Archive for wonkotsane

Israel pulls out of Gaza

In the face of international pressure – including the Americans – Israel has pulled its ground troops out of Gaza.

In total, one Israeli civillian and two Israeli soldiers have been killed.  The Palestinian death toll is estimated at 112, an unspecified number of which were civillians.

Israel’s illegal offensive started on Wednesday following the death of an Israeli civillian from a rocket fired by a Palestinian militant.

A statement from the US said “The violence needs to stop and the talks need to resume” and Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary for killing muslims, said “We’re encouraging Israel to exercise caution to avoid the loss of innocent life”.  Fucking hypocrite.

Federal Europe criticised Israel’s “disproportionate use of force” and Turkey – which is one of Israel’s only arab allies – said there was “no humane or legal justification for the attacks on Gaza”.

If this was perpetrated by any other country but Israel, America would have invaded by now.

See Also: The price of an Israeli life

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Camoron plumbs new depths of stupidity

Just when I thought that Camoron couldn’t get any more stupid, he has plumbed new depths of stupidity.

He’s announced that if he gets to be Prime Minister, by the end of his first Parliament, one third of ministers will be women.  Great, positive discrimination – how very socialist of you Dave.

Despite Conswervative attempts to get more women to stand for election by forcing their constituency associations to choose women candidates even if they have much better men wanting to stand, there are still relatively few female MPs.  This isn’t because women are being discriminated against, it’s because proportionately, significantly less women want to stand for election than men.
Imposing a quota on the male/female split in the cabinet would be harmful for the Conswervatives and the country.  I don’t give a shit about how damaging it is for the Conswervatives but I do care about what quality of government we get.  Male MPs who could potentially do a very good job and shock horror, may even be qualified to fill the cabinet position they’re in (that would be a novelty, eh?) will be pushed to one side to make way for a female candidate who may be way down the list of suitable candidates in a combined male/female list but is getting the job because she’s a woman.

Just as it is wrong for the Police and Fire Service and universities to discriminate against white English people by closing recruitment drives to white people, so it is wrong for the Conswervatives to discriminate against men in the selection of parliamentary candidates and ministers.  If I was a member of the Conswervatives I’d put myself forward for selection just so I could make a complaint about sexual discrimination to try and stop them.

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Why did we get a Springer?

We got a Springer Spaniel a few weeks ago from the local dog rescue centre.

She quite often bounces around in the manner that I assume earned them the name “Springer” but last night she really earned the “Springer” title, by jumping our six foot garden fence.  She didn’t quite clear it but I was amazed that she managed to even get her front paws on the top of the fence because she was the runt of the litter and smaller than your average Springer.

Luckily it only took about 10 minutes to get her back last night – the last couple of times she’s escaped it’s been about half an hour.

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The price of an Israeli life

How much is one Israeli life worth?  About one hundred Palestinians, apparently.

Earlier in the week Palestinian militants fired a rocket into Israel and killed one Israeli.  The retaliation by Israel in Gaza has resulted in about 100 Palestinian deaths, including some young boys playing football in a field.

Gaza is the most densely populated plot of land on the planet – firing a missile into Gaza City is like dropping a grenade into a tin of Sardines with the intention of missing the fish.  The general attitude of the Israeli military toward Palestinian life is similar to that of Australians toward Aborigines in the first half of the last century, when they were classed as animals and it was legal to hunt them.  The civillian deaths in Palestine aren’t collateral damage, it’s punishment.

Whether you support Israel and it’s illegal occupation of Palestine or not, there is no way you can reasonably justify the deaths of 100 Palestinians in response to the death of one Israeli.  It’s not self-defence, it’s morally and legally wrong.  Deliberately targeting civillians is prohibited by the Geneva Convention and international law says that the response to an attack must be in proportion to the threat.  A group of militants in Gaza firing rockets into Israel is not the same as a land and air attack by the Israeli armed forces.

There is only one way that the conflict in Palestine and Israel will ever end and that is for Israel to pull out of Palestine.  That is never going to happen whilst the Americans continue to support Israel.

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Do you Flock?

I’m a bit of a flip-flopper when it comes to web browsers. Back in the day I swapped between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator then between Internet Explorer and Firefox.

