soon approached by the police and the Town Clerk, the latter of whom allegedly told Allpass, “we don’t want that flag here in Henley.” Darren Riley, the Party’s Kent Chairman, responded by pointing a church that was close by, and likewise flying the England flag (because it was under the denomination of the Church of England), and remarked, “if you don’t want England’s flag flying in Henley you had better take this up with the Vicar too.”

Nevertheless, the authorities claimed that the display of the flag by the English Democrats breached a by-law, and instructed them to remove both the table and bunting. The by-law in question has yet to be shown to the party, though as the town was also strewn with red, white, and blue bunting (signifying the United Kingdom, as opposed to England), one can only wonder how peculiarly specific it must be. There were several witnesses, and the party intends to issue the Town Clerk with a Section 65 Race Relations Act Questionnaire if the by-law does not state what was claimed.

The English Democrats team complied with the request – though not before taking photographs of the display – and continuing their campaigning. Henley is a Conservative safe seat, and was held by Boris Johnson until recently, who prompted the election when he resigned to concentrate on his position as London Mayor.

And the British foreign minister, David Milliband, has the nerve to appear in front of TV cameras and criticise the Zimbabwean tyrant, Robert Mugabe, when agents of the British state are harassing an English political party for displaying the English flag?

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Tories take Henley, BNP beat Liebour

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – nobody stands a chance of winning a by-election but the Conswervative at the moment.

John Howell took 56.95% of the vote and ended up with nearly a 10,000 vote majority.

Liebour came fifth and lost his deposit, being beaten by the Illiberal Dumbocrats, the Green Party and the BNP.

UKIP came a disappointing sixth but they won’t be as disappointed as the English Democrats who came 8th behind the Monster Raving Loony Party.  The Miss Great Britain Party, bizarrely, put up two candidates for the same election.  I don’t think they quite get how it works because their combined vote would have put them above the English Democrats in 8th place.

If the last few election results are anything to go by, Liebour are likely to find themselves in third place at the next general election.

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West Mercia Police lied about attempted child abduction

Bit of a strange one here.  A couple of weeks ago a rumour circulated very quickly in Telford of an attempted abduction in the local Chavda supermarket of a young girl by a couple of Poles.

The Police immediately issued a statement which was published in the local paper, the Shropshire Star, saying it was just a rumour and reassuring residents they had nothing to worry about.

Funny that because I’ve just been told today that one of the doctors at the surgery my cousin works at was actually in the supermarket at the time, that the police were called and sealed the building and that they found a young girl in the toilets with two Romanians and a bottle of hair dye which they’d already started using.

So why did the police lie and tell us that there was nothing to worry about when really we should all have been on our guard in case there were any more of them?  I’d quite seriously like to know actually, I have young children that need protecting from threats like this.

Could it be anything to do with Hazel Blears’ instructions to local authorities and press that they should practice self-censorship on stories that might cause ethnic tensions?

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Number 10 promoting Liebour websites again?

I’ve just had an email from the Number 10 propaganda department telling me about all the wonderful things our Prime Minister has been doing.  One of the things in it was a link to an “EU Summit minisite”.

I clicked on the link to see what it was all about and it came up with the address  A government blogs website?  Looks interesting.  So what’s at  A 123-reg holding page.   123-reg?  Since when has the British government used 123-reg for their websites?  Suspicious (out of character I know), I popped onto a whois website to check it out.  The domain is registered to a Simon Dickson, address unknown because he’s apparently a “non-trading private individual”.  Strange, because this website is being promoted as a government website and it has the headers and footers of the Prime Minister’s website.

So who is Simon Dickson?  I’ve found a reference to a Simon Dickson who happens to be a Liebour Party donor.  Co-incidence?  It’s not as if they haven’t got form for this sort of thing, after all.

The surname is “Dickson”, not “Dixon”.

Edit 2:
Simon Dickson says, in the comments, he has no links to Liebour.

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I’m doing the lottery this weekend!

Not last night but the night before, two dead men came knocking at my door I was out walking the dog when I was treated to the sight of a couple of chavs in their poxy little hatchbacks racing two-abreast round the perimeter road of the housing estate I live on.  They were still two-abreast as they went over the brow of a hill, completely blind to whatever may have been over the hill … such as a bus at the bus stop – the bus stops I’ve moaned about on here before because they put them opposite each other so they block the road.  There wasn’t a bus there, which was lucky.

Anyway, I didn’t get the reg plate of either car because they were going too fast but they made the mistake of racing back again and I did get one number so I reported it to the police.  While I was on the phone I had a general whinge about people using the road as a race track, in particular the one motorbike that enjoys racing up the road at 6pm every evening pulling wheelies and I commented that it was a miracle nobody had died or been seriously injured there.

Last night, as I arrived home, the air ambulance had just landed round about where I was when the aforementioned chavs had come tearing past.  A kidney donor motorcyclist had come off their bike and obviously done themselves some serious damage.  Sadly, it wasn’t the prick who keeps racing round pulling wheelies.  The air ambulance broke down yesterday after attending that call and as of this morning still wasn’t operational putting lives at risk for the sake of what was, in all likelihood, someone riding his motorbike too fast.

But that’s not all.  Yesterday at work I jokingly commented to a colleague that some people make me want to switch off the servers and go home.  Minutes later I got a call from Mrs Sane to say my daughter had gone missing while they were waiting to fetch one of my sons from his classroom.  I rushed out to help look for her and what happened when I was out?  Yes, the servers went down!  It wasn’t me, I promise.  My daughter was found safe and well hammering on the door having walked home because she couldn’t find her mum or brothers, bless her.  Is it any wonder I’m going grey?

So I’m doing the lottery this weekend and fully expecting to have all 6 numbers and be a multi-millionaire on Saturday night.  Put your charity requests in the comments so I have something to do when I give up work. 😉

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Harman wants companies to discriminate

Straight from the horses mouth, Harriet Harman wants companies to practice discrimination when considering similar applications for jobs:

They might think we don’t want an all male team.

We’ve got a new post coming up, we’ve got equally qualified men and women going for it, we are going to pick the woman because we want to have a more balanced top team.

Under a new law that she wants to bring in, companies will be banned from any form of age discrimination but will be allowed and encouraged to take into account sex and colour when considering two people with similar qualifications for a job to ensure that they have a “balanced” workforce.

Once again, the young white Englishman is going to be discriminated against to meet arbitrary quotas.  Already the police, fire service, local authorities and British government departments run racist recruitment campaigns that ban white English men from applying but now they are going to extend that same racial and sexual discrimination to the private sector.

Is it any wonder so many people are joining the fucking BNP?  It’s the same hand-wrinnging liberals that complain about the BNP that are causing the problem in the first place.

We have got to get rid of this illiberal, racist fucking scum.

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Stuart Wheeler loses court case

Stuart Wheeler has lost his court case to stop the ratification of the EU not-a-constitution.

Sadly (but not surprisingly) the judge ruled that the British govenment was perfectly entitled to lie in its manifesto and that the contract it makes with the electorate in the run-up to an election isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

The result was expected but there was always that little glimmer of hope that the judge would rule that it is wrong for te British government to lie, that changing the way the EU constitution implements its changes and giving it a new name doesn’t make it a different thing entirely, that they were acting unlawfully when they debated and voted on a bill that was sub-judice and that Gordon Brown showed such contempt in attempting to ratify the EU not-a-constitution before he’d made his judgement that he needed bringing down a peg or two.

Sadly, this is not the case and the judiciary have once again failed to protect us from the treasonous politicians that pass for a government.

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