Archive for wonkotsane

European Parliament votes for metric road signs

A friend of mine has just got back from a week in Strasbourg and said the thing that stuck most in her mind from the whole trip was the vote on the harmonisation of road signs which would have the effect of changing all our road signs to metric.

Only 8 MEPs voted against the measure and that includes the UKIP MEPs that were present (not a full compliment on that occassion).

Don’t panic, it doesn’t mean that the signs will be changed any time soon – the bill will go to the European Commission who will figure out how they can implement it and that will take some time and we have a derogation on introducing metric road signs already.  But only 8 MEPs voted against the measure.  Where was the media coverage of our own MEPs voting to change our road signs to metric?  There was nothing – a complete blackout.

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West Mercia Police

Minutes after receiving an acknowledgement from West Mercia Police for my Freedom of Information request on Common Purpose, someone from West Mercia does a Google search for me and takes a look at this blog.

The guidelines published by the Information Commissioner say that FOI requests should be identity and motive blind so why are West Mercia Police trying to find out who I am before dealing wih my request for information?

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Wimbledon is upon us again – another few weeks of boredom and seemingly endless coverage of some people hitting a ball at each other at 3,000mph.

Andy Murray was in the papers at the weekend telling us how terribly upset he is that people think he’s anti-English because his gran lives in Newcastle and it was only a joke when he said he was supporting anyone playing England in the World Cup and please could we not call him a Scottish wanker and support him at Wimbledon.

Haha, very funny.  Twat.


Anyone but Murray


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That explains it

I wondered why so many people were coming here looking for information on Common Purpose and now I think I know.

I had a phone call this evening from a complete stranger telling me things about Common Purpose and the existance of a list of people who are taking an interest in Common Purpose that has been sent to Freedom of Information officers telling them that the people on the list are making vexatious requests.

Inquiries are being made to verify the existence of this list and to find out how much truth there is in the rumour that information is being shared illegally by local authorities and Common Purpose.

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No Democracy for Zimbabwe

Morgan Tsvangirai has pulled out of the presidential election run-off in Zimbabwe to protect his supporters from the torture and murder that Mugabe’s supporters have been dishing out.

Sanctions aren’t working – they’re hurting Zimbabwean people but not Mugabe, he still has the support of the military, the police and ZanuPF milita.  What is needed is military intervention.  A couple of thousand troops could sort Mugabe and his lot out in a few weeks and allow free and fair elections to take place.

We’ve got thousands and thousands of troops costing billions of pounds fighting a false war in Afghanistan and Iraq which will never end.  It’s time to pull out, let the jihadi’s blow themselves to pieces and concentrate our efforts on people who want our help.

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Shetland Island declares independence

The owner of the Shetland island of Papa Stour (renamed by it’s owner, Forvik) has declared its independence of the British government and the EU.

A lot of Shetland Islanders believe that the legal status of the Shetlands is that of Crown Dependency as they have never formally been incorporated into the UK.  The islands were given to King James III as a guarantee for a marriage dowry by King Christian of Denmark and Norway and were affirmed as a Crown Dependency on a couple of occassions.

Shetland Islanders – and the owner of Forvik, Stuart Hill, particularly – believe this is still the official status of the Shetlands and so Hill has declared independence from the British government and Federal Europe and staked a claim to the seabed and waters in a 200 mile radius around Forvik.  Most North Sea oil and gas would, in the event that Shetland became independent, be in Shetlands waters.  A large chunk of the rest would be in English waters if an English government asserted our rights to the territorial waters that the British government gave to Scotland under the Continental Shelf Act.

The calculators will be running hot at the Treasury today.

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Damn Ruskies

The Netherlands’ performance in the first three games of Euro 2008 was a small consolation for England getting knocked out in the qualifying stages and now those damn Ruskies have spoilt it!

Russia, unbelievably, beat the Netherlands 3-1.

Ah well, no more football for me.  The Dutch are the only team in the competition I could bring myself to support.

