Archive for wonkotsane

Mugabe bans food aid for starving Zimbabweans

Robert Mugabe has banned international aid agencies from operating in Zimbabwe, accusing them of campaigning for the opposition.

Since Mugabe stole white-owned farms and handed them over in small plots to black Zimbabweans the country has gone from “the breadbasket of Africa” to a destitute, net importer of food, reliant on international aid.

The problem in Zimbabwe is not too far removed from the Chinese revolution in which privately owned land was stolen from its owners, parceled up into small plots and given to Chinese peasants who were expected to work their plot to produce enough food for themselves and contribute what was left over for redistribution amongst those who couldn’t work.  Of course, this proved disastrous and millions starved when crops failed through over-cultivation and because most of the farmers weren’t farmers at all.

In Zimbabwe, the farms have been taken from their white owners, parceled up given to supporters of Robert Mugabe.  They aren’t farmers and Zimbabwe has gone from being one of the most wealthy and food rich countries in Africa to having the highest inflation of any country since Germany after the second world war and 80% of the population suffering from malnutrition and reliant on food aid.  Just as in China, Mugabe clings to power by suppressing the opposition, violence, murder and worst of all, by selling belief in his ideology.  Despite the quite obviously disastrous outcome of Mugabe’s leadership of late (like most leaders, he started off well and degenerated as time went on) there are masses of people in Zimbabwe who really believe in Mugabe’s ability to lead their country, they believe his hysterical claims that the decimation of the Zimbabwean economy is all a plot by the imperial British.

China has emerged as the economical success story of extreme Marxist ideology but the cost of getting China to where it is now has been millions of lives, the occupation of Tibet, the perpetual threat of conflict with Taiwan and the oppression of a billion people.  Early intervention in China may have saved millions of lives or it may have accelerated the communist/western posturing to the extent that a third world war was kicked off.  We’ll never know but there is no global communist alliance to support Zimbabwe’s “revolution”.  China has a big interest in Zimbabwe but it’s largely economic, it doesn’t appear to be trying to turn Zimbabwe into a client state as USSR did with other communist countries during the cold war.

I don’t go in for the whole world police spreading democracy round the world at gunpoint thing, that’s for Americans to get excited over but there is an opportunity to save hundreds of thousands – if not millions – of lives in Zimbabwe.  All it needs is for someone to look beyond the fact they’re not muslims with oil and get stuck in.

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Tsvangirai released

Morgan Tsvangirai has been released after spending 8 hours in a police cell.

He was accused by the police of violating public security because he didn’t get permission to address the political rally.  Sounds familiar.

The MDC are now asking for the UN to provide peacekeeping forces and election observers to ensure a fair election.

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Tsvangirai banged up

The leader of the MDC, Morgan Tsvangirai, has been arrested and banged up in a police cell after his convoy was intercepted en-route to a political rally.

Two months ago I predicted Mugabe would have Tsvangirai pulled up in front of one of his pet judges on some charge and get him standing in the presidential elections unconstitutional.  I thought it would be on a trumped up charge of electoral fraud but it could be anything.

MDC says that 58 of its supporters have been killed by Mugabe’s trolls, two of which were apparently wrapped in a blanket, doused with petrol and burnt to death.

Mugabe will clearly stop at nothing to stay in power, be it fraud, torture or plain murder.

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Out of the mouths of babes

Via Tony Sharp, a BNP knuckledragger in Stoke has clarified what the BNP thinks about itself …

The BNP is the new Labour Party, but we are nationalists as well so we’ve got a patriotic, nationalist and socialist stance.

Out of the mouths of babes.

From Wikipedia …

The Nazis were one of several historical groups that used the term National Socialism to describe themselves, and in the 1920s they became the largest such group. Nazism is generally considered by scholars to be a form of fascism […]

Yes, I think Nationalsozialismus national socialism is quite accurate.

