Tag Archive for Bloggers4UKIP

FCO: no EU Treaty was drafted at the European Council in December

FOIThree weeks ago we submitted a Freedom of Information Request for a copy of the EU treaty that David Cameron was supposed to have vetoed.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office have responded today with the following:

Dear Mr Parr,

Thank-you for your email. I apologise for the short delay in getting back to you.

We are not treating your email as an FOI request as no EU Treaty was drafted at the European Council in December. So I have passed your email asking about the Prime Minister’s rejection of a new EU Treaty and a financial transaction tax to my colleagues in our Europe Directorate for a response. They will be in touch shortly.

No treaty?  That’s interesting because according to the Conservative Party website on the 9th of December …

Prime Minister David Cameron has today spoken of his decision to veto a new European treaty following a round of discussions with European leaders in Brussels.

The Conservatives misleading the public?  Surely not.If you read the FOI request that we submitted, the first question asks for a copy of the treaty that Cameron vetoed and “If no draft treaty exists, please provide a précis of the intended purpose and contents of the proposed treaty”.  So no thanks, a statement from the EU Directorate isn’t really good enough.

Dear Mr Leinster,

Thank you for your reply.  In the first question in my request I said “If no draft treaty exists, please provide a précis of the intended purpose and contents of the proposed treaty”.  As no treaty exists but the proposed contents of said treaty were “vetoed” this information must surely exist and as such I should be entitled to it under the FOIA, notwithstanding the usual restrictions around national security/interest.

Bloggers4UKIP: No, we do not need a British Bill of Rights

I don’t find myself disagreeing with Nigel Farage very often when it comes to the EU and constitutional affairs but on the subject of the EU Commission on a Bill of Rights I completely disagree with him.

UKIP’s has made a submission to this commission slating the EU Convention on Human rights which was turned into the Human Rights Act in the UK and calling for a British Bill of Rights. Throughout the submission there is a conflation of English and British which demonstrates a fundamental misunderstanding of the constitutional laws in force in the UK which is common to all political parties and the media.

The submission is spot on in its criticism of the EU Human Rights Act which isn’t about human rights, it’s about imposing a liberal left wing ideology on the population. Human rights to any right thinking person are things like the right to life, the right to liberty, the right freedom of speech and assembly, the right not to have your possessions and money stolen on a whim and of course the most important right of all, the right to rebel. Getting married isn’t a human right, nor is the enforced religious indoctrination of children or middle aged women moving in their 18 year old Turkish husbands.

Magna Carta Memorial, Runnymede

Magna Carta Memorial, Runnymede

However, the answer is not to create a new British Bill of Rights. We have an English Bill of Rights which, in conjunction with Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Petition of Right and the (English) Common Law, provide us with all the basic human rights we need. The problem isn’t that we don’t have enough rights, it’s with the lack of enforcement of these rights by the judiciary and the attempted usurpation of our constitution by EU laws.

Take for instance the multi-billion pound industry around the issuing and enforcement of illegal fines, fixed penalties, penalty charges or whatever new name the crooks that issue them come up with. The Bill of Rights, which is still in force, says “any promise of fine or forfeiture before conviction is illegal and void”. Having the numberplate of your car snapped by a camera does not amount to a conviction, nor does a police officer handing you a piece of paper at the roadside. You can refuse to pay and opt for a court hearing but that comes with a further penalty in disqualifying you from the reduced fee you are offered for not challenging the illegal fine and of course the promise of a fine has already been made before your court hearing and inevitable conviction which is unconstitutional and therefore illegal.

It matters not that laws have been passed since the Bill of Rights attempting to legitimise the extortion by summary justice, Lord Justice Laws established in the 2002 case of Sunderland -v- Thoburn (aka “Metric Martyrs”) that constitutional laws could not be repealed by implication and no government has yet been stupid enough to try and repeal the English constitution. Yet here UKIP is suggesting just that!

It is worth pointing out at this point that what is incorrectly referred to as the British constitution is, in fact, the English constitution, “Free Born Britons” is a mis-quoting of the term “Free Born Englishmen” that originated from the Leveller movement and the Common Law is English, not British. The English constitution also applies to Wales because Welsh law was abolished by Henry VIII and replaced with English law. Magna Carta, the Habeas Corpus Act, the Petition of Right and the Bill of Rights are English laws and don’t apply to Scotland or Northern Ireland (with one exception).