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BBC Wales’ anti-English slur

Tonight’s episode of Dr Who, broadcast on BBC1, had a scene which portrayed the English as racists, likening them to the Nazi’s.

The scene in question shows an Italian family being loaded into the back of a truck to be taken to a forced labour camp.  The Italian man says “you know how it is, England for the English” and one of the other characters then made a reference to Nazi forced labour camps.

Dr Who is made by BBC Wales and the actor playing Dr Who is a Scot.  Throughout the series and in previous series, they have been consistent in their use of “Britain” and “British”.  I don’t recall hearing “England” or “English” used once in this series.  If they were consistent they would have said “Britain for the British” but they didn’t so it is reasonable, I think, to assume that it was a deliberate slur on the English by BBC Wales.

I have sent the following complaint to the BBC:

I watched Dr Who tonight and was disgusted by the portrayal of the English as racists, likening us to the Nazi’s.

The scene I refer to is where the Italian (?) man is being taken away to a labour camp and says “you know how it is, England for the English”.

If Dr Who wasn’t consistent in it’s use of “Britain” and “British” throughout every series then I might have let it pass but I think this is the first time I’ve heard the word “England” or “English” in this series of Dr Who and its use was entirely derogatory and offensive.

The fact that Dr Who is made by BBC Wales and its main star (although not in this episode) is Scottish only makes it worse.  Do you have an anti-English racism problem in the BBC?  It certainly seems so.

If you would like to make a similar complaint, you can do so by clicking this link.

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

Tom Wise, the independent MEP has been arrested for allegedly obtaining money by deception.

Wise was elected as an MEP for UKIP but was expelled from the party last year.

The fact he’s now an independent MEP and nothing to do with UKIP hasn’t stopped Illiberal Dumbocrat blogger, Norfolk Blogger, from using the story for a bit of UKIP bashing:

UKIP MEP arrested

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fellow. Talk about crooks on the gravy train. Let’s hope the electorate see UKIP for what it really is.

We’ve all seen the Illiberal Dumbocrats for what they are – a bunch of lying, illiberal eurofederalists who are determined to sell England to Federal Europe.

My comment on Norfolk Blogger’s post has still not been approved …

Update 2:
The comment has now been approved, along with a few other comments criticising him for lying.

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Judge reminds Gordo he’s not above the law

The High Court judge hearing Stuart Wheeler’s legal challenge to the British government’s refusal to hold the promised referendum on the EU not-a-constitution has written to the Treasury’s lawyers asking them to delay ratification of the not-a-constitution until after he has given his judgement.

This is a long overdue slapping down for El Gordo who clearly thinks he’s above the law but it’s a shame the judge didn’t go further and summon the Treasury’s lawyers to explain why both the Commons and the Lords continued to debate and vote on a matter that was sub judice.

I hope the judge is pissed off enough to drag this out for as long as possible or, even better, find in favour of Stuart Wheeler.

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We’re dooooooooooomed

A report from the US National Snow & Ice Data Centre says that 2008 started with more Arctic sea ice than the start of 2007 but it is now down to the area covered this time last year.  It says that the extra ice was thin so it melted quickly.

The BBC is trying to turn this into a doom and gloom story about climate change with a dodgy prediction that the Arctic will be ice free by 2013 – something that would cause a 7 metre rise in sea levels.  Which is absolute bollocks, of course.

Scientists have already admitted that the next decade will see global cooling and that average temperatures for the last few years have decreased.  We also know from historical records that the “record low” amount of Arctic sea ice the BBC refers to is still bigger than it was a thousand years ago when the Vikings settled Greenland.

So, the facts are:

  • There was more Arctic sea ice at the start of the year than there was at the start of last year
  • There is currently the same amount of Arctic sea ice than there was at the same time last year
  • The average temperature of the planet is decreasing and is expected to continue decreasing for the next decade
  • There is more Arctic sea ice than there was a thousand years ago

Only a committed climate change propagandist could come up with a doom-laden prediction out of something positive.

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Lords approve EU Constitution

The House of Lords have approved the ratification of the EU not-a-constitution.

