Archive for England

Rooney criticised for not singing British anthem

Bob Peedle, Chairman of the Royal Society of St George, has criticised Wayne Rooney for not singing the British national anthem before England games.

Apparently, Rooney doesn’t know the words which Peedle thinks is disgraceful and has offered to teach them to him.

The Royal Society of St George is there to promote England and the Commonwealth, singing the British national anthem before English football games is counter-productive to that aim and Bob Peedle is wrong.

I sent the following comment to the Daily Mail:

I’m sorry, I fail to understand why an ENGLAND player should sing the BRITISH anthem when his Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish counterparts sing their own anthem.
Bob Peedle’s organisation represents England, not Britain – he should be devoting his energies to getting an English anthem (such as Jerusalem) sung at English matches, not criticising English football players for not singing another country’s national anthem.

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Flying the flag

No Mandate Brown is grinning and giggling to himself over a report that says all British government buildings should be encouraged to fly the British flag to promote Britishness.

The British government is responsible for a relatively small number of public buildings in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland but most belong to their devolved assemblies, particularly in Scotland.  Predictably, the Scottish government instantly denounced the daft idea and once again confirmed that the Scottish flag will fly from Scottish government buildings.

The report also makes provision for the English flag to be flown more often but the idea is to promote Britishness Brown’s British Britishness so don’t hold your breath.  The British government orders public buildings to fly the British flag on certain days and in the name of Britishness and preserving their cushy British jobs, British MPs will support the British government’s decision to force all British public buildings in England to fly the British flag.

Quite why Britishness Brown thinks Scottishness and Welshness are to be encouraged but Englishness is the work of the devil, I don’t know.  He supported the “sovereign” right of the Scottish people to determine the best form of government for themselves and he pledged to put their interests “first and foremost in all [his] acts and deliberations” when he signed the Scottish Claim of Right.  Perhaps it’s because destroying the English national identity will keep the union artificially alive and the English serfs will continue to pay their taxes to their celtic lords, thereby fulfilling his pledge to put Scotland’s interests before those of England.  Or perhaps he just hates England and English people.

Whatever the reason, the Cross of St George is the only flag that will fly at my house and every public building in my town that flies the butchers apron will get complaint after complaint until it’s taken down.

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Institutional Anglophobia in the Police

For years ethnic minority groups have accused the Police of institutional discrimination – now it’s the turn of the majority to make the same accusation.

Former soldier, Craig Briggs, has wanted to join the Police since he was a child and joined the army to get some experience before applying. After serving 4 and a half years in the army he’s about to leave any day now and has applied to Greater Manchester Police. However, he’s been turned down before even getting an interview because he has the word “England” tattooed on his arm.

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said “A family who aren’t of English origin who see England on your arm could feel you might discriminate against them. We live in a diverse society and try to ensure we give everybody equality.”

But not if you’re English though, that would just be too offensive wouldn’t it? If a “family who aren’t of English origin” living in England are offended by the word “England” then they really chose the wrong place to live. This is nothing short of racial discrimination – I very much doubt that people “who aren’t of English origin” would find themselves barred from joining the Police if they had a tattoo bearing the name of their country and the very idea of banning potential recruits from joining the English Police force because they have the name of their country tattooed on their arm is not only deeply offensive but absolutely outrageous. A complaint will be winging its way to the Equality and Human Rights Commission shortly.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to make a complaint about racial discrimination.

In today’s the Sun newspaper is a story about a soldier who has been refused an interview for Greater Manchester Police because he has the word “England” tattooed on his arm. Apparently this could be considered offensive to people who are not of English origin.

This is outrageous – why should the word “England” tattooed on the arm of an English policeman in England be considered offensive to anybody, regardless of their origin? Would this rule be extended to the same people who are not of English origin if they had the name of their own country tattooed on their arm? I very much doubt this is the case.

To show pride in your country of birth is not something to be ashamed of and this rule – which apparently emanated from the Home Office – is clearly discriminatory towards English people.

