Archive for wonkotsane

Fat people are to blame

Rick Waller - Greenpeace Most WantedAccording to a report by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, fat people are to blame.  For everything.

Global food shortages?  You thought it was because the world population is growing too fast at the same time as the Chinese are moving to an inefficient protein-based diet and farmers in the developing world are turning over fields previously used for crops to biofuels.  But no, fat people are eating all the food and because they use more petrol in their cars the price of oil is going up making food more expensive to transport resulting in poor people not being able buy food.  And because fat people use more fuel they’re damaging the environment.

Therefore, fat people are to blame for poverty, starving pensioners, climate change and global food shortages.

With the number of obese people in England growing, this obviously presents the British government with a dilema … just how the fuck do you tax fatness?

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British nationalist Scots

The belligerence within the English tradition is still a fresh memory and for some people the national flag is associated with football violence.

Billy Bragg

Rangers Fans Destroying Car

Rangers Fans Attacking Policeman

The British flag is associated with the racist far-left BNP and the violent Brit-Scot nationalist Rangers fans and Bragg has the nerve to claim that the Cross of St George is associated with violence?

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No Mandate Brown pushing for internment

No Mandate Brown says he wants to win the argument for 42 days internment of “terrorism” suspects.

As I’ve pointed out many, many times, the terrorism laws we have now are appallingly slack resulting in people being arrested under anti-terrorism laws for such heinous offences as carrying a blank placard within 1km of Parliament and reading out the names of dead soldiers outside Downing Street.  Giving the British government the power to have someone interned for a month and a half in the name of such a poor piece of legislation is just unbelievably stupid.  It’s no wonder even Liebour MPs are opposing it.

I certainly hope Gordo doesn’t win any argument over this illiberal, unconstitutional attempt at advancing the police state.

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Run Forrest!

Got my knee braces yesterday. Thank god I only have to wear them for an hour a day to start with!

Run Forrest!

And no, they don’t make me run at 100mph or jump buildings like the Bionic Man.

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No mandate reforms from no mandate PM

No Mandate Brown has set out his no-mandate “reform” programme (there’s that fucking word again – reform) to try and recover from the devastating trouncing Liebour had in the last by-election and nosediving support from traditional Liebour voters.

Let’s take a look at what batshit ideas he’s pulled out of his arse this time. I’ll use the BBC’s list

Help for homebuyers
Great, what help will that be? Mortgages for cardboard boxes? House prices are too high and most of the council houses have been sold so people just don’t have anywhere affordable to live. Gordo’s answer is to buy unsold new houses and rent them to social tenants. But why are there unsold houses and why are they pushing for millions of new houses to be built over the next decade if they can’t sell the houses that are already built? Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

A savings scheme for low earners
What fucking planet do you live on Gordo? Low earners don’t have money to save, especially after you – sorry, your sockpuppet Darling – took the 10p tax band away.

New rights for workers to request training
Ok, here’s how things work in business Gordo. The Treasury might be able to borrow a few billion quid whenever it can’t pay the bills but companies can’t and training costs money. Running a business is getting harder and more expensive thanks to stupid regulations and ever increasing taxes. What our struggling businesses don’t need is even more legislation making them less competitive.

Hospital funding will be linked to performance
Genius. A hospital under performs so rather than give them some cash to get their arse into gear, you take money off them. Too much stick and not enough carrot as per fucking usual. Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

Elected police chiefs
Great. Will this be “indirectly elected”, ie. voted for by their peers? Or will us peasants be given a vote? Politically aligned police chiefs, just what we need. Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

£2.7bn tax cut
An entirely unfunded tax cut paid for by borrowing £2.7bn on the private market increasing public debt significantly. The Treasury is insolvent, how long before one of the high street banks files for a winding up order? To be fair, that might not be such a bad thing – we might get someone running the Treasury who’s got even a vague idea of how to run the fucking economy.

