Archive for wonkotsane

Why do we need a specific NHS violence law?

The Ministry of Justice has decided to include Wales in a new bill to introduce specific offences relating to mental and physical abuse in hospitals.  The Welsh government said they didn’t need the law but some Liebour MPs and a peer complained and the MoJ has changed its mind.

I’ve spent a lot more than average an amount of time in hospitals and I apreciate the work that doctors and nurses do, often putting themselves in dangerous situations for the public good.  The same goes for policemen, firemen, etc.  But do we need specific laws relating to individual groups of people?

It is already against the law to physically or mentally abuse someone.  Whether that someone is a nurse, a policeman, asian or white, it is still against the law.  The problem is not with the law as it stands, it is with the way that judges are guided by politicians.

Politicians impose minimum and maximum punishments for crimes so judges can’t decide to punish somebody who’s assaulted a nurse harsher than someone who’s assaulted a drug dealer.  So when people complain that hundreds of doctors and nurses a day are being assaulted and that they’re getting away with lenient sentences, their answer is to make a new law introducing a specific offence and a different punishment.  But the crime is still the same – an offence against the person contrary to common law.

With new offences being created at an alarming rate and people falling foul of daft, ill-thought out and politically-motivated laws, what we really need is for a major cull of these offences and for politicians to butt out and let judges get on with their jobs.  There is no need for specific offences relating to specific groups of people.  There is no need for specific offences relating to “motivation”.  Offences like racially aggravated assault are no different to any other assault other than the fact that it’s politically expedient to look like it’s being taken more seriously.  Physically assaulting a nurse is no different to assaulting a shop keeper but it makes the British government look like they’re caring for people who carry out a public service.

I’m not a nurse, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a fireman, I’m not a politician, I’m not black.  I’m white and I’m English and that means that if I got mugged whilst taking the dog out for a walk or walking across the car park or sat at my desk at work, the British government considers my pain and suffering to be less important than that of a nurse or a fireman or an immigrant.  Why?

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Where’s Mel Gibson when you need him?

Let’s face it, things are going seriously wrong in England right now. For the first time in my life I am actually worried about what the immediate future holds.

Fuel prices are through the roof and there’s no sign of them going back down again. Over 80% of the price of a litre of petrol or diesel goes to the Treasury in tax and the introduction of new “green taxes” is pushing up the price throughout the supply chain. The more expensive fuel is, the more everyday items cost – it costs more to produce and more to transport. A major oil distribution centre is set to close due to strike action any day now which normally pumps so much oil that we will run out in two days if it closes.

Food prices are rising at an alarming rate and food shortages are being predicted in the near future. Fields that normally provide food are being turned over to growing crops for biofuels. The booming Chinese economy means the average Chinese diet is becoming more protein-based and growing animals for food is far less efficient than growing crops for food. China is one of the world’s largest producers of cereal crops.

The bottom is falling out of the housing market with estimates of over 1 million people being in a negative equity situation after overextending themselves with huge mortgages to buy houses that aren’t worth the money they’ve paid for them.

One major bank has gone tits up in England and other banks are cutting back on spending and reporting a downturn in profits. The British government is responding by handing out £50bn of taxpayers money to shore up the financial markets. The US Federal Reserve has also bailed out a major bank and is pumping cash into the markets to keep them afloat. A global depression seems inevitable.

The British government is trying to force through a change to “anti-terrorism” laws that are already being systematically abused that would allow the state to lock up anyone they say is linked to terrorism for 42 days – almost a month and a half – without evidence and without charge. Not even Zimbabwean police are allowed to lock people up without charge for a month and a half. So far not a single terrorist has been found as a result of over 100,000 people being stopped and searched under anti-terrorism laws. There is not a single example where the current 30-day limit (already the highest in the civillised world) has been too short to charge a terrorist suspect. The police state marches on – George Orwell showed remarkable foresight (apart from the date), perhaps he was a modern day Nostradamus?

I could go on but I think I might be better off watching the Mad Max films again, only this time I’ll take notes.

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Tesco to invade Poland?

A few weeks ago I asked what the apocalyptic non-event of the next decade would be.