Stuart Parr

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More British propaganda in English schools

Lord Goldsmith, the former British Attorney General, has told No Mandate Brown that children should have to go through a citizenship ceremony when they leave school and pledge alliegence to the Queen like they do in the US to their flag to promote Britishness.
The Scottish government have, of course, rejected this out of hand and no doubt the Welsh government will do the same which means that it’ll only be the English identity that is targeted.  More of the same then.

My children are English, they won’t be taking part in any faux-Britishness propaganda.

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England have lost to Scotland in the Six Nations.

I don’t mind England losing (I’d rather we didn’t of course) just as long as it’s not to Scotland!

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Can’t save lives, the Scots won’t like it

Tom Yeo, the Conswervative MP for Suffolk South, introduced a private members bill to get the clocks put forward one hour to save lives and energy and increase leisure and social time.

As with previous attempts by various MPs the bill failed with the usual arguments being put forward – the farmers won’t like it and more importantly, the master race won’t like it.

The Scots complain that putting the clocks forward will result in less daylight north of the border. They’re quite right too – it will mean less daylight in Scotland. But ultimately, they are only 5m people out of a population of 60m so why should the other 55m of us be put out just for them? How many children will lose their lives in England this year that would still be around if the Scots had been told to shut up and put up and the clocks had been put forward an hour?

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More health apartheid

On Monday I pointed out two examples of NHS discrimination in England.

The third example of NHS discrimination this week was announced today – the price of a prescription in England will rise to £7.10 per item.

Meanwhile, in Scotland prescription charges are capped at £5 with 93% being dispensed free of charge.  In Wales, all prescriptions are free of charge.

Not only do the English have to pay for their own prescriptions, they have to pay for Scottish and Welsh peoples’ prescriptions as well through the forced multi-billion pound subsidy taken from the English taxpayer under the Barnett Formula.

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Screw Galileo, we need the money ourselves

The British government has announced its intention to shut down England’s radio telescope array, Jodrell Bank.

The Science & Technology Fund is facing an £80m shortfall in its budget which it intends to plug by cutting funding.  So far, £8m of taxpayers money has been spent on the e-Merlin project which is an upgrade to the radio telescope array.  The decision to close Jodrell Bank will also put at risk the decision to site the headquarters of the Square Kilometre Array project in England as we are likely to lose the expertise required to operate the facility when Jodrell Bank is shut down.

As of February, the British government estimated its contribution to the EU’s Galileo spy satellite system at £96.7m.  Galileo is a duplication of the perfectly servicable and free GPS system owned and operated by the US Military.  The private companies involved in the Galileo project have all abandoned it after they realised, at considerable expense, that it could never be made to pay for itself but rather than writing it off as an unjustifiable and unnecessary expense, the EU has instead raided tens of millions of pounds from a slush fund it has built up of money it has taken from member states but not spent to cover the costs.

So which would you prefer your taxes to be spent on?  A European sat-nav system that will cost the taxpayer billions in perpetuity and be used to track your movements around the country and charge you to use the roads that you have already paid for in your taxes or our own radio telescope facilities that provide jobs and income to English people and has helped England to become one of the foremost authorities in radio astronomy?  Tough choice.

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Education is already enough of a lottery

Getting your children into a decent school and getting them a decent education is already enough of a lottery without the latest batshit scheme from British government.

Today saw the introduction of new admissions rules for English schools that will see English children getting allocated places at English schools based on a lottery system.  You may live next door to a school but if your name doesn’t come out of the hat then tough, you’d best get yourself a bus pass because you’re going to have to travel to another school.

This is supposedly to make the admissions system fairer but it doesn’t – it just makes it virtually impossible for parents to ensure their children go to a local school.  And it only applies to England of course, the One Eyed Wonder of Wankistan’s constituents will continue to get the admissions system that we’ve had for decades.

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No longer acceptable to be proud to be English?

According to that last bastion of objective reporting, the Sun, school children are being punished for wearing clothes with England flags on them or even for being dropped off at school in cars with England flags on them.

Normally I’d take anything the Sun says with a pinch sack of salt but in this case it seems to be genuine.

