I’ve been debating internment and the Terrorism Act with my councillor, George Ashcroft, over at his place. Despite being a Conswervative, he supports the detention without trial of “terrorism” suspects for a month and a half.
I’ve pointed out some serious flaws in the Terrorism Act such:
- Section 3 says that if you use a gun to endanger a persons life then that’s an act of terrorism whether it’s for what we would consider terrorism or not.
- Section 54 says that if you give or receive weapons or explosives training then it’s an act of terrorism whether it’s for legitimate purposes (such as a job) or not.
- Section 58 says that holding or publishing any information that may be useful to a terrorist such as a newspaper telling people the Queen is going on a trip to Wonkoville tomorrow is an act of terrorism.
It’s a shitty, shitty piece of legislation and defines terrorism so loosely that it would be quite easy to abuse it and lock someone up for a month and a half without charge on terrorism charges even if they’re not a terrorist.
I’ve pointed this out to George thinking that he’d see sense, that his distrust of socialists and knowledge of history and politics (he’s studying for a degree in it) would make him realise that you can’t just give such sweeping, illiberal powers to the British government when they can quite easily be abused.
I asked him if he thought it would be a legitimate use of the Terrorism Act to treat an armed robber as a terrorist and lock them up for a month and a half and to my surprise, he does. The threat of terrorism is apparently so severe that we have to give up our rights, freedoms and liberty to protect us from the terrorists who want to deprive us of our rights, freedoms and liberty. We’re so at risk from terrorists that we have to submit ourselves to increasingly draconian legislation which is written so loosely and left so open to interpretation that it can be twisted to make a terrorist out of almost anyone.
The trouble is, once you establish a precedent that the British government can take away your rights, freedoms and liberty when they decide that it’s expedient to do so, they are no longer rights – they are then privileges that you can have for as long as the British government says. Those fundamental rights are no longer fundamental, no longer sacrosanct but a footnote in party policy. I’ve tried to get him to understand this but all he does is give the same spiel about how there’s a masked terrorist in everyone’s airing cupboard and a suicide bomber in every school just waiting for the message from Osama Bin Laden (a slight exaggeration).
I’ll leave you with a quote from Benjamin Franklin which has been completely lost on Goerge:
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
Technorati Tags: Conswervatives, Internment, Terrorism, Police State