Archive for England

Draft Local Transport Bill – Hansard

Not much information in the Hansard on the Draft Local Transport Bill – no dissenters, no cries of “NO MANDATE” from the opposition benches.

However, the Hansard for the bill does start thus:

Draft Local Transport Bill

The Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Douglas Alexander):
I am today publishing a draft Local Transport Bill, for public consultation and parliamentary pre-legislative scrutiny.

Forgive me if I’m starting to sound like a broken record but TRANSPORT IS DEVOLVED.  Why is the Secretary of State for Scotland, an MP elected in Scotland, introducing a bill that only applies to England?

Road Pricing Bill before Parliament

A Road Pricing bill is being put before Parliament today.

This is despite the fact that 1.8 million signed a petition against it.  Despite the fact that the Secretary of State for Transport was elected in Scotland where this bill won’t apply.  Despite the fact that the argument for it is complete bollocks.

According to the British government, unless they introduce road pricing congestion will go up by 25% in the next 10 years.  Bullshit.  If 10,000 vehicles sit in a a traffic jam every day one of our creaking motorways it’s because they need to, not because they enjoy spending 2 hours of their day looking at the back end of a dirty Ford Transit with a hilarious “Clean Me” message scratched into the paintwork.  Road Pricing won’t stop those people from driving, it’ll just put them even further out of pocket and put up transport costs for businesses making goods more expensive.

I’ve spoken to the Scottish Executive about this recently and this is a devolved matter and will therefore only apply to England – no MP elected outside of England has a right to debate and vote on this bill, let’s see how many Scottish Liebour MPs poke their hypocritical snouts in.

Green Gordon

The Tartan Taxman is overstepping the mark again and proposing yet more policies for England for which he has no mandate.

To show us his green credentials he’s decided that we should build 5 eco-towns housing 100,000 people in carbon neutral homes built on old industrial estates.

Gordon Brown, of course, can only propose these new lentil and hemp buildings with beards in England because planning is a devolved matter in Scotland.  His constituents didn’t give him a mandate on planning because only English voters can give an MP a mandate on English-only matters.

English Democrats win compensation for racism

The Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds has settled a racial discrimination claim by the English Democrats Party (EDP) out of court.

The EDP sued the museum for £5,000 for racial discrimination after they cancelled a booking and declined to offer an alternative date because they were concerned about their reputation if they held an English event at their premises.

Full details are on the EDP website.

Today is a special occassion

Today is the anniversary of …

  • The death of Hitler
  • The RAF bombing 2 airfields at Port Stanley in the Falklands to stop the Argies from using them
  • The death of Ayrton Senna
  • The UK’s biggest general one day strike (over a million people)
  • The banning of elections in Cuba
  • May Day riots in London in 2000

That’s from the BBC’s list but there is another anniversary which the BBC have missed and which, I suspect, will go un-noticed up and down the country.  Today is the 300th anniversary of the Act of Union between England and Scotland.  Will there be a 301st birthday or will the union be dissolved in the next 12 months?  The SNP are predicted to win the Scottish elections on Thursday and that means a referendum on independence.  A few weeks back the SNP said that it wouldn’t hold a referendum for a few years but once they’ve got a taste of power it won’t be long.

Latest Poll shows 67% support English Parliament

An ICM poll commissioned by the Campaign for an English Parliament shows support for an English Parliament is at 67% (press release).

The poll shows that support in the North of England is highest at 70% and in Scotland, 72% of people polled support the establishment of an English Parliament.

The results show that there is broad support for an English Parliament across all demographics.

The British government still refers to a survey conducted between 1999 and 2003 which showed 24% support for an English Parliament.  The survey, however, had multiple options – regional government, English Parliament, the status quo and English votes on English matters.  It’s hardly surprising that this old survey came up with a split vote.

It’s time the British government stopped using this old survey as an excuse to deny us what we want and took notice of all the polls conducted in the last couple of years, all of which show majority support for an English Parliament.

November 2006
68% support an English Parliament

January 2007
61% support an English Parliament

April 2007
67% support an English Parliament

To put these results into context: the Welsh Assembly was established following a referendum in which only 50% of Welsh people voted and only 51% wanted it.  If 25.5% of Welsh voters supporting a Welsh Assembly is the settled will of the Welsh people then why can’t we have our own parliament with 67% support?

Littlejohn tells it how it is

An bunch of god-botherers and navel-gazing, beared, lentil eating, hemp wearing lefty liberal apologists have decided that St George is just too offensive and needs to be reinvented so that he’s more inclusive.