A lefty think tank, Counterpoint Research, has produced a report called the Childhood Wellbeing report highlighting the racial discrimination against English children iin school – a place where they are supposed to feel safe and happy.  There is no indication that non-English children have been punished for displaying a national flag.

Ed Balls, the Liebour Childrens Secretary, said that “The general perception among parents was that it was no longer acceptable to be proud to be English”.

On what does he base this ridiculous assertion?  Where was the research carried out?  Was it in an area that was predominantly white English or an area that had a large immigrant population?  It certainly wasn’t anywhere around here – white, black and asian children alike wear England football shirts and the English flag can be seen hanging from windows and on stickers in car windows everywhere.  There’s a large number of Ghanaian immigrants living in flats nearby whose children wear England football shirts – some of them don’t even speak English!

The Department for Children, Schools & Education is sending me a copy of the report so I can see how Ed Balls comes to this conclusion.

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Six Nations: England -v France

Jonny WilkinsonEngland had a blistering start with 10 points on the board in the first 13 minutes, 5 of which came from what will probably be the try of the tournament by Paul Sachi.

Jonny Wilkinson’s foot was perfect as usual.

England have played an excellent first half and the statistics don’t match the performance.  France have the majority of the possession but, tellingly, they also have the most errors.

The only danger is that we see a repeat of last week’s performance against France where England dominated the first half and then capitulated during the second half and lost the match.

The score at half time was 13-7 to England.


The final score was 24-13 to England.  It looked a bit dubious for a little while but England outplayed France. 

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English children to get unique ID number

The British government plans to allocate every 14 year old child in England a unique ID number which could be tied to the national ID database and will be used to provide access to school records for potential employers and the state.

The Education & Skills Bill – which only applies to England, not the whole of the UK as the press are reporting – will introduce the “Learning Number” which will be the key to a national database of state CVs for every child in England.  The Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills – one of No Mandate Brown’s made up government departments – said “It is just a way of making life easier for learners and employers. It is something we think will help people looking for work”.  What a load of shit.  It is a way of introducing 14 year old children to the concept of being numbered and monitored for the rest of their lives and the state taking control of their identity.

The same spokesman also said the database will be “cast-iron in terms of integrity” whilst the Information Commissioner said “We have provided advice and assistance to help ensure that this system is watertight and secure – but no system is immune to human error and breaches can and do occur”.

Just like HMRC losing the details of 25 million recipients, just like the MOD officer losing a laptop containing secret data, just like all the other recent admissions of data loss by British government departments – the data will be vulnerable to inaccuracy, loss and fraud.  Your identity isn’t like a bank account – it can’t be changed if it falls into the wrong hands – your identity is unique and identity theft will cause you problems for the rest of your life in Liebour’s database state.

The state stealing the identity of our children has surely got to be a breach of their Human Rights.

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2008 Six Nations: England -v- Wales

It’s only 5 minutes until England’s opening Six Nations match against Wales.

Not so long ago I’d have been looking forward to this game to see how much of a pasting we give the mutton munchers but just lately Wales have become a force to contend with and it’ll be a challenging game.

Jonny Wilkinson is playing but Lawrence Dallaglio is out of the squad.

Jerusalem has been played, it’s cold, it’s damp and it’s muddy.  What more could you ask for?  Apart from God Save the Queen not to be played as our national anthem again that is.

Bring it on boyo’s!

England are leading 16-6 at half time.  The crafty celts have played a decent first half but England have out-classed them.  The huge New Zealander that’s now playing for us is very good – a beast of a man but fast.

Edit 2:
England’s game has collapsed and the taffy’s have taken the lead.  England are playing embarrasingly badly – bring back Dallaglio!

Edit 3:
Holy shit!  Wales haven’t won at Twickenham for 20 years and England have thrown away a brilliant first half and comfortable lead.

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CEP: England victimised yet again by United Kingdom government

CEP: England victimised yet again by United Kingdom government

The Council tax in England will be going up in April by just under 5%, more than twice the limit on pay increases being imposed by the Union Government. The average Council Tax bill in England will go up by £115 per month. Meanwhile in Scotland the proposal of the Scottish Parliament under its Scottish National Party leadership is to freeze council tax, and for that the overwhelming majority of Scottish councils are fully in support.