The Criminal Procedure Act brought similar rights to Habeas Corpus and Magna Carta to Scotland in 1701 but neither of the English statutes were ever applied to Scotland or Ireland. The Petition of Right applies to Northern Ireland by virtue of its application in pre-1937 Ireland but not to Scotland and there is no equivalent in Scottish law. The Bill of Rights similarly doesn’t apply to Scotland where the Claim of Right, passed by the pre-union Scottish Parliament, provides roughly equivalent rights to those contained in the English Bill of Rights. Furthermore, in the case of Sunderland -v- Thoburn, Lord Justice Laws included the Scotland Act and the Government of Wales Act in the list of constitutional laws thus establishing the principle that Wales has a distinct constitution from England..

In order to establish an all-encompassing British Bill of Rights common to all four home nations, each of the four constitutions of the four home nations would have to be brought into line with each other or abolished and replaced with this British Bill of Rights. Since putting the Scotland Act into effect in English law or the Northern Ireland Constitution Act into effect in Scottish law would be a complete nonsense, the only alternative would be to replace the existing four constitutions with a new one. So, to establish a British Bill of Rights would require the full or partial repeal of the following:

  • Magna Carta
  • Bill of Rights
  • Habeas Corpus Act
  • Petition of Right
  • Claim of Right
  • Criminal Procedure Act
  • Scotland Act
  • Government of Wales Act
  • Northern Ireland Constitution Act
  • Northern Ireland Act

I find the prospect of British politicians who have introduced such legislative abominations as the abolition of trial by jury, the EU arrest warrant, internment and arbitrary house arrest amending and repealing our centuries-old constitutions and drafting a new Bill of Rights quite disturbing and I would hope that 99% of the population would be equally concerned at the prospect. Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus have stood the test of time so effectively that they are in force in England, Wales, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, South Africa, Singapore, Canada and other countries around the world. If a new British Bill of Rights would give us the same rights that we already have then why do we need it? If it would give us extra rights whilst protecting the rights we already have then pass a new law giving us the extra rights and leave our existing constitutions intact.

There is no need to replace our constitutions with a British Bill of Rights because we have all the rights we need. What we need is an end to the EU usurpation of our laws and for judges in the UK to be forced to uphold our existing constitutions. If it is deemed necessary to grant the Scots and Northern Irish the same constitutional rights the English and Welsh have then pass a new law giving them to them.

Assuming the foregoing was ignored and the British government ploughed on with a British Bill of Rights, there is the fundamental problem of repealing or amending any of our shared constitutional laws in that every nation using these statutes has to agree to the change. The Magna Carta on the statute books in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc isn’t a copy of Magna Carta, it is the same Magna Carta as the one in force in England: there is only one Magna Carta. Would every country using Magna Carta be happy to carry out the same act of constitutional vandalism so the British government can create a British Bill of Rights?

There is a tendency amongst the political classes to believe that making major constitutional change is simply a matter of political will but it’s not. Contrary to popular belief, the British Parliament is not an all-powerful supreme law-making body. It can’t change constitutional laws that we share with other countries, nor can it ignore centuries of judgements and precedent made by judges. Creating a British of Rights would involve massive constitutional upheaval and the consent and co-operation of several other countries around the world and in all likelihood would end up depriving us of rights rather than protecting and extending what we already have, not to mention setting a dangerous precedent that our constitutions can be changed on a whim.

UKIP’s submission is wrong in both substance and concept and I hope it has been conceived out of innocent, rather than willful ignorance. It certainly shouldn’t make it into the next manifesto.

I need an Octeday

It’s been over 2 weeks since I last posted, I’ve been neglecting the blog a bit recently.

So what’s been happening in the last couple of weeks?  Well, I went to the UKIP leadership hustings in Birmingham last week.  I’m backing Nigel Farage for leader of course, he’s the best candidate by far.  The second placed candidate, David Campbell Bannerman, is going down in my estimation every time he says or does something and I’m not the only one – I’ve had DCB supporters get in touch to tell me they’re switching allegiances since he got Farage pulled from BBC Question Time.

I’ve somehow found myself standing in for the Chairman of Brookside Improvement Group, my local residents’ group, while the Chairman recovers from illness.

The Campaign for an English Parliament’s new website is up and running.  We’re still tinkering around the edges but it’s there or thereabouts.  The latest feature to be added is a supporters mailing list.

