Archive for Scotland

Smoking age limit to change to 18

The legal age at which you can smoke in North Britain is to change to 18 in an attempt to make the country more healthy.  Smoking is already banned in all public places.

The full ban in England was diluted by an MP elected in North Britain and then voted on and passed by MP’s elected in all four home nations despite only having effect in England.  Any attempt to raise the age limit in England would, of course, be scuppered by MP’s who have no business getting involved in English legislation.

As DK points out, Labour has an interest in making sure the tobacco companies keep turning huge profits – the North British Executive’s pension scheme has invested heavily in the tobacco industry.

Beware the enemy within

England is once again under the threat of terrorism from people living within our borders.  But this time it’s not one of Chairman Blair‘s special muslim terrorists, it’s the master race we have to worry about.

The North British National Liberation Army (SNLA) has sent an email to the offices of the Sunday Times in Glasgow threatening to poison English water supplies.  The political wing of the SNLA, the North British Separatist Group (SSG), has published details on how to permanently contaminate the water supply of a large city on its website.

The article can be read here.

Britishness Brown

Who’s heading up Labour’s North British election campaign next year?

Britishness Brown, the Ignorant Jock, of course.  Good choice.

Majority of Scots want independence

The Labour Party has diligently ignored, abused and discriminated against England in order to curry favour with the North Britons since 1997.  They have given them thousands of pounds per head every year in public spending over and above what your average English person receives.  They have given them their own government, kept their country united (whilst dividing England in regions) and even allowed North British Law to extend into England in the case of the River Tweed.  All this to secure North British vote and ensure that Labour gets the support it needs to continue its minority rule of England.

The YouGov poll commissioned by the Sunday Times and published today must therefore be slightly worrying for the architects of the British apartheid system.  The poll shows that 44% of North Britons want independence with only 42% favouring the status-quo.  In an ICM poll commissioned in 2000, only 23% wanted independence.  The poll also shows the SNP neck-and-neck with Labour and the leader of the SNP, Alex Salmond, is more popular than the Labour First Minister, Jack McConnell.

Labour have made their beds and now they can sleep in them.

Murray knocked out of US Open

Andy Murray, the North British tennis player who supports anyone but England, has been knocked out of the US Open.

What a shame.

Anyone But Mrray

Germany unveils “trans-national” regions

Germany has unveiled their planned “trans-national” regions which they will propose when they take over the EU presidency in January.  They have also promised to revive the EU Constitution which was rejected in referenda in France and the Netherlands – both pro-EU countries.

The new euroregions will cross national boundaries in an attempt to destroy the borders between member states and foster a European national identity.  A German minister called Wolfgang Tiefensee is quoted as saying “There is the great hope underlying the goal of a United Europe that we can overcome old borders.”  The best map I’ve seen today is, I’m afraid, in the Sun.  Apologies in advance for linking to the gutter press but needs must – The EU’s Mad Map.

Wolfgang, Schieben Sie Ihre Karte auf Ihren Arsch.

SNP call for abolition of unfair fees … for the English!

The SNP have called for the abolition of the discriminatory university fees regime in North Britain that forces English students studying north of the border paying up to £4k more than a North Briton or EU student for the same course.

The Labour and the Lib Dum controlled North British Parliament introduced the racist fees when their North British MP’s imposed top-up fees on England against the will of MP’s elected in England.

It’s really quite depressing when you think that over half of the MP’s in the British parliament are elected in English constituencies yet the only political party opposing anti-English discrimination (with the obvious exception of the English Democrats) is the SNP.

Balamory: A beacon of multiculturalism

The kids had the telly on this morning and not for the first time I have marvelled at the diversity of the multicultural haven that is known as Balamory.

For those who don’t know what Balamory is (ie. you don’t have young children or a telly), it’s a small town on a remote North British island accessible only by a ferry from the mainland.  The population comprises about one third white North British, a couple of English people, one American and about two thirds Asian/Oriental/black.  The American is a black artist and the English population of Balamory consists of a female geordie in a wheelchair, a black fitness freak and a giner curly haired kilt wearing inventor with a Scottish name who lives in a big pink castle.

The people of Balamory (or Tobomory as it’s known in real life) are an example to us all.