Tag Archive for Climate Change

Bloggers4UKIP: Climate change religion is falling apart

A Populus poll conducted for BBC News has shown a marked increase in the number of people who don’t believe in the global warming climate change CO2 pollution religion.

Just 3 months ago 41% of people believed in man-made climate change, now only 26% believe.  38% believe that climate change is not proven to be man-made when 3 months ago only 32% held that opinion.  Three months ago 8% of people thought man-made climate change was environmentalist propaganda, that figure has now risen to 10%.

Worryingly, the number of people who think climate change is not happening at all has gone up from 15% three months ago to 25%.  I say worryingly because the climate is changing, just as it has for billions of years!

Overall, this is excellent news.  The wheels are falling off the global warming wagon as more and more people see through the lies, dishonesty and propaganda.

Bloggers4UKIP: Diplomatically incompetent, economically illiterate

Gordon Brown has plumbed new depths of diplomatic incompetence and financial illiteracy with the announcement that the UK will contribute £1.5bn to a £6.5bn fund for “poor” nations to combat climate change.

The pre-budget report this week set out the bleak outlook for the economy – taxes are going up, £30bn of extra pre-election vote buying, tens of billions of pounds of extra borrowing – but the chosen one has found a spare £1.5bn down the back of the sofa in Number 10 to spend on adverts showing drowning puppies and polar bears in the Seychelles.

But setting aside the idiocy of borrowing £1.5bn to give away to some corrupt, third world tinpot dictatorship to spend on guns and gold plated Mercedes, why are we paying one fifth of the amount being pledged in the name of the European Empire when there are another 26 member states who are supposedly out of recession?  No wonder the economy is in such a state when the person holding the purse strings thinks 6½ divided by 27 is 1½.

Biased BBC: no mention of climate change fraud

Don’t you just love the BBC?  Balanced reporting?  Na, that’s something for amateurs.

The BBC News website is reporting that “three UK groups studying climate change” have pronounced that “the science underpinning climate change is more alarming than ever” and are warning that carbon emissions must be cut.

These three groups say that persistent droughts in Australia – you know, that huge continent in the southern hemisphere that’s been mostly desert for the last few thousand years – are because of man-made climate change.    They also warn that the Maldives – the island chain that is asking for billions of pounds in international aid to combat climate change because it is sinking – could soon disappear under the sea because of man-made global warming.  They go on to say that evidence for “dangerous, long-term and potentially irreversible climate change” is growing.

So who are these three groups?  Well, there’s the Met Office – a British government department with a huge climate change budget that was part of the IPPC report on climate change that has been proven to have been based on fraudulent data and predictions.  Then there’s the Royal Society, also with a huge climate change budget, that has been criticised for bullying and unscientific behaviour in closing down debate that doesn’t support climate change theory.  The third is the Natural Environment Research Council, a British government funded quango with a huge climate change budget and is responsible for advising the British government on crackpot climate change policies.

So no vested interests there then.

The science if fraudulent and the only thing that is growing more alarming is the way the lies and fraudulent data and predictions these “scientists” are paid to make up are actually still being taken seriously, even when their own words have exposed them.

Balanced reporting from the BBC?  Don’t make me laugh.  There’s not one single mention of the fact that the “science” these British government funded global warming propaganda merchants are quoting is a fraud.

A very inconvenient truth

So, the wheels are coming off the global warming bandwagon at last and not a moment too soon.

With the Copenhagen Climate Summit almost upon us, some enterprising hackers have managed to find their way into the University of East Anglia’s network and copied over 1,000 emails, data files and code from their climate change propaganda department.  And they make interesting reading …

One “scientist”, Tim Osborn, told his colleagues to delete data rather than release it under the Freedom of Information Act.  Another “scientist”, Phil Jones, explained how he used a “trick” pioneered by another “scientist” to hide cooling trends.