There are a few hours left to take part in the competition over at Bloggers4UKIP.  Nigel Farage will be judging the best post published on Bloggers4UKIP by close of play today (October 22nd) and the winner will receive a signed copy of his book, Fighting Bull.  Anyone interested in taking part, use the contact form on Bloggers4UKIP.

David Wright has finally replied to me on the 500 RBS redundancies in Telford but fails to explain why he did nothing to stop the RBS policy of English Jobs for Scottish People when he was working in the British Treasury.  I asked for a meeting between him and the CEP, he’s told me to speak to his secretary to find out details of his open surgeries.  If he wants to play games, I’m happy to play along.

We’ve been doing the tour of the secondary schools again, #2 son is leaving primary school next year.  Hopefully he’ll get his first choice because it’s going to be a logistical nightmare (not to mention, expensive) if he doesn’t.

Orange are still pissing me off.  Unbelievably, a week after Three turned off their mast near my house resulting in me not being able to get a Three signal in my street, Orange did the same thing.  It hasn’t affected signal strength all that much but the already overloaded network is now worse than ever – from Friday afternoon to Monday morning, Mrs Sane can’t make or receive calls or send and receive text messages and my Three phone won’t roam onto Orange for most of the weekend because Orange cut off roaming partners when they’re overloaded.  It wouldn’t be so bad but I provide 24 hour cover for work every other week and for the second weekend in a row I’ve had to give my home phone number to work because the Orange mobile they’ve given me is useless.  Orange are now refusing to accept – despite having already admitted to me, terminated my contract early and paid me a considerable amount of compensation for refusing to admit their fault for months – that there is a problem with their network!

It’s been a busy few weeks … in fact, it’s been a busy few months.  I really must make an effort to blog more.  If anyone knows a way of slotting an extra day in the week I’m all ears.  Terry Pratchett has the right idea – I could get loads done on Octeday.

Bloggers4UKIP: Another cast iron guarantee from Devious Dave

According to ConservativeHome, “Cast Iron” Dave has given a cast iron guarantee that while he is Prime Minister the UK will never join the Euro.

Let’s hope this cast iron guarantee is more of a cast iron guarantee than the cast iron guarantee that we’d get a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

Vote for change

Dave “the Ego” Camoron has got his mug plastered on billboards all over England inviting people to vote for change … by voting for the other of the two parties that share power between them.  Some change.

No thanks Dave, I think I’ll vote for real change, not more of the same.  New Labour or Blue Labour, what’s the difference?

Vote for change - don't vote New Labour or Blue Labour, vote UKIP!

Bloggers4UKIP: Diplomatically incompetent, economically illiterate

Gordon Brown has plumbed new depths of diplomatic incompetence and financial illiteracy with the announcement that the UK will contribute £1.5bn to a £6.5bn fund for “poor” nations to combat climate change.

The pre-budget report this week set out the bleak outlook for the economy – taxes are going up, £30bn of extra pre-election vote buying, tens of billions of pounds of extra borrowing – but the chosen one has found a spare £1.5bn down the back of the sofa in Number 10 to spend on adverts showing drowning puppies and polar bears in the Seychelles.

But setting aside the idiocy of borrowing £1.5bn to give away to some corrupt, third world tinpot dictatorship to spend on guns and gold plated Mercedes, why are we paying one fifth of the amount being pledged in the name of the European Empire when there are another 26 member states who are supposedly out of recession?  No wonder the economy is in such a state when the person holding the purse strings thinks 6½ divided by 27 is 1½.


UKIP has launched a petition calling for a referendum on our continued membership of the European Empire.

Ignoring the fact that the petition says Great Britain when it should say United Kingdom (another of my pet hates!) it’s one worth signing. This petition is going to be a big one, a lot of resources are being put into it.

The mild irritation caused by the British government and the European Empire calling the EU “Europe” finally reached tipping point the other day.

Europe Minister? No, EU Minister. European Commission? No, EU Commission. European Parliament? No, EU Parliament. European president? No, EU president.

The Europe Minister isn’t responsible for British government policy for the whole of Europe, just for the EU. The European Parliament isn’t a parliament for the whole of Europe, just the EU.

This irritating conflation of “Europe” and “EU” has prompted the first Bloggers4UKIP Number 10 petition: stop referring to the EU as “Europe”.