The Illiberal Eurocrats supported Liebour in pushing through the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty even though it cannot legally be brought into force and in defiance of their manifesto promise to support a referendum.

Fucking traitors.

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West Mercia Police taking an interest in Common Purpose?

I know it must seem like I’m a stat-obsessed glory hunter but I’m not, really!

It’s interesting to know who is visiting and how they get here.  Seeing a visit from Common Purpose was interesting, of course, and there are a lot of universities and colleges that appear on the list.  Don’t think these lot have visited before though:

Why would the police be searching for Common Purpose in Google?  Are they investigating Common Purpose’s infiltration into all aspect of the establishment and their indoctrination of our leaders with their “lead beyond your authority” doctrine?  Do they suspect Common Purpose of conducting a clandestine coup d’état?

Sadly, I very much doubt that this is the case because Common Purpose has its agents in the police as well, just waiting for the word to put in place their “new world order” where they – the unelected “leaders” – control our lives.  It’s all there on Common Purpose’s website for anyone to read, they’re quite open about their ambitions to take over the running of our country.

More than likely, this is someone who wants to go on a Common Purpose training course so they can be one of the ruling elite when the revolution comes or a Common Purpose agent building up intelligence on those that expose them ready for the aforementioned revolution.

Still, we live in hope.

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60 soldiers killed because of “crap equipment”

Frederick Forsyth, the author of a Conswervative commission on UK armed forces policy, has said that up to 60 servicemen have died because the British government failed to provide them with adequate kit.

Years of underinvestment and billions wasted during El Gordo’s reign at the Treasury on stupid schemes that came to nothing has resulted in the military becoming severely overstretched and short of essential equipment such as body armour, decent boots and guns that work.

In defiance of the fact that the armed forces are already stretched beyond capacity, the Goblin King has pledged even more troops to Afghanistan,

Forsyth doesn’t pull any punches in summing up the problem:

What has angered me is to see fine young men coming home in boxes draped in a flag who should never have died at all and died because they were required to go in harm’s way with crap equipment

Thousands of soldiers have been sent – poorly equipped and ill prepared –  into two illegal wars which will never be won and many soldiers have dies unneccessarily.

Bliar and Brown should hang their heads in shame … preferably with a length of hemp around their necks.

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Battle of the Browsers

Looking at the browser stats for Wonko’s World, it seems that the newly released Firefox 3 is proving pretty popular – 124 visitors have used Firefox 3 so far despite the first release candidate being available for only a month.

By way of comparison, only 88 people have visited using Opera since I started using eXTReMe Tracking 6 weeks ago, 199 used AOHell 9 and 216 used Safari.  I also had 4 visits from a Playstation 3.  Which is nice.
I’ve downloaded Firefox 3 to give it a bit of a test drive and although it’s noticeably faster than IE7 and Flock, I don’t think I’ll be switching from Flock.  The good people at Flock have already release their first beta of Flock 2 which is built on Firefox 3.
My advice?  If you’re using Firefox 2 or below then upgrade.  It’s faster and the default interface is a bit more modern and cleaner looking.  If you’re using IE7 then consider swapping – it’s even quicker compared to IE7 and if it’s as reliable as Firefox 2 then it’ll be infinitely more reliable than IE.  If you’re a blogging, social networking or media fiend then use Flock.

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Liebour asks members to bail them out

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  Even LiebourHome is indulging in a spot of schadenfreude at the expense of their party.

Apparently, El Gordo has invited members to underwrite Liebour’s debts after getting confirmation that he and the other 32 members of the National Executive Council are liable for Liebour’s debts, including the £12m that needs paying this year.

I’m not laughing.  Honest.

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Those who would give up Essential Liberty …

I’ve been debating internment and the Terrorism Act with my councillor, George Ashcroft, over at his place. Despite being a Conswervative, he supports the detention without trial of “terrorism” suspects for a month and a half.