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Clegg: neither liberal, nor a democrat

Last year 1.8m people managed to add their names to a petition calling for road pricing plans to abandoned.  The people who run the website said that if the website had managed to cope with the load, it would have had over 2m signatures.

There are 60m living in the UK, about 45m are of voting age.  Two million of those were so opposed to the British government’s plans to introduce road pricing that they went looking for the petition and signed it.

You’d think that with that much opposition to road pricing, none of the opposition parties (except the Greens of course) would touch it with a barge pole, right?  Wrong.  Cue Calamity Clegg with his latest illiberal, undemocratic pronouncement: if the Illiberal Dumbocrats were to get into power they would introduce road pricing at an average of 8p/km with a maximum of 12p/km and charge extra for trunk roads and motorways.

Ok, let’s convert kilometres into something that normal people understand – 1km is 0.621371192237 miles so that’s going to be an average of 5p/mile or 7.5p/mile at the maximum rate.  The average commute to work in England and Wales is 13.39km (yes, census information is metricated as well now) which is 8.32 miles.  That means the average trip to work is going to cost 41.6p/day.  There are 8 public holidays a year in England and workers get an average of about 20 days annual leave so that leaves 241 working days in a year after weekends have been taken into account.  Multiply that by 41.6p gives you an average annual bill of £100.14p just to travel to work and back, assuming you don’t use a trunk road or a motorway.

Of course, this doesn’t take into account the cost of buying and having fitted a Galileo sat-nav system so Federal Europe and the British government can track your movements and send you a bill which the Department of Transport estimated to be about £600 per vehicle.  It also doesn’t take into account the cost to the taxpayer of setting up or running the road pricing scheme which the Department of Transport estimates at £62bn to set up and £8.6bn to run.

There are over 32m vehicles in the UK so that’s just shy of £2k per vehicle in setup costs, plus £600 per vehicle for the spy box plus £100 average annual commute plus £270 per vehicle annual operating costs means each vehicle would cost around £2,970 per year extra just to do an average commute without using a motorway or trunk road and without using your car to go to the shops, to go on holiday, to visit relatives, etc.

Two million people objected strongly enough to road pricing to sign a petition against it yet here we have the leader of a party that laughingly calls itself “Liberal Democrat” making it a key party policy along with regionalisation that we don’t want, European Federalisation that we don’t want, taxing flights even more heavily that we don’t want, replacing our constitution with a wishy washy lefty liberal constitution which we don’t want, more “green” taxes which we don’t want and handing over more of our money for international aid and development which we don’t want.

Nick Clegg is neither liberal, nor a democrat.  Thank god they stand about as much chance as a ghost’s fart in a force ten gale at the next election.

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You might want to sit down for this …

Due to the shocking and frankly unimaginable contents of the picture I have just taken, you will need to click the link below to reveal it. It’s probably best if you take a seat before you do.

Read more

Henley is a foregone conclusion

Norfolk Blogger reckons that the new Tory candidate for Henley has already crippled his campaign by claiming – incorrectly – that the Illiberal Dumbocrat candidate doesn’t live locally.

The truth of the matter is, the Conservatives could stand a Serbian war criminal with a penchant for wearing womens clothes and making snuff movies and they would still win. People want Liebour to lose – even traditional Liebour voters want the Goblin King to feel pain – and they will make sure that happens by voting for the Conswervatives because that is the only way they can be sure that Liebour will lose.

I wish this wasn’t the case – there are some good people wanting to step into Boris’ shoes – but there is no way that the Conswervatives will lose Henley.

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Bishop likens climate change deniers to child abuser

The Bishop of Stafford has written an article in a parish magazine likening climate change deniers to Josef Fritzl, the Austrial child abuser that locked up and raped his daughter for 24 years.

As a “climate change denier” myself, I find these remarks highly offensive so I got on the blower to the office of the Diocise of Lichfield and told them I wasn’t best please with his remarks and wanted to complain.