I swapped to Firefox because it supported tabs and then back to Internet Explorer when version 7 introduced tabs. In the intervening period I dabbled with Safari because it looked nice, it was pretty fast and it supported CSS3. It had some serious bugs though, the two I couldn’t live with were TinyMCE not working and textboxes randomly losing text.

I was browsing the BBC News website last night and read the story about Netscape Navigator officially being discontinued. It had links to other browsers, including Flock which I’ve seen people write about but never tried. I downloaded it last night and set it as my default browser today. It’s great.

It integrates Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, Blogger and many other services into the browser. There are too many features to list, you’ll just have to go and download it and check it out for yourself. It’s based on Firefox so it’s pretty robust and better at standards than Internet Explorer. It’s got a bit of a bug in the textbox where it randomly inserts carriage returns but that’s the only bug I’ve found so far. My only complaint is that to use all the features you need a 50″ screen!

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St Davids Day

Bore da.

I’d like to wish my Welsh readers a happy St Davids Day. Isn’it? Lovely.
As we’re so close to Wales here in Shropshire, I popped over the border to see if they were celebrating.

I didn’t have much time so I only managed to get the picture on the right …

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No longer acceptable to be proud to be English?

According to that last bastion of objective reporting, the Sun, school children are being punished for wearing clothes with England flags on them or even for being dropped off at school in cars with England flags on them.

Normally I’d take anything the Sun says with a pinch sack of salt but in this case it seems to be genuine.

A lefty think tank, Counterpoint Research, has produced a report called the Childhood Wellbeing report highlighting the racial discrimination against English children iin school – a place where they are supposed to feel safe and happy.  There is no indication that non-English children have been punished for displaying a national flag.

Ed Balls, the Liebour Childrens Secretary, said that “The general perception among parents was that it was no longer acceptable to be proud to be English”.

On what does he base this ridiculous assertion?  Where was the research carried out?  Was it in an area that was predominantly white English or an area that had a large immigrant population?  It certainly wasn’t anywhere around here – white, black and asian children alike wear England football shirts and the English flag can be seen hanging from windows and on stickers in car windows everywhere.  There’s a large number of Ghanaian immigrants living in flats nearby whose children wear England football shirts – some of them don’t even speak English!

The Department for Children, Schools & Education is sending me a copy of the report so I can see how Ed Balls comes to this conclusion.

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Prince Harry in Afghanistan

Prince Harry has been in Afghanistan on active service with the Household Cavalry in Helmand Province for the last 10 weeks.

The media was aware that he was there but had agreed to keep it a secret for his safety in return for access to him for interviews in Afghanistan.

An American website – the Drudge – broke the embargo and made the news public, following which the media have started to release their interviews.

The MOD are now considering how long they can safely keep him out there.  A message has appeared on a website, apparently from the Taliban, saying that they hope that their god will kill him.  He will certainly be the most prized target in Afghanistan.

Prince Harry is the most senior royal to see active service in the armed forces since Prince Andrew fought in the Falklands.

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Challenge to Police DNA database

Two men have gone to the European Court of Human Rights in an attempt to get their fingerprints and DNA samples removed from the Police database on the grounds that it’s a breach of their human rights.

In England and Wales – but not in Scotland of course – the Police refuse to destroy the biometric data of people who are arrested but who are found innocent of all charges.

I understand the usefulness of having DNA samples and fingerprints in solving crimes but this has to be balanced against the individual’s right to privacy.  The men are arguing that by the Police holding their biometric data, there is an immediate suspicion that they are criminals.

On balance I think the infringement of civil liberties and right to privacy outweighs the benefits of having biometric data of tens of thousands of innocent people.

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More threats from the Deman mob

Apologies to those who would have like to continue commenting on the post about Dr Suresh Deman, the vexatious litigator who has been banned from taking legal action in England, Scotland and Wales after launching a string of spurious racial discrimination cases against academic institutions.

Although their comments were automatically blacklisted, the number of abusive, threatening and racist comments I was receiving from the Deman mob was getting beyond a joke.

So far I have been called a white supremecist, a racist ignorant, a zionist Labour mafia collaborator, dozy, sexist, a paid harasser or stalker, a firebrand racist, a racist idiotic jerk, a self-entangled racist idiotic jerk, an under achiever and chicken shit variously by Dr D’Silva, Mrs Mayo-Deman and Council for Ethnic Minority. Mostly by Council for Ethnic Minority actually.

