Branch Committee section.

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Campaign for an English Parliament
:: Shropshire ::

Shropshire Branch

The Campaign for an English Parliament have appointed Edward Higginbottom as branch co-ordinator for Shropshire.

Shropshire Branch is a bit light on members at the moment which is something we are currently working to rectify.

What are we doing?

Edward has written to the Local Media in Shropshire and the surrounding area informing them of his appointment and the relaunch of the Shropshire Branch.

See the News section for more details.

Who is on the committee?

You will find details of the Shropshire Branch committee under the В bbbb|bP1MMq5+#?#  2!!22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222@"Ir!L\ #$ d$%%$083210/.!(!p!!!H!