The injustice to England since devolution just goes on and on. In addition to having itself acknowledged under the Union Government as a distinct nation enjoying Home Rule Scotland now enjoys free eye care, free dental check-ups, free access to cancer drugs, and free personal care free travel countryside for the elderly. With a Scottish Prime Minister and a Scottish Chancellor of the Exechequer Scotland is getting benefits denied to England,while it is the English taxpayer who is paying for them.

The injustice does not stop there. Despite the council tax increase local services are being cut back. The Union Government under Brown and Darling, while making more and more demands up local councils even as the cost of existing services and the council’s wage bill increase, is not increasing central government subsidy in line with increased costs.

‘Little wonder a recent Yougov poll found that the Council tax is the most unpopular tax of all. ‘67% of people in England resent it more than any other’.’, says Veronica Newman, secretary of the Campaign for an English Parliament. ‘The way England is being victimised just has to stop. The people of England cannot just be expected to pay for the benefits of devolution which Scotland is getting while getting none of them themselves and no parliament of their own either. The people of England should be able to decide for themselves how their money is to be spent. It’s time England had a patriotic government with patriotic MPs just as Scotland has.’

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And today’s winning numbers are …

As if getting a decent education in England wasn’t enough of a lottery already, the Brit-Scot government in Westminster has decided that schools in England should be required to take a percentage of their intake from outside of their catchment area with those places allocated by a lottery system.

This means that in over-subscribed schools, a child living opposite the school gates could be forced to go to a school miles away because the quota for local children has been met and someone from outside the catchment area has got a place instead.  Genius!

So much for reducing our collective carbon footprint – more car and bus journeys to get to school.  What about road safety?  How many more accidents are there going to be involving kids getting hit by cars on their way to school?  And this will only apply to England of course because education is a devolved issue.

In the words of Pink Floyd, leave them kids alone.

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Changes to illegal English parking fines

The British government is changing the rules on parking fines in England.

The Northern Irish Secretary of State for Transport, Ruth Kelly, and her 3 Ministers for Transport (two of which are Scottish of course) are introducing changes to the rules in England so that variable rates of parking fines can be implemented and to remove the requirement for traffic wardens to physically attach a ticket to a vehicle meaning that tickets can be written out and issued after the offence has occurred or from CCTV images.

The problem with this is that it could take a couple of weeks for a parking ticket to eventually arrive and can you remember where you were at, say, 9.38 in the morning a week last Saturday?  I have trouble remembering what I did yesterday, let alone a fortnight ago, so how do you defend yourself?

And this still doesn’t address the core problem with the parking fines system which is that summary justice is illegal in England.  The Bill of Rights says that “and promise of fine or forfeiture before conviction is illegal and void”.

Traffic wardens and “parking attendents” are not judges, the street is not a court of law and neither is a CCTV control centre.  Parking fines are only legal if the accused has been convicted in a court of law.  We need the legal system to protect our constitutional rights, not to make it easier for companies and local authorities to issue illegal and unconstitutional on-the-spot fines.

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Nuclear Family

No Mandate Brown will announce today that the British government intends to build nuclear power stations in England.

He won’t be making the same announcement about Scotland, of course, because it’s a devolved matter and the Scottish Parliament has decided that Gordon Brown’s constituents and their fellow countrymen won’t be getting nuclear power stations.

Now, I agree with building nuclear power plants.  They produce very little pollution during their operation if you discount the radioactive waste that is left over once they’re decommissioned.  Nuclear plants have an excellent safety record, they don’t rely on fossil fuels and the electricity they produce is reliable and relatively cheap.  And I’m not a NIMBY either, there has been talk of replacing the Ironbridge B coal-fired power station with a nuclear plant and that’s close enough to my house for me to be able to see the plume of smoke it produces round the clock.

However, like I said the other day when the Goblin King announced that health screening was to be increased in England, I don’t care whether what he is announcing is a good thing, he has no mandate to do it.