They’re obviously a progressive bunch in Lichfield because you can complain to the Bishop of Lichfield directly by email to  Alternatively, if you want to complain by snail mail then you can write to the Rt Revd Jonathan Leadhill, Bishops House, 22 The Close, Lichfield, WS13 7LG.  I would urge anyone who taks offence at anyone being likened to a child abuser for not believing humans are causing climate change (or anything else for that matter) to write and complain.  It would be far easier, after all, to liken vicars to Josef Fritzl bearing in mind the number of priests and vicars that have been convicted of child abuse but strangely, “climate change deniers” don’t go around accusing the Bishop of Stafford of being a paedophile.

Dear Bishop,

I am writing to complain about the offensive and highly inappropriate comments made by the Bishop of Stafford in a parish newsletter likening people who don’t agree with the discredited propaganda surrounding climate change to Josef Fritzl, the Austrian child abuser who locked up and raped his daughter for 24 years.

As somebody who doesn’t believe the propaganda that comes out of the Treasury or the “scientists” paid by the Treasury, I find this extremely offensive.  I agree that climate change is happening – just like it has for millions of years – but I believe we need to adapt to the changing climate rather than try to stop it chaning which is, in itself, an exercise in futility.

The Bishop of Stafford is out of order and I insist that he withdraw his comments and issues an apology to those of us he labels as “climate deniers”.  Belief in something that defies both logic and evidence is, of course, an essential qualification for a man of the cloth but it doesn’t give anybody the right to liken me to a child abuser for disagreeing with their views on climate change.

Stuart Parr

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Mugabe will stay in power in Zimbabwe

The Chief of Staff of the Zimbabwean Army has told soldiers that if they don’t intend voting for Robert Mugabe in the presidential run-off next month, they should hand in their uniform.

The Zimbabwean army will be out in force with the police in the run-up to the presidential election run-off next month, as will Mugabe’s militia, “the veterans”, who have been issued with police uniforms and will be inside polling stations.

The Zimbabwean military have said that they won’t co-operate with Morgan Tsvangirai if he wins the election but I don’t see that being a problem now to be honest.  The presidency should be Morgan Tsvangirai’s but with the police, an armed militia in police uniforms and the army all roaming round the country beating the shit out of people and telling them to vote for Mugabe, I can’t see Tsvangirai winning.  And even if he does win, Mugabe won’t give up power and he’s got the army’s support.

And will the world police do anything about it?  Will they buggery – there’s no oil and they’re the wrong shade of brown.

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EU Cost/Benefit Analysis petition

The petition I started calling on the British government to commission a cost/benefit analysis on membership of Federal Europe now has 703 signatures.

It has until the 24th of July before it closes so a thousand signatures at least would be nice.  If you haven’t already signed the petition, please do so now and then pass it on to your contacts.  Whether you’re a eurofederalist, eurosceptic or undecided, commissioning an independent cost/benefit analysis is the right thing to do otherwise we’ll never know the true cost of membership.

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Culture Clash?

Just as the media have forgotten about the child from Handsworth that had been starved to death by her parents, another equally horrific story has made it into the news.

A 6 year old boy and 5 year old girl have been stabbed to death – apparently by their parents – and their 6 month old baby sister is in a serious condition in hospital suffering from stab wounds.

Like the parents from Handsworth that starved their children, the parents of these stabbed children aren’t from round these parts – they are Tamils, from Sri Lanka.

I’ve never been to Sri Lanka or India or any other Asian country and I’m pretty sure that this kind of thing isn’t considered “normal” there but two occasions of immigrants killing their children in quite appalling circumstances isn’t “normal” here either. Of course, we’ve had our share of child murderers and other unsavoury characters who have been born here but this is quite unusual. Is the life of a child becoming less sacrosanct within immigrant communities or is the fact that both sets of parents are immigrants a co-incidence?

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Football quota’s – good or bad thing?

I’m undecided on Sepp Blatter’s plans to impose quotas on foreign players in football teams.