Other petitions that may be of interest …

Camoron breaks his referendum promise

Conservative Home has confirmed what we’ve been saying along – the Tories will not hold the referendum they promised on the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution.

Tim Montgomerie has tried to spin David Camoron‘s treachery claiming that the last line of his cast-iron guarantee to hold a referendum means that no promise is being broken:

No treaty should be ratified without consulting the British people in a referendum

Montgomerie emphasises the word “ratified” because that is apparently the reason why promising a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution isn’t really a promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution. It means that the bit before …

Today, I will give this cast-iron guarantee: If I become PM a Conservative government will hold a referendum on any EU treaty that emerges from these negotiations.

… isn’t a “cast-iron guarantee” to hold a referendum on the EU treaty that emerged from the negotiations – namely the Lisbon Treaty.

Montgomerie then goes on to say that David Camoron, having lied to his party, the Sun and the electorate by saying that he will hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution when he has no intention of doing so, “deserves the continuing support of eurosceptics”. On what basis?

The next Conservative government will seek a “manifesto mandate” for renegotiation

And this shows how findamentally dishonest David Camoron, the Tories and Conservative Home are. When the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution comes into force it is not possible to renegotiate our relationship with the European Empire.

The British government will not be able to repatriate powers from the European Empire without the unanimous agreement of every member state.

The Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution introduces qualified majority voting – where we no longer have a veto – for a huge amount of policy areas.

The Lisbon Treaty/EU Constitution is not a menu from which we can pick and choose the least damaging and costly clauses – it replaces the Treaty of Rome, the treaty that established the EEC (now the EU). It would be like Puerto Rico joining the United States and picking only half od the US constitution.

The only way to renegotiate our relationship with the European Empire is to leave.

But even if David “I don’t agree Britain would be better off by leaving the European Union” Camoron was forced into holding a referendum on leaving the European Empire it would still require the unanimous agreement of all member states before we could leave following a two year “cooling off period”.

In August 2007, David Camoron told the Shropshire Star:

I don’t agree Britain would be better off by leaving the European Union. Instead, we need to work within the EU to fight for change but on the question of referendums, I do want to see one on the EU Treaty because that’s what everyone was promised. The Conservative Party is campaigning very hard on just this. Other European leaders say the latest EU Treaty is a return of the constitution in all but name so whether or not he keeps the promise to hold the referendum is a real test for Gordon Brown. It will show whether he means what he says when he talks about restoring trust in government, and involving people more in decisions.

Hoisted by his own petard. David Camoron promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty/EU Constiution and he has renaged on that promise. This was a real test for the man widely expected to be prime minister next year and he failed. In his own words, it shows that he doesn’t mean what he says about restoring trust in government and involving people more in decisions.

David Camoron is a fundamentally dishonest man, as is the Conservative and European Unionist party he leads. The vast majority of the Tory membership is opposed to the Lisbon treaty/EU Constitution, they are opposed to the European Empire and the wholesale transfer of our sovereignty to unelected eurocrats on the continent but they have been betrayed by their leader and his euofederalist colleagues.

But don’t have too much sympathy for the eurosceptic Tories who have lost their party to eurofederalist traitors – they have allowed it to happen and they allow it continue happening by continuing to support the party that has betrayed them. And people like Tim Montgomerie – collaborators with, and apologists for, the eurofederalist leadership – deserve no sympathy at all for losing the party they have worked so hard for. They sense that power is within their grasp and even though their party no longer represents their views, they will happily put their principles to one side and betray their country to be part of it.

If the Conservative Party no longer represents your views (how could it?) then you have two options. You can either continue to support and vote for the Tories and allow yourself to be part of David Camoron‘s eurofederalist mandate or you can vote for a party that does represent your views, one that will withdraw this once great nation from the European Empire. That party is, of course, UKIP.

Don’t let yourself be conned into believing that you have to vote Conservative to stop Liebour or the Lib Dims from getting into power – why vote for someone you don’t want to keep out someone else you don’t want? Lesser of two evils? Don’t make me laugh – there’s barely a cigarette paper between Liebour and the Tories. David Camoron will never renegotiate our relationship with his beloved European Empire, the Tory policy of “reform from within” is a falacy.

Vote Conservative, get Brussels. Vote UKIP, get our country back.