A report called “When The Saints Go Marching Out: Redefining St George For A New Era” says:

“It is time that St George was reclaimed from the dragon, from past associations with racism and the far right, and from images of arrogant flag-waving”

The racism accusation is probably two-fold (it doesn’t say).  Firstly, the BRITISH National Party often fly the flag of St George.  The BNP are racist, therefore anyone who has an English flag is – by association – also a racist with a shaved head and a combat jacket.  There aren’t any calls to remove the Union Flag – part of their logo – from Buckingham Palace but lefties aren’t exactly noted for their logic skills.  Secondly, St George is associated with the Crusades.  Two thousand years ago, muslim invaders occupied the Holy Land putting non-muslims to death and generally making a nuisance of themelves.  Christian Crusaders from across Europe went to the Holy Land to fight the invaders and reclaim the Holy Land.  This is, of course, racist and deeply offensive to muslims who are still suffering from the Crusades 2,000 years on.  Gosh, I’m so ashamed to be white and English.

The report suggests that St Georges Day should be a:

“day of dissent” – celebrating “the pro- democracy Putney Debates, the equality-seeking Levellers, the anti-slavery abolitionists, the women’s suffrage movement, conscientious objectors and peacemakers, anti-racism campaigners, human rights activists and those struggling against debt and poverty”

Day of dissent?  Sounds good to me.  Putney Debates?  Let me just check Wikipedia … oh right, some constitutional debates from when Oliver Cromwell overthrew the monarchy and established a fundamentalist Christian dictatorship in England.  Actually, I suppose that’s quite relevant to modern-day England.  Levellers?  Weren’t they a band in the 70s?  I think perhaps they’re referring to the Levellers who were also involved in Cromwell’s civil war.  Are the Church planning another revolution perhaps?  Anti-slavery, womens suffrage, conscientious objectors, peacemakers, anti-racism, human rights and global poverty?  What has that got to do with being English?

Richard Littlejohn has written an excellent piece on this – take a look.

Personally, I will be celebrating St Georges Day with a day off work, a BBQ and a pint of Bombadier with a like-minded colleague.  Most of the pubs in Telford have English flags out all year round but some of them have got in English beers and are doing other things on Monday.  The council haven’t organised anything of course, they’re too busy finding new regional projects to sign up to so they can speed up the abolition of England.

Cameron doesn’t want to be Prime Minister of England

David Cameron doesn’t want to be Prime Minister of England, he says:

“I want to be prime minister of the United Kingdom. I don’t want to be prime minister of England. It would be easier in some ways [to give up on Scotland]. But I think it’s rather a small, narrow politics to try to draw a line around where you have your strongest supporters.”

Well Dave, that’s easily arranged.  You’re doing a fantastic job of alienating every voter in England – you know, the only people who vote Conservative.

Another life saving drug we can’t have

The Times says that there are at least 8 other life saving drugs that are refused in England but provided on the NHS in Scotland.

This is probably part of the mysterious “union dividend” that Gordon Brown keeps talking about.  Where else in the world could 85% of the population be denied life saving cancer treatments whilst still be expected to pay for the same life saving treatments for the other 15%?  Nazi Germany?  Apartheid-era South Africa?

The Commission for Racial Equality are obviously too busy to take this racist government to task over things like medical apartheid.

What about us?

Yesterday the people of Northern Ireland went to the polls to elect assembly members for the Stormont Assembly.

The DUP, under Reverend Ian Paisley, has taken the majority of votes with The IRA Sinn Féin in a fairly close second place.

All parties involved in the Northern Ireland Assembly have until the 25th of March to come to an agreement on power sharing or devolution won’t happen.  At least that’s what Tory Bliar has told them but there is no way in the world that the British government are going to go back on their pledge to restore devolution to Northern Ireland.

So where does that leave us, the people of England?  Well, it leaves us in precisely the same position that we currently find ourselves – the only nation in Federal Europe that has no direct political representation and the only part of the British Isles that doesn’t have its own government.  Scotland has its Parliament, Wales and Northern Ireland have their Assemblies, the Isle of Man has its own Parliament (the oldest in the world apparently), the Channel Islands have their own Parlaiments – even the Scottish Isles have more say over what happens in their little corner of the world than we do with their Islands Council.

Liebour has pledged to restore devolution to Northern Ireland, they pledged to bring devolution to Wales and Scotland but all they’ve pledged for England is to continue the current racist, undemocratic system of asymetric devolution with England ruled directly by the British government.  Of course, we’ve been offered devolution but with a big price to pay – the dissolution of England.  The only offer of devolved power in England is in the form of regional government, either by Regional Assemblies or City Regions, but its a price too high for most people in this country.

John Major has criticised the way England is being robbed blind and discriminated against by the Scottish Raj but it’s too little too late – he had his chance to do something about it when he was in charge of the country but he chose to do nothing.  Only now that it is looking increasingly like becoming the big election issue are the Tories looking to do something about it but even then they can’t bring themselves to give us what we want – an English Parliament.