Jobless training and skills assessments
Sorry but about 10 years ago I had an operation and I was left unemployed as a result (I think I must have been temping). I hadn’t paid enough national insurance so I had to go on Jobseekers instead of getting Income Support or Incapacity. Despite being medically unfit I had to sign on once a fortnight and they even made me go on a training and skills assessment. This is nothing new … unless Liebour abolished them? Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

Parents councils to help runs schools
Erm … I can’t actually pick fault with that, parents need to be more involved in their children’s education – especially when they’re getting filthy propaganda shoved down their throats. Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

Rights to flexible working for parents
See the above comment on the right to training. Employers need people to work set hours to fit in with their business. Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

Tests for immigrants
Yeah because the citizenship test has been such a success. Perhaps the rule that exempts immigrants from taking the test if they don’t speak English wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Lords reform
No. No, no, no. Fucking NO! Put it back to how it was before the grinning monkey faced fuckwit that preceded you broke it. Elected Lords or appointed Lords are a disaster for democracy because it ensures that the party controlling the Commons controls the Lords as well. Hereditary peers mean the political make-up of the Lords is decided by an accident of birth, not by toadying up to fuck face Brown or coming with stupid populist ideas to appeal to idiot voters who’d vote for a monkey if it had the right colour rosette.

Party funding reform
This had better not include state funding for parties or I seriously am going to pop a vein. By far and away the biggest bunch of thieving bastards in the Commons are the Liebour Party. The only reason harsher rules are needed on party funding is because Liebour are so fucking corrupt.

Consultation on the Bill of Rights
WE. ALREADY. HAVE. A. BILL. OF. RIGHTS. We don’t need another Bill of Rights, we just need the existing Bill of Rights honoured. That means abolishing all forms of summary justice, including parking fines and speeding tickets. No conviction, no fine. End of.

Introduction of a National Coroner Service
Riiiiight. And this is vitally important and worth spending money on when you’ve just borrowed £2.7bn for a by-election bribe is it? Doesn’t apply to Scotland.

I make that 14 pledges, only 7 of which apply to the people in Scotland who voted for him. Democracy? What democracy? Come the revolution, he’ll be the first against the wall.

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Penny for them …

I had to get petrol today so I went to the petrol station and stopped when I was dead on £20.  I carefully removed the nozzle, held it upright and dropped it onto the holder.  As the pump stopped the gauge rolled over to £20.01.

I went to pay and the bloke behind the counter said £20.01 and I said “actually, it was £20 until I put the pump back and then it changed”.  He rolled his eyes and asked if I wanted the penny.  I said yes and he gave me a penny out of the till!

It might seem petty but it’s the principle – it’s a really busy petrol station and I didn’t get that extra penny’s worth of petrol.  If I was buying meat from the butcher I wouldn’t expect them to weigh it, wrap it up and then add a bit so why should the petrol station get away with it?

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David Wright throws his teddy out of his pram

My useless Liebour MP, David Wright, has thrown his teddy out of his pram after a spoof blog was set up in his name.

It was pretty obvious it was a spoof but there were a lot of comments from people who thought it was real and comments saying they didn’t agree with him but they were glad he’d set up a blog.

I think he should break with tradition and actually listen to what his constituents want rather than wasting police time trying to find a crime that might have been committed!  I kid you not, he has reported it to the police, likened it to identity theft and according to the Shropshire Star, the police are investigating it to see if a crime has been committed.  Muggers, rapists and murderers can go about their business safe in the knowledge that the local police are devoting their resources to trying to find out if impersonating an MP for a joke might be illegal.  Here’s some free advice for you – it isn’t!  Now go catch some criminals.

The blog was taken down by WordPress but I took a copy of it on the day it was taken down so it’s probably quite up-to-date.  Do you want to see it?

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Defattyfying Update

Just a quick update on the diet – I’m 2lb off losing 2st, thanks in part to the 24 hour bug I had Sunday which caused me to lose 3lb overnight!

Getting close to half way to my target.

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Scottish government subsidises fishermen

The Scottish government intends to do more to help Scottish fishermen cope with rising prices and unfair advantages of Spanish and French fishermen who receive state aid.

