Archive for Come the revolution

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Some of the details of what MPs were spending their second home allowances on were certainly an eye-opener.  Why No Mandate Brown needs the taxpayer to pay his Sky TV subscription as well as a £187k a year salary I don’t know, presumably he has an explanation as to why his £187k salary isn’t enough to live on when minimum wage is less than a tenth of that.

Speaker Martin opposed the disclosure of MPs expenses to the taxpayers who are footing the bill and lost.  But not to worry, he’s got a cunning plan – give all MPs a £23k grant in place of the second home allowance so taxpayers have no way of finding out what they’ve spent on their second homes.  Genius.

When a government will go to such extraordinary lengths to keep their spending of taxpayers money a secret there is something seriously and fatally wrong with the administration.  The British government runs the country because the people choose to subject themselves to its authority.  The principle of trust underpins the establishment – the British government trusts citizens to pay their taxes and be bound by the laws it passes and citizens trust the government to govern according to the wishes of their constituents and to act with honour and integrity.

This rotten government has torn up the contract of trust between the people and Parliament.  They have lied, they have cheated, they have stolen.  Every week sees a further erosion of civil liberties and centuries old rights and privileges.  Every week sees another exposé of sleaze and corruption from the heart of government.  And at every turn MPs insulate themselves further from scrutiny.  Every revelation of theft and corruption is met with more secrecy.

No more!  We need a government that is open to scrutiny and transparent in all it does.  There needs to be a culture at Westminster, at Holyrood, Cardiff Bay, Stormont and wherever the English Parliament decides to seat itself, of intense scrutiny, exposure and accountability to the electorate.  It is simply not acceptable for politicians to grant themselves tens, hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money without allowing the taxpayer to see where every penny of their money is being spent.  Rules on spending taxpayers money should be so tight that politicians are discouraged from spending anything for fear of breaking the rules and the consequence of any wilfull malfeasance should be a mandatory prison sentence.  Breaking into a politicians home and stealing their telly will land you with a lengthy spell at Her Majesty’s pleasure yet and MP stealing tens of thousands of pounds of taxpayers money in fraudulent expenses is “punished” with a public apology or, if they’re expendable, a “resignation”.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?  Well, me for one.

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Where’s Mel Gibson when you need him?

Let’s face it, things are going seriously wrong in England right now. For the first time in my life I am actually worried about what the immediate future holds.

Fuel prices are through the roof and there’s no sign of them going back down again. Over 80% of the price of a litre of petrol or diesel goes to the Treasury in tax and the introduction of new “green taxes” is pushing up the price throughout the supply chain. The more expensive fuel is, the more everyday items cost – it costs more to produce and more to transport. A major oil distribution centre is set to close due to strike action any day now which normally pumps so much oil that we will run out in two days if it closes.

Food prices are rising at an alarming rate and food shortages are being predicted in the near future. Fields that normally provide food are being turned over to growing crops for biofuels. The booming Chinese economy means the average Chinese diet is becoming more protein-based and growing animals for food is far less efficient than growing crops for food. China is one of the world’s largest producers of cereal crops.

The bottom is falling out of the housing market with estimates of over 1 million people being in a negative equity situation after overextending themselves with huge mortgages to buy houses that aren’t worth the money they’ve paid for them.

One major bank has gone tits up in England and other banks are cutting back on spending and reporting a downturn in profits. The British government is responding by handing out £50bn of taxpayers money to shore up the financial markets. The US Federal Reserve has also bailed out a major bank and is pumping cash into the markets to keep them afloat. A global depression seems inevitable.

The British government is trying to force through a change to “anti-terrorism” laws that are already being systematically abused that would allow the state to lock up anyone they say is linked to terrorism for 42 days – almost a month and a half – without evidence and without charge. Not even Zimbabwean police are allowed to lock people up without charge for a month and a half. So far not a single terrorist has been found as a result of over 100,000 people being stopped and searched under anti-terrorism laws. There is not a single example where the current 30-day limit (already the highest in the civillised world) has been too short to charge a terrorist suspect. The police state marches on – George Orwell showed remarkable foresight (apart from the date), perhaps he was a modern day Nostradamus?

I could go on but I think I might be better off watching the Mad Max films again, only this time I’ll take notes.

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Tory Turncoat

A lot of people I talk to were of the opinion that Camoron would ditch the proposed English Votes on English Matters/English Grand Committee idea once they got into power.  How wrong they were.

David Cameron is poised to draw back from proposing to slap an all-out ban on Scottish MPs debating and voting on so-called English-only legislation in a “compromise” move, according to a well-placed senior party source.


Mr Cameron will reject the so-called East Lothian Answer proposed by Sir Malcolm Rifkind, the former Scottish Secretary, involving the setting up of a stand-alone English grand committee.