Socialist Unity points out that this isn’t a devolved issue in Wales so it would be possible for the British government to build nuclear plants there.  But they won’t build them in Wales because the Welsh government doesn’t want it and the last thing Liebour wants is to lose more support in Wales where they have already been forced to form a coalition government with the nationalist Plaid Cymru.  Going against the wishes of the Welsh government on such an important issue will seriously damage Liebour and put them in the nightmare position of losing control of both Wales and Scotland, the source of their Westminster majority.

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Brown interfering in English NHS again

No Mandate Brown has announced that the (English) NHS will start offering health screening for heart disease, strokes and kidney disease as well as increasing the screening for some types of cancer.

Health screening is good but it’s still wrong the Gordon Brown is interfering in the English NHS.  He has no say over the NHS in his own constituency in Scotland and whether it’s a “good” or “bad” thing that he’s doing, he still has no mandate.

However, there is little point in offering health screening if there is nothing to back it up with.  The English NHS is underfunded and the service provided is inferior to that in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  What is the point in getting an early diagnosis for cancer if you can’t get the right treatment because you live in England and not Scotland?

I don’t care whether this is, on balance, a positive move or not – Gordon Brown has no mandate to interfere with the English NHS.  If he wants to meddle with the NHS then he should stand for election to the Scottish Parliament where his constituents can give him a mandate over the Scottish NHS.

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NHS Constitution

Read this then read the letter I just sent to my turncoat Liebour MP.

Dear David,

Your Prime Minister has somehow, against all the odds, managed to make me even more annoyed today than he has since he was appointed as your leader.

I was pretty incensed when he announced that his priorities as Prime Minister would be the English education system, the English health system and the English housing system even though he has no mandate over any of them.  Today I see that in return for the health system that we are paying for through our taxes, your Prime Minister has decided that we must have “responsibilities”.  But only in England.

The medical treatment which the English will be entitled to will still be inferior to the medical treatment his own Scottish constituents are entitled to and they will continue to receive their superior service without the “responsibilities” that the English must have.

David, YOU have a responsibility.  Your responsibility is to your constituents, NOT your party.  Gordon Brown was not given a mandate by his Scottish constituents to tell English people what they must do to receive medical treatment.  I assume you do understand that none of your Prime Minister’s proclamations on health, education, housing, etc. affect his own constituents – he has no more right to tell your constituents what medical treatment they can and can’t receive than you have to tell his constituents what medical treatment they can and can’t receive.

I cannot adequately express in polite terms how disappointed I am that you condone this unconstitutional, undemocratic and immoral system of apartheid.  How can you continue to support your party when it is doing everything it can to maintain the system that allows the Scottish ruling elite to make decisions in your constituency when neither they, nor you, can make the same decisions in their constituency?

If you play a part in breaking our health, education and housing systems I can – and will – vote for someone else who won’t do the same.  Gordon Brown’s constituents won’t care what he does to the English NHS or schools – they’re more likely to vote for him if they can see that he’s screwing the English over!

Poll after poll has shown that English people are fed up with your Scottish MPs interfering in English-only legislation.  Poll after poll has shown that English people want their own government like the one your party gave to Scotland.  It’s time you started doing your job David – represent your constituents, not your party.


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Email to Nick Clegg

I just sent the following email to Nick Clegg after reading that he has already dismissed a suggestion that we should have an English Parliament by saying that he will devolve power to “regions and communities” rather than the our country as most people want …

Dear Nick,

Could you please tell me what plans the Lib Dems have for the balkanisation of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland?

You have already stated your intention to break England up by devolving power to “regions and communities” without preserving the integrity of the nation with a national parliament so I would like to know what policy you have on breaking up the rest of the UK.

If you have no intention of breaking up Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in the same was as you intend to eradicate the English nation then could you please explain why it is more important to keep Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland intact but perfectly acceptable to balkanise England against the wishes of the electorate?


Stuart Parr

By the way, Clegg is the new leader of the Illiberal Democrats if you didn’t already know.  The Illib Dum leadership “battle” was such a non-event I couldn’t be bothered to waste my energy writing about it. 

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