Apologies to those who would have like to continue commenting on the post about Dr Suresh Deman, the vexatious litigator who has been banned from taking legal action in England, Scotland and Wales after launching a string of spurious racial discrimination cases against academic institutions.
Although their comments were automatically blacklisted, the number of abusive, threatening and racist comments I was receiving from the Deman mob was getting beyond a joke.
So far I have been called a white supremecist, a racist ignorant, a zionist Labour mafia collaborator, dozy, sexist, a paid harasser or stalker, a firebrand racist, a racist idiotic jerk, a self-entangled racist idiotic jerk, an under achiever and chicken shit variously by Dr D’Silva, Mrs Mayo-Deman and Council for Ethnic Minority. Mostly by Council for Ethnic Minority actually.
Then this morning I received this email which is, to be quite frank, a complete joke considering the racist abuse I’ve been getting from this bunch of illiberal cretins:
Dear Mr Stuart Parr:
Now that you have blocked our comments and many other professionals’ comments exposing your disparaging campaign and white supremacist racist nonsense we have no choice but to contact you by e-mail. It appears you do not want to receive from others as there is not even a shred of evidence that either Mrs Mayo-Deman or Dr DSilva used their employers’ equipments to expose your extremely offencive views and nonsense.
Please be advised to let us know your mailing address so that we could pass it on to our solicitors to serve you a formal Pre Action Protocol Warning of defamation and racial harassment. Let us know how many proxi names you have been using to perpetuate myth of lies and deceits on your website.
We are looking forward to hearing from you ASAP.
Yours sincerely,
C. Kumar & Mrs S. Mahdevan
It was tempting to ignore it because I’ve already told them several times that this blog is published by a limited company and as such all their correspondence should be put in writing to the limited company care of the legal compliance department of the hosting company. After all, when you have a problem with a newspaper article you don’t complain to the journalist, you complain to the publisher. But I replied anyway, generously giving them the same information again in as simple terms as possible.
To be honest, I’m thinking of going to the police and making a complaint about racial harassment. What do you reckon? Should I treat them with the contempt they deserve and ignore them or take the bull by the horns and make a complaint about racial harassment?
Technorati Tags: Deman, Harassment