Rising fuel prices, crippling EU regulations and reduced quotas are damaging commercial fishing so the Scottish government is giving up to £400,000 towards the annual costs of maintaining lifeboats on fishing boat and £300,000 towards the cost of warranties on satellite equipment which fishermen are required to have under EU rules.
The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation aren’t satisfied though and want the Scottish government to go further and provide state aid like the French and Spanish government’s do.
Meanwhile, the British government is offering nothing towards the cost of maintaining lifeboats and nothing towards the warranties on satellite equipment for English fishermen.

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Blears wants to censor press

This is a step too far:

The government has set out new guidance calling on councils to monitor communities and do more to prevent local tensions.

Communities secretary Hazel Blears called on councils to keep track of who is living in their area and be aware of potential “hot spots”.

The guidance also says local authorities should be aware of what “triggers” local tensions and urges they work with the local press to ensure reporting “does not exacerbate tensions”.

It stressed the importance of working with a wide range of people to monitor trends, making better use of local intelligence where possible.

And it said that local officials should develop greater awareness of how international issues have the potential to threaten cohesion.

“The overwhelming majority of people in this country live successfully side by side but we cannot take this for granted,” Blears said.

“Challenges to cohesion do exist – this might be between different ethnic or faith groups or new migrants and longer-term residents – but things can be done to address problems at the earliest opportunity and stop things escalating.”

She announced £50m of funding to support local authorities in “responding to these specific challenges”. This would include focusing on integration and ending “automatic translation” services, putting “more emphasis on English language learning, a move away from the funding of single groups and strengthening of our shared values”.

We all know the “challenges to cohesion” – unfettered immigration has created massive “minority” groups who, thanks to the policies of New Liebour, are effectively a state within a state.  They have their own state-funded groups, their own “community leaders” and any attempt to speak out against this divisive state of affairs is met with hysterical screams of “RACIST!”

I agree that funding for ethnic and religious pressure groups should be cut.  In fact, it should be stopped completely – they only increase tensions and there’s no justification for state support for them.  I also agree that more emphasis should be put on learning to speak English.  If you don’t speak English you shouldn’t be here.

However, curbing freedom of the press is one step too far.  England is fast turning into a police state and people sit back and let it happen.  In other countries people would be taking to the streets to protest against this sort of thing but not in England – you can’t protest anyway, it’s illegal to protest outside Parliament and if you protest anywhere else the police will demand your personal details and photograph you.
Come the revolution, we’re going to need a very big wall.

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They don’t like it up ’em!

Ian Taylor, a builder from Gloucestershire, has cut his car in half with and angle grinder rather than let wheel clamping bandits, NCP, take his car away.

He bought a knackered old Fiesta for his son but it was beyond economical repair so he declared it off-road and parked it on his drive while he waited to scrap it.  However, part of the back wheel was on the pavement so a jobsworth clamper put a clamp on the car.

NCP are standing by their actions and trying to demonise Taylor by saying that he put others in danger by cutting his car in half after the angle grinder set fire to it.

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Eurovision – what a joke

Via the Secret Person, apparently we don’t take Eurovision seriously enough.

No shit Sherlock.  Bjorn Erichsen, the Danish producer of Eurovision, has been bitching about Terry Wogan, saying that he is part of the problem and that we should treat it with the seriousness it deserves.

What a fucking joke.  If it wasn’t for Terry Wogan, Eurovision would be consigned to BBC3 with an audience of a quarter of a million.  Actually, it wouldn’t be consigned to BBC3 because the BBC throws barrow loads of cash at Eurovision every year, that’s why we always get an entry even if we end up finishing last.  We bankroll Eurovision no matter wherever it’s held.

Eurovision is a demonstration of how united Europe will never work.  You could put a multi-platinum award winning singer on the stage singing a song that’s currently sitting at number 1 in every chart in every European country and still Denmark would vote for Sweden, Bosnia would vote for Croatia, Turkey will vote for Germany.