Michael Mann, another “scientist”, said he would be contacting the BBC to find out why a journalist was allowed to write a vaguely sceptical article.  Another one, Kevin Trenberth, admits that they can’t explain why there is no global warming.

The Information Commissioner has apparently advised “scientists” on how to avoid releasing information under the Freedom of Information Act.  Tom Wigley, another of the “scientists” admits that “scientists” have been dishonestly claiming their predictions fit the IPPC climate model.

We’re being taxed and regulated into the dark ages in the name of climate change and here we have evidence that it’s nothing more than a scam motivated by hundreds of millions of pounds of government funding available for “scientists” that come up with the right answers.

Some excellent reading on Climategate:

Science Museum poll changes again!

The joke that is the Science Museum’s poll on climate change has taken another bizarre twist with the apparent reversion to the previous poll results prior to the poll being reset back to zero then changed to an almost 50/50 split.  It now shows 5,000 more “count me out” votes than “count me in”.

The Science Museum should be forced to change its name under the Trade Descriptions Act.  There is nothing scientific about this poll.

Science Museum start again with climate change poll

The excellent Englishman’s Castle tipped us off last week that the Science Museum was asking people to vote on whether they were convinced by climate change propaganda and wanted the British government to negotiate a return to the dark ages (count me in) or whether they were unconvinced (count me out).

The poll was massively in favour of the “count me out” option so, predictably, the museum have cleared the thousands of votes already cast and are inviting visitors to vote again in the hope of getting the “right” answer this time.

So please do visit the Science Museum’s website and cast your vote again.

The poll now asks you to click a confirmation link from an email and still gives you the option to read the “evidence” again when you click the “count me out” button.  When you cast your vote you are then given links to five external websites to read  more “evidence” and an invitation to a couple of events about man made climate change and why we’re running out of time.  There is no science involved, just opinion.

Count me out

Via An Englishman’s Castle, the Science Museum is inviting you to tell them if you’re convinced about climate change “evidence” and want the British government to negotiate a dangerous and expensive deal strong, effective, fair deal to return us to the dark ages prove they’re serious about climate change.  It even helpfully invites you to change your uneducated and clearly limited mind if you join the 84% of respondents and tell them to count you out.

You can even send them a message.  So I did …

The “evidence” is opinion, much of it bought with taxpayers money.  The climate is changing as it has done for billions of years and will continue to do so for billions more.  The predictions have all proven to be wrong so far and the suppression of alternative opinions that challenge the climate change religion is completely unscientific.  Climate change “science” isn’t science at all, it’s opinion auctioned to the highest bidder.  Climate change “scientists” are making more money than they could ever have dreamed of from selling propaganda to governments.

On a related note, I’ve had two letters from the Advertising Standards Agency confirming that they’re investigating both the Telegraph’s false claim to be the most informed newspaper for climate change and the British government’s “Act of CO2” child propaganda advert.

The Telegraph falsely claims in a poster that the North West Passage has just opened to commercial traffic for the first time when the Canadian government has been licencing commercial trade to use the North West Passage since the 1920’s with a break only during the second world war.  That’s excluding the Vikings using it in their little wooden boats around the time they discovered Greenland (so named because it wasn’t covered in ice back then).  The poster claims that the Telegraph is the most informed newspaper on climate change when it clearly isn’t.

The Act on CO2 advert I won’t go into too much detail on because it makes my blood boil every time I see it.  Suffice to say, when you have to resort to broadcasting a cartoon showing a crying little bunny rabbit and a drowning puppy you’ve quite clearly lost the argument (and the plot).  Propaganda aimed at children is illegal, even when it’s the British government disseminating it.  The advert was commissioned when a poll showed that 60% of people were unconvinced by the bullshit propaganda the British government puts out aboAdd New Post ‹ Wonko’s World — WordPressut climate change.  Judging by the fact that’s increased to 84% according to the Science Museum’s poll and that the Advertising Standards Agency had received 357 complaints about the advert as of Wednesday, the argument has been well and truly lost.