It was a close race right up until a few days ago but there is now a clear winner:


The four “other” were:

  • An as yet unknown disease will sweep the world
  • New feudalism
  • English nationalism continues to rise, threating the existence of the Union.
  • Enviro-fascists cause Europe wide recession

Just one word of warning – Tesco invading Poland may sound unbelievable but they’ve set a precedent in Denmark!

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Twat of the Week: Gordon Brown

The results of last weeks Twat of the Week Month so Far are in and the clear winner is No Mandate Brown with 65% of the vote.


If you want to nominate somebody for this week’s Twat of the Week award, let me know.

Happy St Georges Day

I’d like to wish all my readers a Happy St Georges Day.

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UKIP gets its first MP

Dr Bob Spink MP, who resigned from the Conswervatives last month after his local Conswervative Association tried to deselect him, has joined UKIP.

conswervatives.pngUKIP now has one MP, nine MEPs, two Lords and about 30 councillors.

It might not seem like much but from little acorns grow mighty oaks.

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Things that piss me off … on the roads

Three things that piss me off on the roads:

1. People driving 4×4’s or road versions of World Rally Championship winning cars driving down the middle of the road to avoid driving over speed bumps.

2. People driving tractors down a busy road at 8 o’clock in the morning.

3. People who drive round islands in the outside lane regardless of which exit they’re getting off.

Anyone got any better ones … ?

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Three years and this is the best they could come up with?

The Conswervatives have spent nearly three years “consulting” and debating the West Lothian Question and have finally come up with an “answer”.

The “answer” to the West Lothian Question, according to the Conswervatives, is “don’t answer it”.  A marginal improvement over “don’t ask it” but hardly a constructive use of three years and god knows how much money.
For the last few years, the Conswervatives have had a policy of English Votes on English Matters – an inadequate proposal that would have allowed any British MP to debate a bill that only affects England but only allow MPs elected in England to vote on it.

The latest “answer” to the West Lothian Question is … wait for it … to allow only MPs elected in England to debate an English-only bill but allow any British MP to vote on it.

The Conswervatives under David Camoron have refined the ability to piss off pretty much everybody, including their own members and supporters, almost to an art form and this is no exception.  If they can’t get support for this balls-up on a Conswervative fan-blog, it’s got to be a dud.

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Hamas offer peace, will Israel take it?

Former US President, Jimmy Carter, has met with the exiled leader of Hamas in Syria.

Hamas (the political party) won free and fair elections last year but Israel, the US and the EU refuse to deal with them and are actively seeking to undermine their control of the Gaza Strip which they have controlled since winning the election.

Carter has, of course, been criticised by Israel and the US for meeting with Hamas.  Officially it’s because they consider Hamas to be a terrorist organisation (they don’t see the irony in supporting and financing Sinn Féin as the political wing of the IRA but refusing to deal with the Hamas political party as the political wing of the Hamas militant group) but it’s more likely to be what Hamas said to Carter that the don’t like because it now puts the ball firmly in Israel’s court, leaving them with no excuse for continuing their occupation.

According to Carter, the leader of Hamas has reiterated its position to accept an Israeli state within its original borders before it invaded Palestine and Jerusalem.  Hamas says that it will leave in peace with Israel as a neighbour if the Palestinian people agree to it.  They said that if Israel agrees to a mutual ceasefire and renunciation of violence in Gaza and West Bank then they will accept it.  They have even offered to accept a ceasfire only in Gaza to get the ball rolling.

So Hamas, it appears, is offering an olive branch.  Most Palestinians will agree to a ceasefire if it means they get their country back and stops the indiscriminate attacks by the Israeli military.  They are giving Israel the opportunity to bring hostilities to an end without Israel having to make the first move and appear weak.  Whether Israel takes this opportunity or not will prove, once and for all, whether they really want peace or if they intend to continue occupying Palestine until everyone has either been bombed or starved off their land and they can take the lot with the minimum of fuss.

I don’t really have any doubts as to what the answer will be but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt one last time.

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New Laptop

The insurance company finally paid out on my broken laptop so I’ve finally been able to get a replacement.