  • On the plus side, it’s pissed off Federal Europe who have declared it illegal.
  • On the negative side, anything involving Sepp Blatter must be a bad thing.
  • On the plus side, it means English clubs will have to invest in English talent instead of relying on foreign players.
  • On the negative side, English teams will struggle for a while because not enough investment has been put into home grown talent unlike other countries.

So I’m torn – I can’t decide whether, on balance, it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

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Shropshire Star: Claims on climate an excuse for tax rises

Looks like the green lobby haven’t managed to bully the Shropshire Star into closing down the climate change debate yet …

Every week there seems to be another report by a scientist of some description which is proclaimed as “further evidence” of climate change.

There is no doubt that climate change is happening, it’s been happening for millions of years and will continue to happen long after the human race has bombed itself to extinction.

In March Dr David Vaughan, the lead author of the IPPC report on climate change, told the worlds media that the Wilkins Ice Shelf “hangs by a thread” and was about to collapse.  The Wilkins Ice Shelf had, in fact, already collapsed 10 years ago.

This is used as “evidence” that human activity is causing climate change and calling for increased taxation. [1]

In April scientists from Lancaster University claimed that there is no link between solar activity and climate change.  The BBC described this as “further compelling evidence” despite there being an abundance of data showing a clear link between the two.

Lancaster University used 20 years worth of data to “prove” that there is no link between solar activity and climate change events that take place over millions of years. [2]

In May, German scientists announced that we wouldn’t see any global warming for the next decade.  In fact, they have concluded that we will see global colling followed by a period of warming caused by what they called “natural climate cycles”. [3]

I am old enough to remember the doom-laden prophecies of an impending ice age right up until about 15 years ago.  Now the same data has apparently convinced todays scientists that the opposite is going to happen.

Climate change is nothing more to the British government than an excuse to increase taxes.  If it was anything but an excuse to put up taxes then it would be DEFRA commissioning reports and forming climate policy, not the Treasury!

It’s time to apply some common sense to the climate change debate (not that much debate is allowed any more) before the economy is fatally damaged on a false premise.

Stuart Parr

[1] (Antarctic shelf ‘hangs by a thread’) (Global warming cleared on ice shelf collapse rap)


[3] (Next decade ‘may see no warming’)

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Gordo to bribe MPs on internment

No Mandate Brown is offering to bribe MPs to gain their support for 42 days internment.

The bribe to Liebour MPs is the lesser of two bribes being offered – the reduction of the amount of time the Police can use the temporary powers from 60 days to 30 days and to reduce the time taken for Parliament to debate and vote on the internment – the “safeguard” that the British government says will protect us – will reduce from a month (which is longer than the extra 14 days you can be detained for) to a fortnight.

The second bribe is the most serious.  No Mandate Brown is going to bribe DUP MPs by offering them seats on the Intelligence and Security Select Committee and to give money from the sale of British army land in Northern Ireland to Northern Ireland rather than the Treasury where it should be going.

It cannot be repeated often enough – and I intend to repeat it every time I write about internment – this is unconstitutional, illegal and unnecessary.  The British government has admitted that there have been no cases where the current 28 day limit on detention without charge, which is already the longest in the civillised world, has not been sufficient.  There is, to put it quite simply, no requirement to deprive us of our ancient and constitutional right not to be subject to detention without charge.

Gordo tried to bribe taxpayers in Crewe & Nantwich with a £2.7bn bribe for people they’ve driven to poverty by abolishing the 10p tax band and suffered a massive defeat.  According to Tony McNulty, the Goblin King would rather lose than back down on 42 days internment.  His last bribe resulted in an unprecedented defeat, let’s hope this next bribe does too.

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World peace my arse

Jesus guaranteed my mortage you know?Princess Tony has promised to devote the rest of his life to uniting the world’s religions. What a shame he didn’t decide to devote his life to religion some time around 1998 once he’d started fucking the country up.