Then this morning I received this email which is, to be quite frank, a complete joke considering the racist abuse I’ve been getting from this bunch of illiberal cretins:

Dear Mr Stuart Parr:

Now that you have blocked our comments and many other professionals’ comments exposing your disparaging campaign and white supremacist racist nonsense we have no choice but to contact you by e-mail. It appears you do not want to receive from others as there is not even a shred of evidence that either Mrs Mayo-Deman or Dr DSilva used their employers’ equipments to expose your extremely offencive views and nonsense.

Please be advised to let us know your mailing address so that we could pass it on to our solicitors to serve you a formal Pre Action Protocol Warning of defamation and racial harassment. Let us know how many proxi names you have been using to perpetuate myth of lies and deceits on your website.

We are looking forward to hearing from you ASAP.

Yours sincerely,

C. Kumar & Mrs S. Mahdevan


It was tempting to ignore it because I’ve already told them several times that this blog is published by a limited company and as such all their correspondence should be put in writing to the limited company care of the legal compliance department of the hosting company. After all, when you have a problem with a newspaper article you don’t complain to the journalist, you complain to the publisher. But I replied anyway, generously giving them the same information again in as simple terms as possible.

To be honest, I’m thinking of going to the police and making a complaint about racial harassment. What do you reckon? Should I treat them with the contempt they deserve and ignore them or take the bull by the horns and make a complaint about racial harassment?

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Mike Nattrass MEP cleared

An industrial tribunal has cleared UKIP MEP, Mike Nattrass, of all charges after a former employee served him with an unfair dismissal claim.

The employee had voluntarily changed his employment status to a self-employed contractor.  A breakdown in their professional relationship ensued which apparently resulted in the employee refusing to meet with him.  Mike decided not to renew his contract when it expired.

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EU Cost/Benefit Analysis petition has 600 signatures

The petition I started calling for a Cost/Benefit Analysis of membership of the EU has just had its 600th signature.

If you haven’t signed it yet, please do so.  If you have signed it, please forward it on to all your contacts and ask them to sign it as well.

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The taxman cometh

We all know that the amount of tax we have to pay is criminal but it turns out that the revenue really are a bunch of crooks.

HMRC paid a crook £100,000 for details of 100 British citizens with accounts at Liechtenstein’s biggest private bank.

The records were stolen by an employee who also sold details of 750 German nationals to the German secret service for £3.2m.  The employee, who has been sacked and convicted of fraud, also attempted to sell records to the US, Canada, Australia and France.

What was Liebour’s election slogan a few years back?  Tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime?

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Hat-tip: Englishman’s Castle

Six Nations: England -v France

Jonny WilkinsonEngland had a blistering start with 10 points on the board in the first 13 minutes, 5 of which came from what will probably be the try of the tournament by Paul Sachi.

Jonny Wilkinson’s foot was perfect as usual.

England have played an excellent first half and the statistics don’t match the performance.  France have the majority of the possession but, tellingly, they also have the most errors.

The only danger is that we see a repeat of last week’s performance against France where England dominated the first half and then capitulated during the second half and lost the match.

The score at half time was 13-7 to England.


The final score was 24-13 to England.  It looked a bit dubious for a little while but England outplayed France. 

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Right is right

The Conswervative Party in Derby reckon that 300 Liebour members are defecting tonight to the Conswervatives.

So confident are they that it will happen that Caroline Spellman, the Conswervative Party Chairman, is travelling to Derby to receive them.

It would be funny if this was a wind-up and the Tories were left with egg on their faces but I think that it’s genuine.  I don’t support the Conswervatives but right is right.  Liebour is haemoraghing members and struggling to service £30m of debts.  It’s time they did the decent thing and wound the rotten party up.

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Hat-tip: Daily Referendum

Federal Europe attempts to cover up MEP fraud

A random audit by anti-fraud investigators at the EU has uncovered £100m of fraud committed by MEPs between 2004 and 2006.

£100m of taxpayers money lost to fraud and corruption over and above the latent fraud, corruption and waste that is estimated to account for up to 25% of their budget.

How the fuck can MPs even attempt to justify giving more power and money to a criminally corrupt organisation that aims to ultimately spread its corrupt, facist regime across the entire continent and beyond?  The rampant fraud in the Liebour Party pales in comparison to corruption on this scale.

Not only is it unbelievable that they have got away with it for 2 years but I find it simply amazing that they have actually tried to keep it secret.  The report is kept in a secure room and MEPs are instructed to sign a confidentiality agreement before going in.

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Abolish Regional Quangos petition – government response

No Mandate Brown took some time out of his busy schedule to tell one of his PR guru’s to send a pointless and evasive answer to the West Midlands NO! petition calling on the British government to abolish regional quangos.

The Government believes there are issues which extend beyond the boundaries of even the largest local authority, and that a regional approach is necessary to analyse and address the causes of economic disparity; ensure planning and investment decisions are properly integrated; and co-ordinate sub-national government activity.

The Review of sub-national economic development and regeneration (SNR) published in July 2007 set out a number of reforms to ensure the regional tier is streamlined and effective. Regional Assemblies in their current form and function will not continue. Instead Regional Development Agencies (reporting to the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform) will be responsible for developing and agreeing with local authorities in their regions integrated Regional Strategies promoting sustainable economic development. Parliamentary scrutiny of RDAs will be strengthened, alongside continuing Government oversight of RDA impact and value for money.

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That was unexpected

I had to go to the hospital today to get measured up for braces for my knees (not Forrest Gump style braces) which involved a trip of almost an hour to Gobowen near Oswestry which has the best orthopaedic hospital in England.

Anyway, I’m making good time and am about 3 or 4 miles from the hospital when I passed a lay-by and noticed a man lying over the kerb trying to flag down traffic.  Nobody stopped and I saw him too late to pull into the lay-by so I went further down the road, phoned 999 and turned around at the next island.

By the time I got back a truck driver had managed to stop and had got the man sitting up.  He was complaining of chest pains and said his eyes were funny.  His family started to turn up after a few minutes, he had presumably phoned them when he’d pulled over.  He was sitting up with help, a bit out of it and then he just keeled over and died minutes before the ambulance arrived.

The ambulance crew tried to revive him at the side of the road but they hadn’t managed by the time they’d loaded him onto the ambulance.  I did my best to comfort his relatives but it’s a bit of a blur, I think I may have just talked shit.

It was really disappointing that so many people passed by without stopping, I don’t know how long he was there on his own.  It also exposes the folly of closing A&E wards in hospitals – they did this a few years ago at Gobowen and as a result the ambulance had a 20 minute drive to Shrewsbury to the nearest hospital.  The bean counters probably thought it was a good idea to close the A&E ward, I wonder what this man’s family think.

As for what happened to the man who had the heart attack – I don’t know.  It didn’t look hopeful.

Bloody global warming

I was looking forward to a bit of global warming, the warm weather does wonders for my arthritis.  But I’m very disappointed with the latest bit of global warming which means that in places, the frost hasn’t left the ground for about 3 days now in Telford.

It was -3oC yesterday morning and -5oC the morning before.  I was de-icing my car windows 2 mornings ago with a bowl of warm water (if you try this at home, make sure you just take the chill off the water otherwise you’ll crack your windscreen) and by the time I’d got back round to the front of the car, the windscreen was iced up again.

The British government promised global warming.  They promised heatwaves and droughts and they’ve failed to deliver.  Shocking.

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Castro retires

Fidel Castro has announced his resignation as president of Cuba and his brother Raul, who is currently standing in as president, is expected to be “elected” as his permanent replacement.

The BBC has been gushing about Comrade Castro all day.  He introduced free medical care for all and literacy rates are comparable with any western nation.  Which is nice.  He also introduced abitary arrest and imprisonment and destroyed the Cuban economy.  Which isn’t quite so nice if you live in Cuba.  Even his own daughter lives in exile in Miami saying that it’s preferable to living under her father’s dictatorial rule.

Castro has done some good stuff and some bad stuff.  Unfortunately, the bad stuff is really quite bad.  Communism just doesn’t work, the same patterns repeat themselves under every communist regime.  Cuba is much better off without Castro just as long as they get someone half decent in exchange.

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