The only thing that makes this pointless waste of a television camera worth watching is Terry Wogan.  He knows what an utter farce it is, he knows who is going to vote for who even before it starts and the only thing that makes the “contest” bearable is Terry Wogan’s scathing sarcasm.

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Lying Hypocrites

Guido has a copy of a Liebour election leaflet for the Crewe & Nantwich by-election.

Mrs Sane and I occasionally spend a weekend at a nice hotel just outside Nantwich and there are a lot of nice big houses round there.  Of course there are some scutty houses as well but just because someone lives in a nice big house doesn’t mean they care any less about the people who don’t live in nice big houses.  In fact, they’re more likely to want to bring the quality of the surrounding area up because it’ll make their nice big house more valuable.  Does anyone have a picture of the recently deceased MP for Crewe & Nantwich, Gwyneth Dunwoody’s house?  The wife of a doctor and daughter of a peer is unlikely to have lived in a two-up, two-down in a council estate.

Crewe & Nantwich has had a Liebour MP for a long time so where is the regeneration money from the Liebour government?  Tory councillors can only try and spend what the Liebour government gives them.

Soft on crime and yobbish behaviour?  Isn’t that a pretty fair description of the Liebour government’s approach for the last 10 years?  Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime Traitor said – what a joke.  When judges can’t lock people up because the prisons are full and serial offending teenage louts have to be given a slapped wrist and maybe a tag if they’re particularly naughty, is it any wonder that gangs of marauding yobs are roaming the streets?

Nobody should have to carry an ID card.  Liebour has given away control of our borders and allowed virtually limitless numbers of immigrants to enter the country to the extent that they don’t even know how many people are in the country.  At the same time they’ve set about abolishing civil liberties and curtailing our historic, constitutional and fundamental rights to combat the threat posed by the people they’re letting into the country.

Cutting funding to schools?  Teachers spend more time filling out paperwork and manipulating statistics to try and meet arbitrary targets than ever.  Schools in England receive far less funding than schools in Scotland and Wales – something that is worth reminding the people of Crewe & Nantwich of.  Audlem is in Crewe & Nantwich and they certainly know about the differences in funding over the border.

Liebour are nothing but a bunch of lying hypocrites.  If the people of Crewe & Nantwich vote Liebour this month they deserve everything they get.  In fact, if they vote Liebour I’ll start a petition to get the whole of Crewe & Nantwich transferred to Wales!

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Sky HD

Good old Sky, you’ve gotta love ’em.
I introduced a friend to Sky and got a free Sky Plus box for the introduction. I phoned the number on the letter and gave them the details. A couple of months passes and the phone call to sort out the installation hasn’t materialised so I phoned them up.

“The account number you gave for your friend wasn’t correct, either you read it out wrong or someone typed it in wrong”. My friend was reading his account number to me as I was on the phone so it was right but that’s not a problem, mistakes happen. Phone calls don’t though – why did I have to phone them instead of them phoning me?
Anyway, they sent me a letter telling me to phone and order before the 14th so I phoned today and I’ll be Sky Plussed in a few days. The box is free but I’ve had to pay £60 for the installation. I had the option to pay £99 extra and get a HD box instead but there’s no way I’m paying £99 for the box, £60 for the installation and then £10 per month for a handful of HD channels. Not when I can get them for free.

On Monday the BBC and ITV jointly launched Freesat, a free to air digital satellite service. Not only does it have the free to air channels you can get through the aerial but it also has HD channels. Currently it has BBC HD and ITV HD (exclusively). When their exclusivity contract with Sky runs out they will also have Channel 4 and Channel 5 HD. That leaves only a couple of HD channels that you must pay Sky to watch. The only two that spring to mind are Sky One HD and National Geographic HD and I only watch Sky One for the Simpsons and Futurama and they certainly aren’t going to look any better in HD!

So no, I don’t think I’ll be paying £10 per month and £99 for a HD box from Sky for a few channels, most of which I can get for free by paying £120 for a Freesat box. I think Sky will be seeing subscriptions to HD dropping off significantly in the coming months, especially when you consider that the HD box normally costs £300 if you just decide to buy it on a whim rather that through a special offer.