I’ve pointed out some serious flaws in the Terrorism Act such:

  • Section 3 says that if you use a gun to endanger a persons life then that’s an act of terrorism whether it’s for what we would consider terrorism or not.
  • Section 54 says that if you give or receive weapons or explosives training then it’s an act of terrorism whether it’s for legitimate purposes (such as a job) or not.
  • Section 58 says that holding or publishing any information that may be useful to a terrorist such as a newspaper telling people the Queen is going on a trip to Wonkoville tomorrow is an act of terrorism.

It’s a shitty, shitty piece of legislation and defines terrorism so loosely that it would be quite easy to abuse it and lock someone up for a month and a half without charge on terrorism charges even if they’re not a terrorist.

I’ve pointed this out to George thinking that he’d see sense, that his distrust of socialists and knowledge of history and politics (he’s studying for a degree in it) would make him realise that you can’t just give such sweeping, illiberal powers to the British government when they can quite easily be abused.

I asked him if he thought it would be a legitimate use of the Terrorism Act to treat an armed robber as a terrorist and lock them up for a month and a half and to my surprise, he does. The threat of terrorism is apparently so severe that we have to give up our rights, freedoms and liberty to protect us from the terrorists who want to deprive us of our rights, freedoms and liberty. We’re so at risk from terrorists that we have to submit ourselves to increasingly draconian legislation which is written so loosely and left so open to interpretation that it can be twisted to make a terrorist out of almost anyone.
The trouble is, once you establish a precedent that the British government can take away your rights, freedoms and liberty when they decide that it’s expedient to do so, they are no longer rights – they are then privileges that you can have for as long as the British government says. Those fundamental rights are no longer fundamental, no longer sacrosanct but a footnote in party policy. I’ve tried to get him to understand this but all he does is give the same spiel about how there’s a masked terrorist in everyone’s airing cupboard and a suicide bomber in every school just waiting for the message from Osama Bin Laden (a slight exaggeration).
I’ll leave you with a quote from Benjamin Franklin which has been completely lost on Goerge:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety

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Federal Europe says “Fuck EU” to voters

Federal Europe is in a bit of a quandary at the moment.  That pesky Irish constitution won’t let them impose their constitution on an unwilling populace so what can they do?

Well, the Romanian social-democrat group gives us a clue in the European Weekly:

The referendum in Ireland has demonstrated that direct democracy (by way of referendum) cannot ensure the progress of the European process.

The security, liberty and prosperity of hundreds of millions of European citizens ask for complex leadership actions, which cannot be appreciated by heterogeneous populations, from the point of view of the information level and the education one.

European integration is a process that must be conducted politically by the elected representatives of the European citizens.

Translation from eurobabble into English:

The paddy’s have stitched us up, we need to stop them from asking silly questions.

To try and get the European integration project past the plebs we’ve have to make it as complicated and as hard as possible to understand so you’ve got to be a fucking PhD to get past the first page of stuff like the Lisbon Treaty and lets face it, most of them are thick as pig shit.

What we need to do is stop asking people to give us permission to do this stuff and leave it to us politicians.

God, how I despise those eurofederalist traitor scumbags.

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Cub Scouts

Just under 9 months after #1 got invested as a Cub Scout, #2 got himself invested last night.

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Bob Spink and 42 days

Sarah asked in the comments to this post if UKIP’s MP, Bob Spink, had voted against UKIP party policy and what UKIP members think about it.

Well, the answer is yes, he voted against UKIP policy and what do members think about it?  Well, I for one am not happy that he voted for 42 days internment, not because it’s against UKIP policy but because I disagree with internment.

Obviously I can’t speak for all members but I know that the ginger one was generally pissed off with the whole thing and will be less than pleased with Bob voting for it.  Someone I spoke to today was of the same opinion as me – he voted the wrong way, he voted against party policy but we’d rather he voted with his conscience and how he believed his constituents would want him to vote than how his party told him to.  I detest the whip system no matter which party is operating it.  That said, I don’t think his constituents would want him to vote for it so he was still wrong.
I don’t know if Nigel knew that he was going to vote in favour or not (I don’t have a direct line to him!) but I don’t think it would have made any difference.

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