But the senior party source claimed Mr Cameron supported the method of an English-only bill being debated exclusively by English MPs at just its key committee stage. While Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs could debate and vote on the legislation at the later stages of a bill, they would not vote against what English MPs had overwhelmingly decided at the scrutiny stage of an English-only bill.

This solution, he added, would enable all MPs to have a say and a vote on a matter.

And how exactly does this address the West Lothian Question?  How does it attempt to bring any semblance of fairness, equality or democratic accountability to the governance of England?  It doesn’t of course because for some unknown reason David the fucking moron can’t get it through his thick poncy skull that SCOTLAND DOESN’T VOTE CONSWERVATIVE.  It is in England that the Conswervatives will get elected and it is English people that they need to concentrate their efforts on.

Camoron is a liability, an absolute fucking cretin.  Every time he opens his stupid mouth the Conswervatives drop god knows how many points in the popularity charts.  His only saving grace was that he appeared to recognise that the West Lothian Question is morally and democratically wrong.  Whether he still thinks it’s wrong or not I don’t know but if he does then he’s not interested in sorting it out.  For too long the English have been treated as voting fodder for the Brit-Scot Nationalists.  David “I’ve got Scottish blood coursing through my veins” Camoron is no different.  To be honest, I’d rather Liebour got back into power than that lying, turncoat piece of shit Camoron – at least when Liebour refuse to allow England parity with the rest of the UK, we can point at them and say “but that’s not fair, you gave it to Scotland”.  If the Conswervatives get in they’ll just go on about how Liebour left them in this mess and there’s no workable solution and ever so sorry but we’ll have to continue to treat you like third class citizens in your own country at the mercy of the anglophobic whims of foreign politicians because that’s good for Britain.

Britain, Britain, Britain.  Fuck Britain, I want out.

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MEP heckled for criticising hypocrisy

West Midlands UKIP MEP, Mike Natrass, was heckled in the European Parliament for suggesting that MEPs should use the integrated tram system that stops outside the parliament building instead of turning up in 50 chauffeur-driven limo’s.

He made his comments during a “debate” on Sustainable European Transport Policy when they were talking about EU taxes on fossil fuels and road pricing as a means of stopping people using their cars.

Madam President,

The UK should make its own laws so I reject this proposal. But I don’t dispute that more efficient cars are a good idea or that working from home cuts down pollution.

What concerns me about this report are words like “pricing policy” and “tax on fossil fuels.” because no current serious alternatives exist and these taxes are very inflationary.

The future must be about encouraging innovation and technology, not about tricking people who have no alternative, into paying more tax.

Most public transport systems are good for the commuter but don’t fit the needs of the businessman who must drive to work in order to use the car to visit clients later.

But Madam President, The City of Strasbourg provides a first class tram system with a tram stop outside this very building. So why aren’t MEPs here in Strasbourg leading by example?

They don’t visit clients they just come here to misrule Europe.

Yet almost all of them use Chauffer driven Limousines and ignore the trams.

If MEPs complied with their own words then perhaps the public would listen? In simple English Madam President this house is guilty of gross hypocrisy.

Now what were MEPs saying about a sustainable transport system please because, like the no smoking rule in the parliament dining rooms, MEPs ignore it.

One rule no rules for them, one rule thousands of rules for us.  What a bunch of hypocrites.

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You must be joking … right?

I thought I’d mistakenly typed the wrong url in and got a spoof version of the BBC News website when I read this but no, it’s not a joke.

Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, says that adopting Sharia Law in the UK is inevitible and we should just get on with it.  He says that nobody should be forced to choose between cultural loyalty and state loyalty.

Cultural loyalty, that’s hit the nail on the head.  Immigants moving to this country expect the state to bend over backwards to accommodate their alien culture and they’re not disappointed.  The only time they have a problem is when they expect us, the natives of this once green and pleasant land to change our way of life to accommodate them.  I wouldn’t move to Saudi Arabia and expect them to adopt English law so that I can sit in my front garden in Riyadh with a bottle of Stella in my hand and my wife sitting next to me in a bikini.  Their culture and law forbids it and as much as I may think their reasons for doing so are utter bollocks, it’s their country and they should have to change for me.  So why shuold we change for people moving into our country?

Forget about chopping off the hands of thieves, the public lashings and stoning of adulterers and concentrate on the “civil” aspects of Sharia Law – divorce, finances, etc. because they’re the ones that aren’t quite so morally reprehensible to the civillised world.  There is nothing wrong with taking out a bank account that doesn’t pay interest if that’s what you want – the banks would love us all to give them our money without them having to give anything back in return.  The right of a man to divorce a woman without her even knowing about it isn’t the way we do things and we don’t do bigamy but it’s not a major no-no like shagging your sister or mutilating women’s genitals.  But whether it’s morally acceptable or not doesn’t matter.  We have our own culture, our own customs, our own religion and our own way of life.  We might whinge about how shit things are from time to time (or most of the time in my case) but this is no reason to capitulate to the advancing Islamic caphilate and adopt a barbaric, mediævil theocratic legal system.