Yesterday the Conservative MP for Dorset introduced the House of Commons (Participation) Bill which would have implemented the Tory policy of English Votes on English Legislation (EVoEL).  The EVoEL proposal would allow the Speaker of the House of Commons (currently a Scottish Labour MP – well, you wouldn’t expect anything else from King Tony would you?) to certify that a bill only affects England and Wales and ban MP’s elected in Scotland and Northern Ireland from debating and voting on it.  The bill was opposed and didn’t get a second reading with most opposition coming from what the Daily Mail describes as “hostile, mainly Scottish, MP’s”.  The fact that MP’s elected in Scotland are even allowed, let alone have the bare-faced gall, to take part in a debate on whether it is right that they should be allowed to interfere in English legislation only serves to emphasise the ridiculous mess that Liebour have made of devolution.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a supporter of EVoEL – it is an inherently fauly concept and will solve nothing – but it is at least an acknowledgement that there is a problem that needs addressing and should it ever miraculously get passed into the statute books it will fall on its face spectacularly and the only solution will be to introduce an English Parliament.

Jonny helps England demolish Scotland

Jonny Wilkinson made a glorious comeback today after two years of injury in which he has played no international rugby and only 40 minutes of club rugby.

England romped home to a 42-20 victory over Scotland with Jonny Wilkinson scoring a try and 7 out of 9 kicks.

Britishness Brown interfering in English education again

The BBC reports that Britishness Brown is stepping up his Prime Ministership campaign by setting out his policies on education.

The problem is, the Chancellor was elected in Scotland where education is the responsibility of the Scottish government.  Gordon Brown wasn’t elected for his education policies because his education policies don’t affect his own constituency or any other constituency in his beloved Scotland.

He has plans for Britishness lessons in schools.  But only in England.  He won’t say what he plans to do about the cap on tuition fees that Scottish MP’s imposed on England against the wishes of a majority of English MP’s.  He plans to force 16-18 year olds into further education.  But only in England.  His Britishness lessons should include lessons about the “freedom from arbitrary rule that came in during the 16th and 17th Century”.  This is slightly confusing as Britain didn’t exist in the 16th and 17th centuries – he is, of course, referring to the English Bill of Rights.  The Tartan Taxman has a rather annoying habit of claiming English laws and inventions for Britain, once referring to the Magna Carta as a great British statute even though it predated the union by 500 years.

I have only one thing to say to Gordon Brown’s education plans: NO MANDATE!

EDM670: English Parliament

Frank Field MP has launched Early Day Motion 670 calling for an English Parliament.

That this House notes that those polls that have questioned the English report a clear majority in favour of an English parliament; and further notes that it is this issue, and not Scottish independence or even House of Lords reform, that is the issue that voters now put at the top of their priorities for constitutional reform.

Write to your MP and ask them to sign EDM670.

Ministry of Deference

It was announced the other day that RAF Cosford has lost its bid to keep the DARA (Defence Aviation Repair Agency) training centre to RAF St Athan in South Wales.

It has been mentioned that the winning consortium contains QinetiQ (formerly DERA – Defence Evaluation and Research Agency) which is 21% owned by the British government and it has been suggested that this may have influenced the decision.

However, what hasn’t been mentioned is that around 18 months ago, RAF Cosford was told that it was not allowed any public money to refurbish facilities but RAF St Athan was given £184m of public money by the Welsh Assembly to build the super hanger which clinched the deal for St Athan.

Bearing in mind that Wales is running at a multi-billion pound budget deficit which is plugged with English taxes, this means that effectively English taxes have paid for the facilities that have enabled St Athan to take the business off RAF Cosford.

BBC say the “E” word

The BBC have been uncharacteristically keen on discussing the break-up of the union, nationalism and they even seem to have rediscovered the “E” word (England).

A BBC-commissioned poll showed that 61% of people were in favour of the establishment of an English Parliament.  This is despite the BBC weighting the Scottish and Welsh contribution to the poll so that they made up around 3/5ths of the people asked.  Old habits die hard I guess.

This mornings BBC News carried the story every half an hour, BBC Radio 5 also had a phone-in on the subject and even good old BBC Radio Shropshire were in on the act interviewing Edward Higginbottom, the Shropshire Branch co-ordinator for the CEP.

Newsnight will tonight be welcoming Scilla Cullen and Christine Constable, the chairwomen of the CEP and the English Democrats respectively, onto the panel where they will get a chance to lock heads with Charlie Falconer.

Hain tells Welsh to protect union

Anglophobic bigot, Peter Hain, has followed the Tartan Taxman by warning that the union is being attacked by the Tories and nationalists.

He tells the Welsh that “the contribution of Wales to the industrial development of Britain was enormous, helping to create prosperity and to turn us into a world power.  In return, Wales has long benefited from support from the Treasury, with Welsh public spending almost £1,000 per head higher than in England.”