It’s a nice bit of kit but it came with Vista, Microsoft’s most controversial operating system so far.  I’ve read and heard good and bad reports of Vista but so far I quite like it.

After a couple of days playing with Vista, here are some pro’s and con’s:


  • It looks nice.  If you’re going to be staring at a computer you want it to look nice and with the Aero theme it’s the best looking version of Windows yet.
  • The sidebar.  I know these have been around for ages and I’ve tried one or two but they don’t compare to one that’s integrated with the operating system and the radio player gadget I found it the dogs danglies.
  • The Windows Switcher.  Pressing Win+Tab instead of Alt+Tab gives you the nice task switcher.  Again, it’s just eye candy but it’s something nice to look at.
  • The “Games” menu.  Vista recognises lots of games and instead of adding them to the start menu it adds them to a nice Games menu which gives you the performance rating for your own machine and the required and recommended ratings for the game.


  • Age of Empires 3 doesn’t work.  It’s quite a recent game and a Microsoft game at that.  Is it too much to ask that a recent Microsoft game works with their latest operating system?
  • Start Menu.  The new start menu sucks ass.  It’s all so confined with scroll bars and if you choose the “classic” start menu you get some antiquated Windows 2000-esque affair.
  • Memory hungry.  Just displaying the Desktop needs about half a gig of RAM.

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Zimbabwe election recount

After three weeks, votes are being recounted in 23 seats in Zimbabwe that Robert Mugabe’s ZanuPF lost.

The Zimbabwean Electoral Commission is a pro-Mugabe, ZanuPF-controlled quango and party officials are believed to have had free access to the ballot boxes for the duration.  The opposition MDC says that it will not support any recount because they believe that the ballot boxes will have been stuffed.

The election in Zimbabwe is a sham.  Mugabe will hold on to power for as long as he can, either by lying and cheating or just eliminating the opposition.  China has sent a ship with 3m rounds of ammunition, 1,500 rocket propelled grenades and 2,500 mortar rounds to South Africa for Zimbabwe.  South African dockers refused to unload the ship in protest at their government’s shameful support for Mugabe’s illegitimate regime but it’ll find somewhere to drop off its load and no doubt the weapons and ammunition will be used to keep Mugabe in power long after he should have been kicked out of his office and thrown into prison.

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Illegal settlements to be expanded

If you read the following on the BBC News website …

The American housing ministry has invited tenders for the construction of 100 new homes at American settlements in occupied Iraq.

… people would say that it was wrong and that America had no right to build homes for Americans in Iraq against the will of the Iraqi government.  So why is there no international uproar when it reads …

The Israeli housing ministry has invited tenders for the construction of 100 new homes at settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Israel has illegally occupied Palestine for decades, has ignored more UN resolutions than any other nation on earth (remember that frustrating the will of the international community was justification for invading Iraq) and is continuing to expand its settlements in Palestine that have been declared illegal under international law.

If they were muslims would they have been invaded by now?

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Shropshire Star: Pensioners in England missing out

This was in tonight’s Shropshire Star …

Pensioners in England missing out

On April 1 a new scheme came into force to allow pensioners to have free off-peak travel around England. Previously they were entitled to only off-peak travel within their local authority.

Pensioners in Scotland and Wales have been entitled to free public transport at any time in their own country for years. In Northern Ireland they get free transport in Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic.

English pensioners don’t have the same rights as Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish pensioners because there is no English government for English people.

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Practice what you preach Gordo

No Mandate Brown has told a meeting of the UN that “no-one thinks” Mugabe won the Zimbabwean presidential elections.

He then had the audacity to say “The credibility of the democratic process depends on there being a legitimate government”.

What’s that you say?  Legitimate government?  Is that like the leader of the country asking the electorate to vote for them as leader?  The type of mandate that Gordo the Goblin King bottled out of himself?

The Goblin King has made some noises about standing behind the Zimbabwean people (why am I reminded of South Park the Movie?) and making sure their will is upheld.  The man really has no shame considering the way he denies the English equal rights that they want.