Dr Williams should remember that his duty is to this country, the Church of England and to the Christians living in this country.  I’m not a Christian but our society is based on Christian values and it should continue to be based on Christian values, not on the values of a religion that practices female genital mutilation and the murder of raped women, tells its followers to kill non-believers and has brought suicide bombers to the world.

Fuck Dr Rowan Atkinson, fuck multi-culturalism and fuck Sharia Law.  This is England and if you don’t like it then fuck off somewhere else.

There, I feel much better now.

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More sleaze at Westminster

A couple of weeks ago I hypothesised that Liebour were intentionally bringing disrepute to Westminster over party funding to make state-funding appear to be the only option left to stop the corruption.

Derek Conway, a Conswervative MP, has just been given a bollocking for paying over £45k to his son from his parliamentary expenses over four years whilst employing him as a part time research assistant.  This was whilst he was studying full time at university.  It now transpires that he has paid similar amounts to his wife and other son.

He has been ordered to repay part of the money, suspended from Parliament for 10 sitting days and been expelled from the Conswervative Party.  Contrast this with the Liebour MPs and MSP that have admitted taking illegal donations and failing to declare loans and donations.  Only Peter Hain has resigned and as far as I know, only he and Wendy Alexander MSP are being investigated by the police.  Both are still in the Liebour Party.

Up until now, only Liebour have been found to have taken illegal donations so it would have been difficult to gloss over the fact that they are the single cause of the problem to justify such a major change to the political system as state funding of political parties.  However, now a Tory MP is being investigated by the police over improper use of public money, this gives them the “evidence” they needed to bring in measures that encompass the whole political system and not just their own rotten party.

The timing couldn’t be better, I predict an announcement on state funding of political parties within the next fortnight.

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CEP: England victimised yet again by United Kingdom government

CEP: England victimised yet again by United Kingdom government

The Council tax in England will be going up in April by just under 5%, more than twice the limit on pay increases being imposed by the Union Government. The average Council Tax bill in England will go up by £115 per month. Meanwhile in Scotland the proposal of the Scottish Parliament under its Scottish National Party leadership is to freeze council tax, and for that the overwhelming majority of Scottish councils are fully in support.

The injustice to England since devolution just goes on and on. In addition to having itself acknowledged under the Union Government as a distinct nation enjoying Home Rule Scotland now enjoys free eye care, free dental check-ups, free access to cancer drugs, and free personal care free travel countryside for the elderly. With a Scottish Prime Minister and a Scottish Chancellor of the Exechequer Scotland is getting benefits denied to England,while it is the English taxpayer who is paying for them.

The injustice does not stop there. Despite the council tax increase local services are being cut back. The Union Government under Brown and Darling, while making more and more demands up local councils even as the cost of existing services and the council’s wage bill increase, is not increasing central government subsidy in line with increased costs.

‘Little wonder a recent Yougov poll found that the Council tax is the most unpopular tax of all. ‘67% of people in England resent it more than any other’.’, says Veronica Newman, secretary of the Campaign for an English Parliament. ‘The way England is being victimised just has to stop. The people of England cannot just be expected to pay for the benefits of devolution which Scotland is getting while getting none of them themselves and no parliament of their own either. The people of England should be able to decide for themselves how their money is to be spent. It’s time England had a patriotic government with patriotic MPs just as Scotland has.’

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Party Politics should be banned

James Purnell, the new Work & Pension Secretary, has said that Liebour’s reputation hasn’t been tainted by all the recent sleaze and corruption amongst senior members of the party and says that they’re doing “hat is right” in reforming their funding arrangements.

Reform, reform, reform.  We all know what reform means – take something that works and balls it up so that it breaks.  Yes, the party funding system is being abused but that’s not because the system needs reforming, it’s because Liebour are a bunch of fucking crooks.  The rules have already been tightened up by Liebour ministers after Liebour ministers were caught selling peerages.  Now some more Liebour ministers have been found to be abusing the party funding system in taking illegal loans and donations and/or not declaring loans and donations and Liebour ministers are going to change the rules again.  Does anyone else notice a pattern here?