Bliar reckons that religion can bring peace to the world and is even launching his own Faith Foundation. What a fucking joke. Throughout history we have seen wars and massacres and torture because of religion. Pretty much every war in history has been down to religion and most conflicts still happening today are down to religion. Religion bringing peace to the world? My fat hairy fucking arse.

If Bliar really believes that religion can bring about world peace then I look forward to seeing footage of him doing a meet and greet in Baghdad and getting blown to shit by some Jihadi nutjob in the name of religion.  Somehow I don’t think that grinning hag of a wife of his will see the irony – she’ll probably start a petition to get him canonised.

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Controlling immigration isn’t racist

Amnesty International has accused the Italian government of racism after they introduced new security laws making illegal immigration punishable by up to 4 years in prison, begging with minors by 3 years in prison and making it easier to deport illegal immigrants.

Amnesty International says the new laws are “heavy restrictions and new crimes that will target, above all, immigrants”. This is, of course, the kind of emotive lies you’d expect from a group like Amnesty International. The laws will target illegal immigrants, not legal immigrants. You can’t punish legal immigration because it’s legal.

This is a good move by the Italian government and something the British government should be doing. Illegal immigration is a real problem and we don’t even send asylum seekers who have come here via a friendly country back to that friendly country to claim asylum legally.

The problem, I think, is threefold. It’s partly down to the Scottish Raj’s desire to abolish English culture and identity, partly down to Federal Europe’s rules and partly down to the pathetic accusations of racism by groups like Amnesty International whenever the word immigration is uttered.

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The dead tree press catches up … eventually

Via Guido, the Guardian has noticed that Liebour has £13m of loans due this year despite being on the verge of bankruptcy.

They must be congratulated on their investigative journalism skills – after all, it only took them a week and a half to think of looking at the Electoral Commission website to see how much debt Liebour have got due for repayment this year.  It was the first thing I did after laughing at their misfortune.

Oh well, they caught up eventually.

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Whatever happened to the climate change consensus?

Wonko’s World regular, KeithS, very kindly sent me a link to this article on the First Post website: Whatever happened to the climate change consensus?

A very good question and an equally good article.  Excellent in fact.

The First Post points out that whilst the IPPC report on climate change (the lead author of which is a proven liar) and Al Gore’s propaganda film, An Inconvenient Truth, gets extensive media coverage and quoted regularly by the media, the Oregon Petition and Manhattan Declaration are completely ignored.

The Oregon Petition has been signed by 31,000 scientists from around the world, 9,000 of which are PhD’s, rejecting the IPPC’s view on the cause of climate change.  The Manhattan Declaration was signed by over 500 climatologists, scientists and engineers and also rejected the IPPC’s view on the cause of climate change and An Inconvenient Truth.

Contrast the support for the Oregon Petition and the Manhattan Declaration with the IPPC report on climate change which was supposedly endorsed by 2,500 scientists.  However, 4,000 of them say that their names were attached to the report without their knowledge or consent and one even had to threaten legal action to get his name removed.
The First Post finishes with the opinion that the IPPC report was political, not scientific and that the UN and western media will very soon have to admit that have basically lied and fed us with propaganda.

Go and read the full article – it’s a shame the mainstream media don’t produce more of this type of content.

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Petition the PM: Reduce Fuel Duty

This petition is pretty popular – over 89,000 people have signed calling on No Mandate Brown to reduce fuel duty.

Definitely worth signing even though we all know it will be ignored.  The more the listening Prime Minister ignores petitions signed by tens or even hundreds of thousands of people, the bigger his defeat will be when it comes to the next election.

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Is Chris Grayling a reader of Wonko’s World?

I wonder, is the shadow Work & Pensions Secretary a closet reader of Wonko’s World?  Or did he perhaps co-incidentally come up with much the same policy that I proposed back in October for making unemployed people work?

The only problem with their proposal is that it doesn’t go far enough.

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