Gordo’s speech seems to imply that a little trip to Rhodesia might be on the cards for the army if things aren’t sorted sharpish but there’s no mention of the Chinese in all this – they’ve been priming Zimbabwe as a client state for the past few years and they’ve got a lot of investment in Zimbabwe that they might not be keen on risking if Mugabe gets a forced eviction.

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UKIP London election broadcast

Thanks to Arden Forester for the YouTube video of Gerard Batten MEP’s London Mayoral election broadcast.  I missed it earlier as I was attending a UKIP meeting, of all things!

Embedded Video

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Number 10 pulls its advert for Liebour

After posting this yesterday I sent a shitty email to the webmaster of the website giving them until 10am today to remove the link to the Liebour website or I would complain to the Civil Service Commissioner and contact the press.

They got an extra couple of hours because I was busy but no email was forthcoming so I phoned the Ethics department at the Cabinet Office and had a whinge.  The man at the Cabinet Office (Mr Brown but apparently no relation) clicked the link, read the strap line “Vote Labour on Thursday 1 May” and said “hmmmm”.  Then he asked for a copy of the email which I duly sent this evening asking for an update by noon tomorrow and informing him that I hadn’t contacted the press yet but would do so if it wasn’t sorted soon.

Mr Greer is on the ball and has noticed that the link has now been removed.  I don’t know how many other complaints they’ve had but this certainly looks like a case of blogger power!

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The future’s bright, the future’s … intermittent

The signal on my Orange phone has been dropping off all morning so I checked a couple of other Orange mobiles and they’re all doing the same thing so I phoned Orange.

Apparently there’s scheduled work going on with four transmitters nearby resulting in the intermittent coverage.  Which is nice.

So why wasn’t I told about this?  I only live down the road from where I work and I expect the problem is happening at home.  Orange knows exactly where I live and they know where I am to within a few feet, why didn’t I receive a text yesterday warning me that there was work being carried out which would cause disruption to service?  Why wasn’t I sent a text when I moved into range of a transmitter that was being worked on telling me that I was entering an eara of disrupted coverage?

Surely it isn’t beyond the capabilities of one of the world’s biggest mobile phone operators to pre-emptively warn their customers that they are going to experience poor coverage for a time?

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Welcome to Planet Gordo

Charlie Marks, one of the only left wingers in England that doesn’t need their head looking into (surgically), has some background information on Liebour’s new poverty adviser.

Jennifer Moses will be advising Gordon Brown on poverty (combatting it, not causing it – he already knows how to do the latter) as part of his Cabinet of all the Talentless.

Ms Moses is the obvious choice for advising the British government on combatting poverty being a multi-millionaire “non-dom”.  She lives in a huge £10m mansion in London that’s so large she and her multi-millionaire husband find it easier to email each other in the home than get close enough to shout.  Her mansion was paid for with a £10m mortgage from an Isle of Man bank which allows her to be officially classed as a non-domicile, saving her thousands in tax.

This is the most blatantly inappropriate appointment in government I’ve seen since West Midlands Regional Assembly appointed a Birmingham City councillor as its rural affairs advisor.  Good to see Liebour are keeping in touch with their socialist roots.

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EU Constitution re-introduces death penalty

I’ve just been emailed this link by a UKIPper and told to read the last two paragraphs.

If you can’t be bothered to read it yourself, basically a footnote in the EU not-a-constitution says that we accept the European Union Charter and a footnote in that charter says that the death penalty is abolished “except in the case of war, riots, upheaval”.

The EU not-a-Constitution reintroduces the death penalty and not only in times of war, but for riots or upheaval.  That gives governments a pretty free hand to use the death penalty – strikes, protests, vote of no confidence in the ruling party.

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Liebour using government websites for self-promotion

Erm, this isn’t what I pay my taxes for …

The excellent PJC Journal has spotted a link on the 10 Downing Street website to the Liebour Party’s website.  Not only that but it’s the local election campaign section of their website.

This is against the Civil Service Code, it is against electoral law and it is a an appalling abuse of taxpayers money and trust.  How dare the Liebour Party use a government website, paid for by the taxpayer, to promote their racist, corrupt, morally corrupt cult.

I must have been so consumed with indignation that I didn’t spot PJC’s hat-tip to Shane Greer.

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