Liebour have made no secret of the fact that they support state funding of political parties but why should we, the taxpayer, fund a political party known to be corrupt and which has employed a convicted fraudster not once, but three times, to a senior cabinet position only for him to resign after being caught committing fraud?  Why, in fact, should the taxpayer fund any political party?  If they can’t get the support they need through their membership and through lawful donations then they don’t deserve any money.  Most people vote for a party, not because they believe in what the party stands for – most of them probably couldn’t name 3 policies from their manifesto – but because they’ve always voted for that party, because their parents always voted for that party or because they just don’t want the opposition.  If they’re not prepared to put their hands in their pockets once a year and pay for membership of that party then why should their vote imply support for the party and earn them taxpayer funding?  If parties were made to rely solely on donations and subscriptions from their members then they will get as much money as they deserve.  If they do a good job they will attract more members, if they do a bad job they will lose them.

There is no justification for a political party to be tens of millions of pounds in debt or to spend 2 or 3 million on an election campaign.  There is no need for consultants and focus groups and hugely expensive trips round the country kissing babies and smiling for cameras.  There is no need for a cabinet minister to travel the length of the country to shake hands with a carefully selected group of party members in front of a TV crew to pretend their sitting MP isn’t shitting himself at the news that his majority has dropped to 3 people and a goldfish.

Party politics has turned into a circus, it’s rotten to the core.  It’s not about dedicating your life to public service any more, it’s about a three figure salary and expenses and securing a handful of company directorships to tide you over when you get caught with your fingers in the till and have to resign to spend more time with your family until your gold-plated, index-linked, final salary, taxpayer-funded pension starts paying out.

I would happily see party politics banned, the whip banned and MPs go back to forming loose alliances on individual issues.  A century ago the Commons was full of independent MPs, now they’re as rare as rocking horse shit and they never get a chance to do anything because government has been bent round the party system.  Why must the Speaker belong to a party with the resulting accusations (usually well-founded in the case of Brit-Scot Liebour Speaker, Michael Martin) of partiality?  Why must the Prime Minister belong to a party?  At the very least, the Speaker should be an independent MP and seperate elections held for the office of Prime Minister.

Party politics has largely turned the electorate off politics altogether.  Only a third of the population bother to vote and it’s hardly surprising.  Liebour is constantly mired in sleaze and corruption, the Conswervatives are too busy trying to reinvent themselves as the new left and the Lib Dums … not even they know what they’re supposed to stand for.  None of the three main parties are worth voting for because there’s very little to seperate them and most MPs will vote however they’re told to vote by their party.  The reading of the EU (Amendment) Bill the other night was a perfect example – only about 20 MPs bothered to turn up for the debate on the bill despite only having four hours to read, digest and form an opinion on a bill that was hundreds – if not thousands – of pages long.  They didn’t vote according to their conscience or the wishes of their constituents, they voted how they were told by their party.

Imagine for a moment that the Prime Minister was an independent and there was no party whip.  How would the EU (Amendment) Bill debate have gone?  There would have been more MPs at the debate for a start and the vote wouldn’t have taken place a mere six hours after MPs had been given the consolidated text of the bill.  The Liebour MPs who rebelled against their party on the night would have formed an alliance with the Conswervative and Lib Dum MPs who were opposing the bill weeks before and more MPs would have joined them.  A referendum would have been secured, I have no doubt of that.  But it wasn’t because the whips told them how to vote and all but a few did as they were told and voted against the wishes of their constituents.

There is a very simple principle which has been set aside of late – MPs are elected to represent the interests of their constituents, not their party.  Until party politics is banned in Westminster, government will be run by the party for the benefit of the party.

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42 days internment

No Mandate Brown and Jacqui Smith are both pressing ahead with plans to increase the amount of time a “terrorist” suspect can be held without charge from 28 days to 42 days.

There is no evidence that an increase is needed.  The British government has already admitted that there has not been a single instance where the current 28 days limit was not enough.

Jacqui Smith has met with Liebour backbench MPs to threaten convince them of the need to support the unconstitutional, illiberal, undemocratic and needless infringement of civil liberties more commonly known as internment.

Will someone please tell Liebour that 1984 was a warning, not an instruction book.



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Hypocritical Liebour

Two Liebour MPs have asked the Electoral Commission to investigate eighty Conswervative MPs over donations from “patrons clubs”.

They said that the Conservative MPs will end up paying back thousands of pounds of donations but the Conswervatives reckon that Liebour has received £2m in donations from “patrons clubs” themselves!

This is a truly pathetic attempt to divert attention from Peter Hain’s criminal failure to declare £103,000 in donations, some of which were illegally donated via a third party without the donor’s consent.

But perhaps there’s an ulterior motive at work here.  How many Liebour MPs and MSPs have been caught taking illegal donations or not declaring donations?  Four or five?  And why would Liebour MPs shoot themselves in the foot by asking the Electoral Commission to investigate donations to the Conswervatives from “patrons clubs” when they have received far more in donations from the same type of Liebour-supporting groups?  Could this be a deliberate attempt to bring so much disrepute to Westminster that the public will be convinced of the need for state funding of political parties?

