Archive for St George

Maybe this will help?

Seeing as how St George is under threat once again from the sandals and socks brigade, perhaps this might help …

Our patron, who art in England, St George be thy name, thy kingdom come, England will become, devolved as it is in Scotland.
Give us this day a hospital bed, and forgive those who discriminate against us.
Break us not into regions, but deliver us from Labour.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.

Are you taking a St Georges Day holiday on Monday?
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Littlejohn tells it how it is

An bunch of god-botherers and navel-gazing, beared, lentil eating, hemp wearing lefty liberal apologists have decided that St George is just too offensive and needs to be reinvented so that he’s more inclusive.

A report called “When The Saints Go Marching Out: Redefining St George For A New Era” says:

“It is time that St George was reclaimed from the dragon, from past associations with racism and the far right, and from images of arrogant flag-waving”

The racism accusation is probably two-fold (it doesn’t say).  Firstly, the BRITISH National Party often fly the flag of St George.  The BNP are racist, therefore anyone who has an English flag is – by association – also a racist with a shaved head and a combat jacket.  There aren’t any calls to remove the Union Flag – part of their logo – from Buckingham Palace but lefties aren’t exactly noted for their logic skills.  Secondly, St George is associated with the Crusades.  Two thousand years ago, muslim invaders occupied the Holy Land putting non-muslims to death and generally making a nuisance of themelves.  Christian Crusaders from across Europe went to the Holy Land to fight the invaders and reclaim the Holy Land.  This is, of course, racist and deeply offensive to muslims who are still suffering from the Crusades 2,000 years on.  Gosh, I’m so ashamed to be white and English.

The report suggests that St Georges Day should be a:

“day of dissent” – celebrating “the pro- democracy Putney Debates, the equality-seeking Levellers, the anti-slavery abolitionists, the women’s suffrage movement, conscientious objectors and peacemakers, anti-racism campaigners, human rights activists and those struggling against debt and poverty”

Day of dissent?  Sounds good to me.  Putney Debates?  Let me just check Wikipedia … oh right, some constitutional debates from when Oliver Cromwell overthrew the monarchy and established a fundamentalist Christian dictatorship in England.  Actually, I suppose that’s quite relevant to modern-day England.  Levellers?  Weren’t they a band in the 70s?  I think perhaps they’re referring to the Levellers who were also involved in Cromwell’s civil war.  Are the Church planning another revolution perhaps?  Anti-slavery, womens suffrage, conscientious objectors, peacemakers, anti-racism, human rights and global poverty?  What has that got to do with being English?

Richard Littlejohn has written an excellent piece on this – take a look.

Personally, I will be celebrating St Georges Day with a day off work, a BBQ and a pint of Bombadier with a like-minded colleague.  Most of the pubs in Telford have English flags out all year round but some of them have got in English beers and are doing other things on Monday.  The council haven’t organised anything of course, they’re too busy finding new regional projects to sign up to so they can speed up the abolition of England.

St Georges Day petition

The Prime Ministers petitions website has a petition for St Georges Day to be made a public holiday.

The petition is here.

More pointless laws proposed

Britains most senior muslim police officer (someone actually has a league table?), Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, has submitted plans to the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, to make flag burning a crime.

This is to help the police deal with violent protests apparently.  I thought waving burning rags in a crowd of people was something the police could already arrest you over – reckless endangerment or something like that.

Also included in the plan is a proposal to make it illegal to cover your face during a protest so you can’t avoid police scrutiny.  Muslim women will be exempt of course and will be able to wear a veil over their face whilst inciting murder of English people on the streets of London.

Ghaffur got in a spot of bother a couple of months ago when he said that the new anti-terror laws were criminalising muslim communities.  Almost right, it criminalises muslim terrorists.  Unless he’s suggesting that all muslims are terrorists of course.  I don’t think they are but he is a policeman and a muslim so he’d have a better idea than me.

So, not only will I be banned from burning a flag if I choose to do so but if I were to go on a protest march I wouldn’t be allowed to cover my face to remain anonymous but a muslim woman (or disguised male suicide bomber) will be allowed to wear a veil or a burkha because of her (or his) religion.

Ok, I’m starting a new religion.  It’s called Wonkism and Wonkites (followers of Wonkism) worship St George.  It is against my newly-acquired religion to show my face when I’m protesting and my religion requires me to slap anyone who denies me my religious rights in the face with a rotting kipper.  It is also against my religion to pay taxes and use metric measurements.

Let’s pray:

Our patron, who art in England, St George be thy name, thy kingdom come, England will become, devolved as it is in Scotland.
Give us this day a hospital bed, and forgive those who discriminate against us.
Break us not into regions, but deliver us from Labour.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.

Anyone else want to join? 😉

St George or Shakespeare?

Patricia Hewitt and John Reid have suggested that England should have a national Shakespeare day just like North Britain‘s Burns Night.

They’ve suggested April 23rd as a suitable date which, coincidently, is the date of St Georges Day.

So, if the British government are happy to have April 23rd as a special occassion to celebrate Shakespeare then why can’t it be a special occassion for St George?  Simple really.  St George and the St George’s Cross are both symbols that bind the English together and as far as the Scottish Raj are concerned, England is a group of 9 regions.

This is cultural genocide.