He repeated the Ignorant Jock‘s claim that nationalists and the Tories were trying to balkanise Britain – something Labour has already done with the regionalisation of England and the re-establishment of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as “nations” within his “nations and regions of Britain”

“By trying to whip up and then harness nationalist sentiment in England, they risk unleashing forces which can lead to only one thing: the Balkanisation of Britain. That would damage Britain and damage Wales.”

“Unless we see it off, it will prove a one-way street to the disintegration of the United Kingdom – and a one-way street to irrelevance for Wales.”

Not only is Hain a bigot but he is also a hypocrite.  He openly reminds the Welsh that they are reliant on English taxes to balance the books and that without England, Wales is an irrelevance.  Don’t get me wrong, I like Wales and in the past Welsh coal and water has helped our economy boom but nowadays Wales is a drain on English resources.

For the benefit of English taxpayers and for the benefit of Wales’ self respect, a fully federal union or complete independence is the only way forward.  The balkanisation of Britain has already happened thanks to New Labour and their anglophobic devolution project.  It’s too late to stop it happening and nationalism will keep rising no matter how many times these self-serving politicians talk about “shared values”.

The Penny’s Dropped

English wankers

If you listen very carefully you can still hear the tinkling of the dropping penny down at Downing Street.According to our leader-in-waiting, the UK is being menaced by an “opportunist group of nationalists” who are “playing fast and loose” with the union.

Apparently, “it is very important to recognise that Britishness and Britain itself is not based on ethnicity and race” but “it is founded on shared values that we hold in common: a commitment to liberty for all, a commitment to social responsibility shown by all, and a commitment to fairness to all.”

On the subject of the Conservatives “English Votes on English Laws” proposal, the Tartan Taxman said that it would pull the union apart.  However, he fails to offer an alternative solution to the West Lothian Question whereby he and his colleagues elected in Scotland can vote on matters that only affect England and not their own constituents.

Alex Salmond, the leader of the SNP, says that the Ignorant Jock is only protecting his own interests and that “he is equally blind to legitimate English grievance of bossy Scottish Labour MPs interfering in English only matters, such as health and education”.

The hypocrite then goes on to say that “it is now time for supporters of the Union to speak up, to resist any drift towards a Balkanisation of Britain and to acknowledge Great Britain for the success it has been and is.”

Balkanisation, for those of you who may not be familiar with the term, is the act of breaking up a country or region into smaller competing regions.  Labour have done just this by giving Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland back their nationhood with their own governments and breaking England up into 9 euroregions.

How dare this ignorant, hypocritical fool criticise nationalists when he is one of those responsible for the rise in nationalism and seperatism thanks to his anti-English hypocracy and discrimination.

Shropshire Star: No mention of English people in our anthem

No mention of English people in our anthem

I read the letter by Mr R Dunn, of Telford, regarding the national anthem and the monarchy. Surely he ought to get his facts right before putting pen to paper.

I would point out the anthem he refers to is a German anthem.  It was chosen by a German monarchy (Saxe-Coburg Gotha) who acquired the English throne. The lyrics were designed to consolidate and strengthen their hold on the English throne and the English people. You will notice that it’s all about praising the monarch. The English people and the English country get no mention.

The Welsh national anthem is all about Wales, the Welsh language and the Welsh people.

When the Germans took over the English throne they could not speak a single word of English. They felt vulnerable and threatened. Do you not think that it is a shame to fool the English people?

Tom Williams, Telford

BBC Scotland: Divisions rage despite the Union

The BBC News website has an article on the union in which the writer – a political editor for BBC Scotland – questions the value of the union.

The article only appears on the Scotland pages of course, we can’t have English people seeing someone questioning the value of the union after all.

The article asks “So just how should we commemorate the Act of Union – whose tricentenary falls next year?” and concludes:

In each case, we should ask: would Scotland, would the UK, be better served in these areas by sustaining or repealing the Union? Is it too much to expect a mature, evidence-based debate, relatively free from rancour and bile? Given how much is at stake, it probably is. However, I ask nonetheless.

The BBC Have Your Say can be found … nowhere.  There isn’t one.  Typical stuff from the BBC – talk about the union but only in Scotland and dont, under any circumstances, give anyone an opportunity to actually express an opinion unless it’s the “right one”.

English Parliament – lovely, isn’t it?

Lord Elis-Thomas, presiding officer of the Welsh Assembly, has called for the establishment of an English Parliament.

This is the latest in a line of increasingly high profile supporters of devolution for England.

Don’t get too excited though – Lord Elis-Thomas’ vision of the UK is a “United Kingdom in a United Europe”.  Which would make him one of the minority of people in the UK who want to preserve the union and one of the even tinier minority who are interested in being part of a United Europe.

Predictably, the story isn’t anywhere on the England pages on the BBC News website but it did make it to the British politics page which is an inprovement over the usual policy of burying anything to do with an English Parliament somewhere English people won’t look for it.