If criminal convictions don’t come out of this then serious questions need to be asked of the Electoral Commission and the Metropolitan Police, both of which have so far failed to secure a single conviction for serious fraud committed by Liebour MPs.

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Government to ban prison officers from striking …

but only in England and Wales.

The Scottish Executive have ruled out a ban on Scottish prison officers going on strike saying that they have an agreement for binding arbitration in the event of a dispute with prison officers.

Jack Straw intends to ban prison officers in England and Wales from striking if a voluntary arbitration agreement can’t be reached.  The Commons debate on removing prison officers’ rights totalled only 58 minutes.

The amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill has been criticised by a Liebour MP who says that it could be used to ban strikes by other public sector workers.

The Tories introduced the ban on prison officers in 1994, opposed by Liebour who said that they would repeal the ban when they got elected.  They eventually did it in 2005 – six years after getting into power – and less than 3 years later are reintroducing it.

Why did both sides agree to binding arbitration in Scotland both only voluntary in England?  Simple – the British government can’t be trusted by the English.  Binding arbitration was ignored to cut English nurses pay rises in early 2007 and again in late 2007 with English police.  The Scottish government, meanwhile, has honoured its obligations on both nurses and police pay and awarded them the pay deal that the arbitration panel ruled.  If the British government ignores binding arbitration then what hope is there for police officers with only a voluntary agreement?

Yet another example of anti-English discrimination by the Brit-Scot Liebour government.

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Gas & Electric, Federal Europe and the great global warming scam

nPower has just bumped its prices for gas and electricity up by quite a sizeable amount because of “rising energy prices”.

The boss of nPower was on the telly the other day saying that we just have to get used to the fact that prices will keep on rising significantly and, of course, he’s right.  We may have the choice to change to another provider but gas and electricity are not a luxury.  The suppliers all sit around watching each other, waiting for one to put up their prices and then they all put them up to match.  Usually it’s British Gas that put their prices up first, presumably to encourage customers onto a fixed price tariff.

But it’s wrong to say that it’s all down to “rising energy prices” because it’s not.

The hysteria that has been whipped up by the British government, eco-terrorists and “scientists” who make a living out of inventing climate change data, has forced electricity suppliers to start looking at renewable energy.  It’s a token gesture because we can’t possibly satisfy our energy needs by wind farms and solar panels – they are unreliable, uneconomical and completely unviable.  But they have to build them to satisfy the demands of those customers that get a warm fuzzy feeling if they think the electricity they’ve got coming into their home is “green” and the British government which is doing everything it can to wring a few more billion pounds of “green” taxes out of electricity suppliers.

Federal Europe has a hand in this as well, of course.  As DK points out, the “Renewals Obligation” requires at least £1bn to be spent on building wind farms and other types of renewable energy and the cost of Federal Europe’s Carbon Trading scheme – where companies can sell parts of their allowance on carbon emmissions to other companies – is about £6bn.  The additional £7bn being spent on the carbon emmissions/global warming fantasy will be passed on to customers on top of the “rising energy prices”.  Federal Europe is also talking about putting tariffs on cheap goods from emerging economies like China and India because of their carbon emissions.

We would be cushioned more from the “rising energy prices” if our fellow European Soviet Socialist Republics didn’t hike up the price of gas and electricity they supply to us.  In direct contravention of Federal Europe’s rules, gas and electricity suppliers on the continent artificially inflate the price of what they supply to the UK.  This isn’t to cover the cost of actually supplying to us, it’s on the actual price of the gas and electricity itself.  And this is done with the full support of their own governments, further evidence of the fact that the UK remains part of Federal Europe solely for the purpose of financing it.

This obsession with the myth of man-made climate change is slowly killing our economy and it will only get worse.  Debate on the causes of climate change are closed down immediately despite all the evidence showing it to be naturally occurring.  Eco-terrorists like Al Gore and Greenpeace claim the argument is won and there is no room for debate.  In November, Margaret Beckett said that climate change deniers were like Islamic terrorists and shouldn’t have access to the media.

Well the argument hasn’t been won and when the global economy is fucked, people like Gore and Beckett will be the ones responsible.  But that’s what the eco-terrorists want – sandal wearing, bearded, left wing hippies want the worlds capitalist economies to collapse to pave the way for a global socialist state.  They don’t learn from history, you see.  They don’t look at every communist government the world has seen and realise that it just doesn’t work, that there will always be a ruling class and that they – the ones who have shown themselves to be rebellious – will be the first ones against the wall when the inevitable purge happens.

The only people that are benefitting from the global warming scam are the “scientists” and places like China and India where they don’t want to go back to being stone age hunter gatherers on the back of a discredited, artificially created scam.

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A nation of Goldfish?