Bloggers4UKIP: Court of Appeal rules in favour of Electoral Commission

As reported in the media today, the Court of Appeal has ruled in favour of the corrupt Electoral Commission and ordered Westminster Magistrates Court to change its ruling that UKIP only has to forfeit £18,481 of the £363,697 in impermissible donations received from Alan Bown.

The donations were found to be impermissible because Alan Bown was mysteriously removed from the electoral register without his knowledge and only put back on when he found that he wasn’t on the register. Under a law designed to prevent foreigners from donating to UK political parties, donors who give more than £200 to a political party must be on the electoral register at the time of the donation to be legal.

The Electoral Commission insisted on a full forfeiture of the £363,697 but UKIP opted to go to court where the magistrate ruled that it was a genuine administrative oversight and ordered that only £18,481 be repayed. The Electoral Commission appealed and today the Court of Appeal ruled in their favour.

The Court of Appeal’s judgement doesn’t mean that Westminster Magistrates Court has to order a full forfeiture and there is always the option to appeal. There are certainly good grounds to appeal – the Lib Dims were found to have taken £2.4m in donations from someone not on the electoral register (who is currently in prison having been convicted of fraud) at around the same time but the Electoral Commission chose not to pursue them for the forfeiture of their impermissible donations.

UKIP is a relatively small party, punching above its weight and embarrassing the LibLabCon. The Electoral Commission is a corrupt quango and sockpuppet of the British government. Going after UKIP and ignoring the Lib Dims is contra bonos mores – so unfair that a reasonable man would never come to the same conclusion (see Wednesbury Unreasonableness).

The ironic thing is that the ultimate court of appeal is not the new “Supreme” Court (which isn’t supreme at all) but an EU court and UKIP’s continued existence as a party may lie in the hands of the corrupt, anti-democratic super-quango that it is trying to undermine.

In UKIP’s 2008 accounts, no provision was put aside for the forfeiture because Alan Bown pledged to underwrite it as he accepted the blame for not being on the electoral register. If he still intends to cover the cost of the forfeiture – estimated to reach around £750k with costs – then there are going to be a lot of very disappointed UKIP hating politicians and civil servants looking for a new way to try and do away with the thorn in their side.

Bloggers4UKIP: Ireland votes for Lisbon

The people of Ireland have been bullied, cheated and bribed into voting for the EU Constitution aka the Lisbon Treaty.

Despite yesterday’s referendum being on exactly the same Treaty already rejected this year in Ireland, the Irish have been conned into believing the “guarantees” they have been given that the Treaty will be changed are legally binding when they are nothing more than the crooked words of crooked eurofederalist politicians.

They have been threatened with isolation and losing the considerable subsidies they currently get from the European Empire if they voted no and been subjected to a massive propaganda campaign using both their own taxes and money from the European Empire.

This time, the “no” campaign was given less media coverage than the “yes” campaign after regulators in Ireland said that it was legal for broadcasters to be biased towards the Irish government’s campaign.

The only way Lisbon can be stopped now is if the Polish and Czech presidents can hold out on their ratification until the next general election in this country and hope that the Tories stick to their word and suspend ratification while they hold a referendum. However, the Polish president is unlikely to hold out for more than a few days and the Czech president is going to find it very difficult to hold out for 7 months, even with a legal challenge expected to last a few months. On top of all that, David Camoron is a fundamentally dishonest traitor who has repeatedly confirmed that he fully supports ever closer union.

The Lisbon Treaty is unlawful in this country as it binds future parliaments – something that is illegal under English law – but our corrupt, politicised judges will never stand up to their political masters. Camoron will be breathing a huge sigh of relief this afternoon that the Lisbon Treaty will most likely be ratified by the time of the next election and that he won’t have to pretend not to want it.

Once it is ratified, the Lisbon Treaty can’t be modified or repealed by our own parliament. The only way to rescind it will be to leave the EU and once the Lisbon Treaty is in force, leaving will require the unanimous agreement of our “partners” in the European Empire and a two year cooling off period. They will never agree so we will be in for a fight – perhaps even the threat of troops on our streets from the EU national army that Lisbon will create or the arrest of any politicians involved in leaving by the EU police force that Lisbon will create. But the only way we will ever be rid of these fascists is by voting UKIP – the only party that is committed to leaving the European Empire … with or without their permission.

Meanwhile, did you hear the one about the Frenchman, the Dutchman and the Irishman that had a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty …