The discredited model used by the group of UN “scientists” that resulted in the climate change report that is being used by governments – especially our own – as an excuse to intoruce “green” taxes, has been used again by the same group of scientists to predict climate change over the next 10 years.
Once again the scientists categorically blame human activity for climate change, refuse to entertain tha the idea that the current phase of climate change we are experiencing is a natural phenomenon and, most disappointingly, persist in using short term analyses to predict long term changes in the climate. I say disappointingly because this is one of the major flaws in the global warming scam and makes their research utterly useless.
The latest predictions are for 10 year changes in the climate where previously they have been for 100 years. But this is a pointless exercise because the kind of climate change that the scientists are flapping about now happens on a massive scale over thousands, millions of years. It doesn’t happen in a few decades or even a couple of centuries and the micro-changes in the climate (and that’s what they are put into context) are not only unavoidable but perfectly natural. I’m not quite 30 years old and I can see that the climate has changed in my three decades on this planet. My parents can tell the difference in the preceding three decades and my grandparents can tell the difference in the three decades prior to that and you know what? The temperature has gone up and down all over that period. There have been droughts and wet periods. There have been harsh winters and hot summers, mild winters and cold summers.
I can vaguely remember the dire warnings of the next ice age predicted for some time around the new millenium although by the time I was aware of it the hype had pretty much died down and everyone had realised that the scientists predicting it really were talking out of their bottoms. Now the successors to those scientists are predicting global warming and, once again, we are all to blame for leading the kind of decadent capitalist lifestyle the sandal-wearing left-wing environmentalists are so jealous of but can’t have because all the other scandal-wearing left-wing environmentalists will disapprove and then they’ll have no friends because let’s face it, greenies are socially inadequate.
I could ramble on forever about this but there’s no point. The “scientists” have the backing of tax-happy governments and a seemingly endless amount of our hard-earned taxes with which to spout their ill-informed, inherently flawed global warming propaganda. Unfortunately, while us “climate change deniers” can see the gaping holes in their theories, people are being taken in by their scam. The BBC is the mouthpiece of the British government and is happily churning out report after report on the evils of carbon emmissions and telling us all to burn down our houses, live in yurts, breed llama’s and take up subsistence farming otherwise the earth is going to dry up and rabid pack wolves are going to eat our children alive. Ok, a slight exaggeration but you get the message.
The thing is, if the establishment tells you that something is true enough times and stifles voices of dissent successfully enough, gradually a critical mass of people will accept it as the truth and blindly accept whatever measures the corrupt establishment puts into place to stop the imaginary threat. This is happening all the time and it will happen forever because this is human nature. But when, in 30 years time, the next generation of “scientists” are telling us we’re headed for another ice age and there are so many “green” taxes that you have to pay to fart, don’t be surprised when those of us who can see through the scam this time round smugly say “I told you so”.