No Mandate Brown thinks that the English are a nation of goldfish who will forget the recent scandals – fraud, sleaze, incompetence, treason – that have marked his first few months in power.

He actually had the gall to say “I think people know that when a problem arises we will deal with it” – it’s his Liebour Party that is the cause of all the recent problems.  His party took illegal donations, his party is drowning in sleaze, his party full of incompetent failures, his party has committed treason.  The best way to deal with these problems is to nip them in the bud before they happen by resigning and calling an election.

The Goblin King says that he doesn’t want recent events to divert them from their long-term aims on housing, health and education.  None of which he has a mandate for because they’re all devolved in Scotland where he was elected.

Well, I’m sorry to disappoint you Gordo but I’ll make sure that every one of your failures, every criminal act, every act of treason, is remembered for as long as you manage to cling desperately onto the position that you have been given by your corrupt party.

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EU-wide refererendum on the EU Constitution

The Independence and Democracy Group in the European Parliament has started an EU-wide petition on a referendum on the EU not-a-constitution.

Signatures from the UK are pitifully low which certainly doesn’t reflect public opinion so do your bit and sign the petition and show those gutless, eurofederalist bastards that we don’t want their constitution.

There’s also a UK petition and campaign, .


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EU acts with no mandate … again

Federal Europe has appointed an Ambassador to Africa even though it doesn’t have a mandate to do so until January 2009.

The EU Diplomatic Corps is part of the EU not-a-constitution which has yet to be ratified by any member state and with a bit of luck it will never be ratified here, slowing down the eurofederalists in their march to “ever closer union”.

The EU has no mandate to create a Diplomatic Corps or create any new position that is provided for in the not-a-constitution until it has been ratified by every member state and comes into force on January 1st 2009.

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Email to Nick Clegg

I just sent the following email to Nick Clegg after reading that he has already dismissed a suggestion that we should have an English Parliament by saying that he will devolve power to “regions and communities” rather than the our country as most people want …

Dear Nick,

Could you please tell me what plans the Lib Dems have for the balkanisation of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?

You have already stated your intention to break England up by devolving power to “regions and communities” without preserving the integrity of the nation with a national parliament so I would like to know what policy you have on breaking up the rest of the UK.

If you have no intention of breaking up Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in the same was as you intend to eradicate the English nation then could you please explain why it is more important to keep Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland intact but perfectly acceptable to balkanise England against the wishes of the electorate?


Stuart Parr

By the way, Clegg is the new leader of the Illiberal Democrats if you didn’t already know.  The Illib Dum leadership “battle” was such a non-event I couldn’t be bothered to waste my energy writing about it. 

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Not in my name

The One Eyed wonder of Wankistan, Prime Minister unelect, leader of the rump cabinet, Gordon “No Mandate” Brown, is travelling to Lisbon today to sign the EU not-a-constitution.

The EU Constitution was rejected by the French and Dutch in referrenda and has now been repackaged into another treaty that is 96% identical but has a different payload.  Instead of replacing existing treaties with a new one, it is amending existing treaties – the same acts of treachery but a different method of committing them.  The main differences between the constitution and the not-a-constitution are the bits about flying the flag and playing the anthem of Federal Europe.

The Goblin King couldn’t make the official signing to get his picture taken with all the other traitors signing away their own independence because he was busy getting his bollocks kicked over, amongst other things, signing the EU not-a-constitution.

The BBC shows its usual impecible impartiality on this page with one comment opposing the EU not-a-constitution and four supporting it.

Gordo may be signing the EU not-a-constitution but not in my name.

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We’ve heard it all before and we still don’t want it

The British government is still determined to press ahead with plans for 42 day internment for “terrorist” suspects.

As I’ve pointed out, several times before, anti-terrorism laws have so far caught 0 terrorists but have been used to arrest, detain, harass and deny liberty and fundamental constitutional rights for many innocent people.

The Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, has proposed that the amount of time a “terrorist” suspect can be detained without charge be extended to 42 days from the current limit of 28 days.  This would give us the rather dubious honour of being the only developed nation on the planet to allow its citizens to be detained without charge for more than 28 days.  The law of that beacon of liberty and democracy, Zimbabwe, allows someone to be detained without charge for 9 days with a further 21 days allowed by Presidential decree.  Most developed nations allow only 3 days of detention without charge – even France, which has suffered far more attacks than England, only allows 4 days and Greece, which has an active terrorist organisation inside its own borders carrying out intermittent terrorist attacks, allows only 6 days detention without trial … even for terrorists!

Current a “terrorist” suspect can be held for 28 days without charge.  To get the extra 14 days, MPs would have to vote on a request for an extension by a chief constable and the Director of Public Prosecutions.  The “terrorist” suspect would be held while MPs took a vote.  MPs will have 30 days to make their decision.  Do the maths.

Jacqui smith is going to give a briefing to Liebour MPs on Tuesday evening.  Why just Liebour MPs?  Don’t all MPs need to know why the Home Secretary believes that the state needs to be able to lock people up without charge for 6 weeks, especially when only 6 out of 71 responses to a Home Office consultation fully supported the plans?

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Cameron for Scotland

David Camoron gave a speech in Edinburgh yesterday in which he extolled the virtues of the union and dashed any hopes that England under the Conswervatives might ever achieve equality.

Camoron is a tit.  A complete and utter fucking idiot.  The Tories will never be elected in Scotland yet at every possible opportunity, Camoron treks up to Scotland to tell them how great the union is and how shit the English are.  Get it through your thick skull Camoron, only England votes Conswervative.

The following statement by Camoron confirms that England will always be bottom of the Tories’ list of priorities:


This is where I stand, here in this great and beautiful capital, an English politician in a Scottish city saying clearly today and for all time that Britain comes first.

Britain comes first.  The shitty, pointless, unwanted union comes before English people being treated as equals with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  It comes before all those people who go blind because so much English money goes into subsidising the celtic fringe that there’s not enough left for the NHS in England to give the same treatment to English people that they’re paying for Scots and Welsh to receive.  It comes before all those people who needlessly die of cancer because there’s not enough money in England to pay for the cancer drugs that English people are paying for Scots to have.

And in every part of these islands I want people to hear me when I say this.

That if it should ever come to a choice between constitutional perfection and the preservation of our nation, I choose our United Kingdom.

Constitutional perfection?  Constitutional frigging perfection?  You mean English people getting treated as equals in the union?  You mean English people getting a devolved government of their own the same as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have?  Not at the expense of the union though, eh?  And anything that doesn’t keep English people unrepresented, discriminated against and continually out of pocket is a threat to the union isn’t it?

That is because being British is one of the most successful examples of inclusive civic nationalism in the world. We are a shining example of what a multi-ethnic, multi-faith and multi-national society can and should be.

What?  What the fuck?  What is so great about a union in which 85% of the population have no national government whilst the remaining 15% have 3 between them?  What is so great about a union that can only function whilst the nationality of 85% of the population has to be abolished and suppressed for it to survive?  What is so great about a union where 15% of the population are financially insolvent and have to live off hand-outs from the other 85%?  What is so great about a union where 85% of the population are racially discriminated against by the state just to preserve the union?  And what is so great about a union that NOBODY EXCEPT POLITICIANS WANT?

That means saying loudly and proudly: together, we are stronger.
Britain is one of only five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council.

We have a seat at the top table and are listened to in a way that other countries can only dream of.
So yes, together we are stronger.

And you know that England won’t inherit the seat on the UN Security Council do you Camoron?  No you don’t because nobody knows.  Most people in foreign countries don’t know there’s a difference between England and Britain anyway you muppet.

The City of London overtaking New York as a global powerhouse……Edinburgh’s role as a great financial centre.

Yeah, Edinburgh.  Well know international financial centre.  It’s got the Royal Bank of Scotland and … erm … yeah, Edinburgh.  London is in England Camoron, they subsidise the rest of the UK by an enormous amount.  London would benefit more from the end of the union than any other part of England.

The NHS is the best of British……created by a Welshman and benefiting from the skills of doctors trained in the great medical schools of Scotland.

Yes and if you live in England you will receive inferior medical treatment to the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish and you will pay for their superior health service.  The NHS practices medical apartheid, it’s hardly something to be proud of of and there are four national health services – one for each nation – not a single British NHS.

Britishness is also about institutions, attachment to our monarchy, admiration for our armed forces, understanding of our history, recognising that our liberty is rooted in the rule of law and respect for parliament.

Our institutions, most of which have been split up into two or more national versions.  Most institutions have seperate Scottish versions.  Is that what Camoron means?  And our history?  Who knows about our history?  Our history is being written out of history books.  Anything between the Battle of Hastings and World War 1 is out of bounds in schools now.  We even have fucking retards like No Mandate Brown claiming Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights as great British achievements.

So, to those in England who are angry about rising council tax, angry about the rising cost of living, and angry when they look across the border and hear about no prescription charges and free social care, I say this.

Don’t blame the Scots.
Don’t blame the Union.

It’s not because of the Union that your aspirations are not being met.
It’s not because Scotland is taking and not giving.
It’s because your Government is failing and not delivering.

It’s the Scottish government that have introduced all these things.  It’s the Scottish-British government that has allowed them to do this by giving them home rule and billions of pounds of English taxes to pay for it all.  We even paid for their bloody parliament building.  It is because of the union that our aspirations are not being met – it is because of the union that the British establishment won’t give us our own parliament so that we can give ourselves what the Scots have got.  We can’t afford to have what the Scots have got at the moment because they get what they want first and we get what’s left.  It’s not our government that’s failing, it’s your government Camoron.  You and your British chums are just as bad – you will not give England parity with the rest of the UK and that is why we are unhappy and that is why the union will be dead within a decade.

So yes we will take part enthusiastically in the Constitutional Commission, and I applaud Annabel Goldie for her courage and determination to do that.

So you’ll take part in the second Scottish Constitutional Convention but not in the first English Constitutional Convention?  Fucking hypocrite.

We have not leapt on the Barnett formula bandwagon.
We have not sought to exploit these matters to foster a sense of English nationalism.

And we never will, because we believe in the Union and we will never do anything to put it at risk.


Consider all our Party’s history, not just the recent past.
It was a Conservative Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, who set up the Scottish Office.
It was a Conservative Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, who elevated the Scottish Secretary to full Cabinet rank.

And it was the Conservative Party after the war that stood up for Scotland’s identity, and the life of Scottish businesses, against the attempts at nationalisation and centralisation by Labour.

And they still don’t vote Conservative.  And they never will vote Conservative.  What is this obsession with Scotland?

Stronger together; weaker apart.
Stronger together: let us keep that precious idea forever in our hearts.

Fuck off Camoron, just fuck off.  You are a turncoat, you are a traitor, you are a disaster.  I will never vote for your Conswervative Party and if I ever see your grinning face in my vacinity I will spit in it.  If you love Scotland so much, buy a house up there and move out of London.  We don’t want you and we don’t want your union.

How can any English person support this party?

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Could England’s future be in the hands of Kosovo?

Kosovo has suffered terribly at the hands of the Serbs ever since Yugoslavia broke up.

For a while now, Federal Europe has provided mediators to try and come up with a solution that would allow Kosovo to remain part of Serbia which would be acceptable to both the Serbs who don’t want to lose Kosovo and to the majority Kosovan Albanians who want independence.

They have so far failed to come up with a solution and it’s now almost certain that Kosovo will declare independence very soon but there is opposition amongst some EU member states who are concerned that recognising Kosovan independence would set a precedent and force them to recognise the independence of their own seperatist regions.

Belgium has seperatist movements in Flanders and Wallonia; Denmark has seperatist movements in the Faroes and Greenland; Finland has a seperatist movement in Åaland; France has seperatist movements in Brittany, Corsica and Savoy; Italy has seperatist movements in Sardinia, Sicily and Northern Italy; Romania has a seperatist movement in Transylvania; Spain has seperatist movements in the Basque Country, Catalonia and Navarre; Sweden has a seperatist movement in Lapland; The UK has seperatist movements in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Cornwall.

Belgium has been without a government for months now after the main parties failed (several times) to form a coalition government.  The former Prime Minister has been caretaker-Prime Minister ever since the last election.  There are strong calls for independence for Flanders and to a lesser extent, Wallonia.  The situation in Belgium is similar to in the UK – a constitutional monarchy, no-mandate Prime Minister, an artifical union at the end of its useful life, one nation of the union subsidising the rest and a lack of concern as to whether the union breaks up or not.  What is different, however, is that Belgium is held up by Federal Europe as the perfect multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-lingual union.  It is, in short, what the European Union wants to be when it grows up and that’s why the break-up of Belgium is so important to the majority of Europeans who don’t want to live in a Federal Europe.

The Basque Country is virtually independent now within Spain.  They have so much autonomy that there is virtually nothing that can be devolved from Spain other than foreign relations and defence.  It is only a matter of time before Basque declares unilateral independence from Spain.

Scotland is also on the verge of leaving the UK but it’s proving difficult for the SNP to convince the Scots to cut the apron strings and go it alone.  This is, I think, partly to do with the fact that they want to leave a union that they control and benefit from financially to a European Union in which they will be an irrelevance and will probably end up being a net contributor to.

Kosovo could be the key to independence for many nations in Europe and ultimately the dissolution of the European Union.  The UK, Italy, France and Germany have written to other EU member states asking them support Kosavan independence if they declare it.  Italy, France and Germany don’t have much to worry about from a precedent for recognising independence because they don’t have strong seperatist movements but the British government does.  There are two possible reasons why No Mandate Brown would support setting a precedent for recognising unilateral declarations of independence – either he thinks that he could take power in an independent Scotland or he really is stupid enough to think that the union will last beyond the next 10 years.

No matter what the reasons the powers that be have for supporting independence for Kosovo, it has the potential to give English people what they want – self-government (one way or the other) and the break-up of the Federal Europe.  For these reasons, every Englishman should actively support the Kosovan independence movement.  A vote for Kosovo is a vote for England!

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