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Campaign for a .ENG domain

I’ve just signed the petition for a .ENG domain courtesy of DotEng.

The rules on top-level domains are being relaxed and this will make a .ENG domain much easier to secure than previously. If the .SCO or .CYM campaigns for Scotland and Wales are successful that will set a precedent for all the home nations.
We have our own sports teams and our own flag. We don’t have our own government yet but that’s only a matter of time. Why not an English domain name?

Click here to sign the petition.


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Mugabe’s armed militia to police election

Zimbabwean police have been instructed to campaign for Robert Mugabe and the War Veterans – an armed ZanuPF militia group – will be inside polling stations wearing police uniforms if a run-off for the presidential election is held.

According to this BBC News article, it would appear that the War Veterans are being incorporated into the police force, at least for the purposes of the run-off.

Under Zimbabwean electoral law, the run-off must be held within 21 days of the election.  This deadline has already passed and the electoral commission has said that it might not take place for a year.

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Zimbabwe election challenge

ZanuPF and the MDC have both filed petitions with the Zimbabwean Electoral Court challenging the results of a total of 105 results from the recent elections.

MPs will still be sworn in and the government – such as it is – will continue whilst the Electoral Court rules on the results.

There is only one way that this is ever going to get resolved satisfactorily and that is by re-running the election with UN election monitors.

There is a suggestion that Morgan Tsvangirai might not stand in a presidential election re-run because MDC believe he won outright but I’m not sure what that would achieve.  He may believe he won outright – he probably did – but why not just go through the motions and win the run-off?  At least then Mugabe has no reason to cling on to power like he is now.

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Coat of Arms

parr_family_crest.jpgNourishing Obscurity has a post on bloggers’ coats of arms. Not sure if the College of Arms will approve of his choice of a badger and hamster.

Of course, being the terribly important person I am, my family already has a coat of arms which you should see to your right here.

It’s a bit basic but a new one costs five and a half grand just for the application to the College of Arms and there’s no guarantee they’ll even grant the arms then!

CherryPie has one too.  Aren’t we posh? :blush:

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Big Test for Gordo’s Crewe

No Mandate Brown will shortly be getting his first test since the battering at the local elections last week when the Crewe & Nantwich by-election takes place on the 22nd.

Gwyneth Dunwoody held the seat for for Liebour for 25 years until she passed away a couple of weeks ago.  She had held the seat since it was created in 1983.  This should be a safe seat for Liebour but the situation is identical to that of Telford – David Wright has been the (Liebour) MP since the seat was created and the council has been controlled by Liebour since it was demerged from Shropshire County Council right up until last year when the Conswervatives pulled off what was previously thought of as an impossible task and beat Liebour.  El Gordo is going to have a fight on his hands in Crewe & Nantwich.

The by-election will, naturally, see more candidates than is usual but that’s the nature of these unexpected by-elections.  The Illiberal Dipshit candidate pulled out, the Conswervatives are looking strong and is looks like Liebour will be fielding Gwyneth Dunwoody’s daughter.  Mike Nattrass MEP is standing for UKIP and Miss GB runner-up, Gemma Garrett, is standing for some new “Beautiful Britain” party or something like that.

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Come fly with me …

Mrs Sane and I need to go to the Netherlands in October for the christening of our godchild.

Contrary to popular belief, booking flights at the last minute doesn’t get you a cheap ticket.  In fact, it generally gets you a more expensive ticket because someone will pay through the nose if they absolutely have to get that flight at the last minute.

Anyway, with plenty of notice we should be able to get some cheap flights, right?  Well actually, yes, we can get cheap flights.  We can get two tickets for £9.99 each off Ryanair if we leave from Stanstead and fly to Eindhoven (bit of a way from here to Stanstead but Eindhoven is the closest the other end).

So I’m happy, yeah?  No, I’m not.  The airport taxes which El Gordo has hiked up in the name of the fucking global warming scam bring the total price up to the £75 mark.  Bastard.

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